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Miguel Angel

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Everything posted by Miguel Angel

  1. His work on "Corazon" and "Where is Kyra" is outstanding. Also: Chayse Irvin, his work on "Hannah" is extraordinary. Hannah - Trailer .
  2. Tyler, Roma is not about Cuaron's mother and his mother wasn't a house maid as you suggest on your post, it is about Cleo, his nanny (whose real name is Libo) Cuaron's mother was the woman married to the doctor (Sofía, whose real name is Cristina) and Cuarón himself is Paco. ;) Have a lovely day!
  3. I'd say the following: - Mikhail Krichman (the best!) - Jessica Lee Gagné - Larkin Seiple - Gorka Gomez Andreu - Barbu Balasoiu (for his work on Sieranevada, which is absolutely spectacular)
  4. Thanks Pavan! I will have to check the work of those Indian filmmakers you mentioned! :) Hey Takoda! I hope that your short goes well!! and I'm glad my experience gave you a bit of hope!!! :) Have a lovely day both! :)
  5. Thanks for your kind words Patrick! First time ever having a short-film on tv!! The director said that it looked good! I shot everything at 1600ASA and the T-stop that I had on the lenses was probably T2.3 all the time. There were moments (like when he is getting out of bed) that I couldn't see anything on the monitor other than the window but surprisingly enough they came out really well. Thanks Phil!!! :) That road leads to a place called Dursey Island (where the cable car is) and it is extremely beautiful. Daniel just told the guys (non professional actors) to make conversation.. and when we realised that they were singing we were absolutely delighted! It feels really real. We were in the back seat, curled and holding the camera so it didn't move with all the curves and etc :D :D Beautiful experience!
  6. Ha! I have seen photos of it on reduser and it definitely looks like one of those lenses that could cause a lot of trouble! Never seen anything shot with it though, it has to be quite interesting! Have a good day!
  7. Many thanks Robin!!! Every time I watch it I'm torn apart because those are the kind of images that I want to make and the way I love working but I can't do that on commercials and I haven't found any other director who wants to work that way.. so I hope that Daniel writes his movie soon and we can shoot it ha! Or maybe I should just move to Romania and make movies over there :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Have a lovely day!
  8. Hi! The widest I know of (other than the Arri Zoom) is a 22mm Lomo Squarefront lens but it is quite impossible to find. There is also a 28mm Master Anamorphic https://www.camtec.tv/arri-zeiss-master-anamorphics Atlas has a 32mm https://atlaslensco.com/orionseries/ Caldwell Chameleon has a 25mm https://www.newsshooter.com/2019/02/05/caldwell-chameleon-1-79x-anamorphic-lenses/ Cineovision has either a 22mm or a 24mm (depending on the manufacturer) https://www.camtec.tv/cineovision-anamorphic/ Cooke has a 25 https://www.cookeoptics.com/l/anamorphiclens.html Elite anamorphics made a 25mm https://www.camtec.tv/optika-elite-mkv Kowa has the 32mm https://www.camtec.tv/kowa-cine-prominar-anamorphic Hawk has a 25mm https://www.camtec.tv/hawk-cseries-anamorphic Have a lovey day.
  9. I woke up with a piece of amazing news. Miah is being screened tonight (Monday 18th) on RTE2 in Ireland on its program called Shortscreen. I'm pretty sure that not a lot of you live in Ireland so you will be able to watch it from tomorrow on the RTE player :) www.rte.ie/player/ Or you can still watch it on Vimeo through my link on the post above :) Have a lovely day!
  10. Fabulous photos of Russia in the 90s, which is not that long ago! Lise Sarfati https://www.slavorum.org/excellent-photos-of-russia-in-the-90s-through-the-camera-lens-of-french-photographer-lise-sarfati/?fbclid=IwAR1_CMAqM67n3URpyDvvUeJrocZivs7ebXKmwjs2CpGy83xZd-w2awHu6wo And Lise Sarfati's website Lise Sarfati https://lisesarfati.com
  11. I finished watching the second season last night and I immediately started listening to your podcast about it! Loved both, the tv series and the podcast! :) Thanks for all the insights and congratulations, it is a wonderful tv series!!! Just in case somebody else hasn't listened to it, here it is: https://ascmag.com/podcasts/the-marvelous-mrs-maisel Have a lovely day!
  12. Very sad to read this particular piece of news.
  13. Sometimes you stumble upon projects that are really really rewarding and where you can express yourself as an artist. Médicos Del Mundo is one of them. Chema Sayago, a producer friend of mine, gave me a call one day and asked me if I was available to shoot a project for a NGO with no money. I obviously said yes. He told me that the director was going to be Borja Larrondo, whom I didn't know at the time. I was a bit nervous about that because he is a really good director, amazing photographer, has everything super clear and his work is always extremely impressive. On top of that he has a couple of awards like a Lion from Cannes and a Clio.. so nothing big haha! Anyways! We met through a Skype call and we connected straight away.. he is such a humble person! and super open to ideas from collaborators! It was like if I had been talking to a friend of mine whom I had known since we were kids! Hence, I took the first plane on that day from Dublin to Madrid and we started doing our location scouting on the following day. We had 10 locations to shoot in just 1 day (12 hours) so we went to the locations a couple of times before the shooting day to make sure that we knew what we wanted to do, how we wanted to do it and what kind of things we could improvise. That prep time was fundamental for us to be able to shoot that fast. At some point we started to think that it would be interesting to mix formats and create the sense of despair and loneliness through different shots of the locations, in 35mm in order to get a rougher image than the one that the Alexa was going to give us. And we shot on 35mm too! which added a bit of pressure (as if we didn't have any!) to our schedule... mainly because it had to be edited and graded 3 days after the shooting day and as there was a weekend in between the cost of processing and scanning in Cinelab was astronomic for our production, so we decided to not process the film during the weekend and wait for them to process it during the week. They edited the project leaving empty spaces for the 35mm shots and the producers convinced the client to wait for those shots because they were going to make the project way better.. and when the shots came in Borja chose the ones that he liked, Nuria (our editor) inserted them and I went to the colour grading place for 15 minutes to make sure that they looked exactly as we wanted them to look. I've to say that all the team behind the project was really supportive of all our ideas, from the producers to the client and the crew. All spectacular! The companies which supported this endeavour were fantastic as well so thanks to everybody! The Director's Cut has English subtitles and a different music, coming from Nicolas Jaar, who let us use one of his songs. The Client version doesn't have English subtitles and has a lot of 35mm stuff. I think that both are very good! Medicos Del Mundo - Director's Cut - English Subtitles Medicos Del Mundo https://vimeo.com/305734573 - We shot on Alexa Mini and Arricam LT + Leica Summilux and Kodak Vision 3 5219 pushed 1 stop. Colour graded by Noemi Lallave in El Colorado (Madrid) I hope you like it!
  14. And I've read them all!!! Thanks for giving me so many hours of joy! :).. some day I'll be in one of them!!!! :) :)
  15. Hi there! I shot the following video for my friends of Welab last month and we used the LF + Master Anamorphics and Supreme Primes. The spherical bits are the portraits and they were cropped, the image that the LF gives you is way bigger.. and I think that you can clearly see the way the Supremes behave. Take into consideration that everything was shot with just natural light but a couple of portraits where I placed a bounce.. and we were just 3 people making it We actually said: Well.. what better way to shoot a test than shooting a video for you haha. Adam shared a commercial that he shot on the LF + Canon K35s not that long ago too so you could definitely compare both. Anyways! I hope it helps! Have a good day!
  16. Christophe Jacrot https://christophejacrot.com/en/ Impressive photos!
  17. First time being interviewed and it was because of The Tattoo! :O It is a Spanish cinematography magazine so don't expect it to be translated to English haha! :) https://www.cameraandlightmag.com/noticias/miguel-angel-vinas-sobre-the-tattoo-y-la-sutilidad-en-el-rodaje-de-epoca/ Have a lovely day!
  18. Hi Vince, You can take a look at the 8mm Ultraprime, which is quite interesting. Or you can take a look at The Favourite, which was mainly shot on a 8mm, 10mm and 12mm The Favourite Have a good day.
  19. Many happy returns Greg!! and happy holidays to everybody!! :)
  20. That's quite interesting! They are starting to make a lot of investment in Europe, specially in Spain since they created the European headquarters in Madrid.. and for what I've heard, they are pretty open over here to make tv series and movies. :)
  21. Spanish subways are not as cool as yours guys! :D Never thought about shooting infrared on a subway, should be interesting! In the meantime, I found an amazing cinematographer who is also a really good photographer. He only has a bunch of stills on his website but they are really really good (as is his work in general!) Jeremy Rouse https://www.jeremyrouse.com/stills Also, Daniel Bouquet! Daniel Bouquet https://www.danielbouquet.com/portfolio
  22. Even though you said that you were looking for a "unlit" and "natural" look I am going to suggest something completely different and maybe it will give you some ideas. You have some windows in your hangar so, open one of them if you can, place the band nearby and put a molebeam outside the window directed towards the band or to the ground, put some haze in the hangar if you can and there you go, you see the band, you show a little bit of the hangar, you have your two quasar in the background and you are pretty much lit for everything. Alternatively, if your budget stretches a bit more you could open more windows and place more molebeams outside to create several shafts of light. This is coming from a person who really hates shafts of light :D but I'd say that it would be a nice solution for your problem and budget. Have a lovely day.
  23. Haha maybe that's the reason why my 1st Ac kept asking me why I had the Arriglow on all the time :lol: . But in fairness I didn't have any problems at all, perhaps the Arricam LT's viewfinder is super bright?
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