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Everything posted by Markshaw

  1. My problem is that I am impatient and want the new releases as soon as they come out. But that is my decision. I agree that if you are prepared to wait you can pick up some real bargains. Picked up the complete Battlestar Galactica for less than $100 including shipping.
  2. I also liked the way IJAKOTCS looked. It went well with the look of the earlier IJ movies. I'm actually liking it the more I watch it. My little nephew loves it, especially the jungle scenes, bless him.
  3. At least Warner Bros have ditched the Lossy audio and VC1 Codec in favor of dts HDMA and AVC. Definitely a step in the right direction.
  4. I think the tide has turned for 3D theatrically. I used to hear the line "this movie is also available in 2D" Whereas now I hear "This movie is also available in 3D in selected cinemas" Not a huge difference in wording, but it clearly states that 2D has priority. Good news me thinks.
  5. I would agree that Spielberg's movies tend to have "closure" but is that a bad thing? Take the end of Minority Report, the ending was perfect in my opinion as was the end of Saving Private Ryan and A.I. I can honestly say that I have never watched a Spielberg movie and been disappointed by the finally, even War Of the Worlds (even though I felt that the film was a bit rushed).
  6. Surely if you are already in a program you should see it through. A prospective employer will see that you stayed with it and saw it completed and that will look better for you.
  7. Yes the main character is a horse. But weren't critics cynical when Spielberg announced that he was making a movie about Dinosaurs? Let's give this movie a fair crack of the whip.
  8. Picked up a ton of Blu-rays extra cheap including Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction for less that 5 dollars each and X-Men First Class for less than 10 Dollars. Will some as Christmas presents. I would not consider any of the movies I purchased as "crappy titles".
  9. What works for one may not necessarily work for another. There are different ways to learn and people have different learning styles and abilities.
  10. Many of today's movies are so CGI reliant that they have forgotten how to work without it. When you look at a classic such as Carpenters The Thing and realize that almost no CGI was used in the production and it still got the desired result.
  11. I really detest that "Soap opera" feel of many TV shows. It looks so fake.
  12. Is there a website which maybe lists where films are being made and locations of sets. Or is that kind of info generally kept secret.
  13. Watched it again, this time at home and I did find it more enjoyable this time. Still a cluster**(obscenity removed)** at the beginning though.
  14. If the person can do the job and can show he can do the job, then it shouldn't really matter if he has a degree or not.
  15. You obviously had a bad time and I don't mean to slight that. However you cannot assume that EVERY Film School is that bad.
  16. If it means watching movies with THE best audio and video I choose to stay with the "dying" format.
  17. I'd volunteer my jugular for any of those hotties.
  18. I had heard that Lucas deliberately released a sub par version just so that he can release an uber edition some time down the road.
  19. The shouting I have witnessed was also due to excessive noise on set and in the environs. Never due to ego's or attitude. I must admit I found Bale's explosion fascinating and scary at the same time.
  20. She does have amazing skin. I noticed that too.
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