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Martin Yernazian

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Everything posted by Martin Yernazian

  1. hehehe we are responding to each other like crazy, might us well call you up and go get a drink at a pub ( I don't drink but I'll make an exception hehehe) The adapter looks great and for the picture ( yes I have this kind of sense hehe) it looks pretty solid Thanks for the picture
  2. OOOOOOOOOhh I like that a lot, and at the same time is comforting since I just lost a bidding on ebay for a Kinoptic and it really sucked ass because it was for a 10 dollars difference and the glass was perfect...... damn What where your results with your setup.... because that's what I want ... a wide straight lens for crazy fast scenes, also whats the f-stop range?Do you have a picture of it ? Dude I sound like a high school girl haha
  3. I just Bought and NPR and I tell you for the little that I used it I was in love hehehe Yes is not smooth as other newer cameras but it makes the whole experience much better ( in my opinion) Also the turret is great and gives you tons of options ( the c mount plus the CA-1 can be converted adapted etc) Anyhow in the meantime I just lost a kinoptic 5.7 lens on ebay ( I got beat by a margin of 10 fu**ing bucks!!!!!) So I'm pissed!!!! Buy an NPR( Period you won't be disapointed)
  4. Thanks will I' was going to get it but I think I will wait for a used one or a better 8mm I love the idea of and special looking lens but for that I will prefer a Kinoptic 5.7 or an Angeniuex 5.9 ( sadly the last one doesn't cover S16.... (well it does but it has soft vignetting... I tried it and this lens is beautiful for marine cinematography) Best
  5. Well Les Bosher is making me an adapter specially for the canon fd to the c mount with his system so I can roll the f- stops with out taking the lens. Also part of his conversion is to include the PL mount conversion.... and I could choose either the c mount or the ca-1 to convert.... knowing that the ca-1 wasn't going to give me many lenses I give up that one ..... PLus he's is converting the support system and he is putting 15mm rods on the cam plus a handle and support for me to hand hold the cam I guess the cam is going to come back a Super NPR :) Best
  6. Thanks Ian I actually I will be trying alll my canon 17 primes lenses will see what happens..... I also install ( welll Les Bosher is Installing) a pl mount on my CA-1 So when the money comes for my features ( like 4 now) I'll rent them , the best primes available Best
  7. I bought the 9 edition a month ago Boy I can't put it down so much info.... so much stuff that you can adapt to your own workflow and make it eaiser Great buy
  8. hahahahaha that's funny also I want it to ask you, I think it was you that had adapted his canon fd to c mount ? what was experience with them ? and with teh adaptor? Best
  9. BRAVO ERIC, BUT.... my advice will be to similar to Adam's take a course for a week or 2 or non but study on your own go to other people filmshoots, start from way down there pick up a broom stick anything.... work your way up. Conviction, persistance and true passion will make it happend for you ...... Meanwhile write, and write or team up with somebody and create an small project and make it, once you are done, make something bigger This is for MAvericks not for sissy humans.... you need to know how to walk the walk Best
  10. Thanks Dan..... I'll make you a deal when the time comes you will be the first one to know, or you will be the first one to be hire to be in the production hehee Best
  11. Really? I thought this movie was shot on 35mm completely? wow... I should check it out Best
  12. THanks Ian That seems the kind of info I was looking for thanks , the canon looks pretty cheap, hows the image ? Best
  13. To be honest I can't tell you haha I have 2 projects that I'm saving for my self and they are honestly the best stories for me Also I would love to make the final episode fo Pirates of the Dark Water at Cartoon Network it was the biggest bummer when the canceled that show Best
  14. Also HE talks about the mount being blank, that does mean that I can put any mount in there as I please? Best
  15. Thanks Chris Even Do I'm still really confused... thanks anyway Best
  16. WOW! I love this movie I thought it was really creative for what it was or what I was expecting I saw it on dvd, I would love it to see it on the theaters Best
  17. Kelly follow your instincs, don't listen to ANYBODY more than you listen to yourself, if you believe thatn you can make it happen, just go for it , sometimes when you ask for advice you don't get it, instead you get a lot of people talking but not to you GO ALL IN, BET IT ALL, GO CRAZY AND MAKE THE BEST FILM YOU CAN PRODUCE BEST
  19. Sadly the change has to start somewhere, and most likely has to start with ourselves the era of people been call treehuggers for trying tosave the planet is gone the era of change must be produce everywhere well lets start with ourselves first As I type this my friend and colleague Lauren Selman is writing a guide to go green on set and on the industry ( that right now it shows that is the 4th most wastefull in Los Angeles and beyond) THe thesis is based on reducing cost by applying a little bit ( I real little bit) of organization in pre pro and post production, nothing out of the way to be honest I read some of the ideas and I said; " they don't do that Already" for example: the movie Sahara had a budget of 60 million dollars and becuase of artist comodities, the budget double on what?: water bottles ( the spend 105k on water bottles) AC systems Jacuzzis running all times ( wasting an incredible amount of energy) And a 24/7 non stop running set at full power alll the time,( I know , why? trust me this came out out of the studios books itselfes) I know most of you are pissed for the banning of this lights and I agree with Adam the change should start with something else like the buldings been left lit 24/7 But going green in your set it is important to the amount of waste produce by the industry are enormous, the environmental changes they produce when they go on location are irrevocable. This guide ( that I'm personally promoting) will save , not only the world around you, but also your pocket ( from industry to guerrilla filmmaking) Not to say that it will help your picture also ( you will have to do things differently to achieve it and trust me this ain't that hard) Best
  20. Hey I just found this lens on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/Fujinon-f-1-8-16-160-Z...VQQcmdZViewItem What you guys think? Best
  21. Man I love those colors Reversal is one of the most beautiful types of stock I love the richness of the stock even better when you cross process it aaaaaaaaaa lovley ( I have done tons of experimentations on 35mm stills and I want to shoot it on 16 now) Man I will love to share my experiments later on with you Best
  22. the test was cute in youtube I can't tell the diference in image between a dvx100 and 16mm... sorry it will better for me to see it in another format Best and keep it up
  23. Nice Work!!!!! I had a few problems with the lighting, story and a little bit of the acting The girl steals the show..... Still keep it up, make the pictyure with the lighting, sometimes a 3 light position doesn't work. I mean observe life, and check how much light you will have on a scene like the desk on .... pre plan extensively Any how Good work Best
  24. Dear Justin Your images are respectable, and they serve you well in your reel now let's go to the problems The pacing is way to slow, you have great images, and i feel that a reel like yours should go boom boom boom, instead is a little bit slow and the images don't match between each others I feel you should cut it again and make it much tighter ( and I mean tighter) I hope that helps
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