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Heri Rakotomalala

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Everything posted by Heri Rakotomalala

  1. I just call them light streaks These are done in post - It's available as stock footage, with a transparent layer, and just add it on top on your edit software. Here's a stock site having them.
  2. Speaking about EVFs, have you seen the new Atomos Ninja Blade? 5 inches, IPS 720p resolution. I think it would work well with the pocket camera, and it should be possible to attach a finder to it to transform it into an EVF. I have a standard def monitor for the moment and i think the Ninja Blade would work well. Would also work with other cameras (Canon 5D, Blackmagic production camera etc.)
  3. Thanks Tyler. Nice technique with the viewfinder. And quite a lightweight package you got there :D I'm never sure with ND filters. I find they add a color cast to the footage. A few colleagues suggested using IR cut filters. Not many alternatives though...
  4. If you are looking for cheap (I read "minimal" costs), then C100 would be perfect for a documentary. Many colleagues using it for documentaries, it's a workhorse, no headaches and no need to have additional gear.
  5. A bit late but Concordia is top-notch (good cinema industry in Montreal, top-notch teachers, etc. check out also what the alumnis have done)
  6. A camera rental shop for small productions. No d-21 though :D
  7. I have never used Lanparte equipment but they do look solid. I got a Tilta cage for a Blackmagic pocket cam and was pleasantly surprised (review), would buy again.
  8. I was pleasantly surprised as well, esp. the production design. Agree there wasn't much subtlety though.
  9. Isn'it the same when productions have to rent from a camera rental house? Usually rental houses require that you have insurance.
  10. Great pieces. How do you stabilize the camera? Especially in the 1st video - I was impressed. Also are you using ND filters? And if yes, are you also using IR filters?
  11. The 24" Ultrasharp has definitively better colors. I would use it as a main monitor and then the Bravia just to "check" how it looks on a consumer TV
  12. Maybe this means that instead of investing in bigger lights, we will invest in better 1st ACs? and better focusing solutions.
  13. What battery solution were you using in that shoot Adam?
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