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Michael Carter

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Everything posted by Michael Carter

  1. I use anything to print on. They call this intermediate film. I wish I could buy print film this way.
  2. Room for more https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1211480395659414&set=gm.2202756389969421&type=3&theater&ifg=1
  3. Wrong. My order was confirmed and I have a tracking number. https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?action=track&tracknumbers=450664574877&clienttype=ivother
  4. I bought two https://www.kodak.com/uploadedFiles/Motion/Products/Product_Information/Product_Change_Notice/PCN050118-Limited-Release.pdf
  5. Wow. I hope I can print it as well on PF2. Thanks. Silver IS green. Selenium gets rid of it
  6. BTW, I hand process in spiral tanks. The use of one ml of a premixed liquid developer in 400 ml of filtered water is very appealing to me.
  7. Another round of tests was given in order to develop 3378 as negative with lower contrast. Stand development was used. RO9 was the developer. This film is very sensitive to it. Development had to be adjusted. Time was shortened. Temperature was lowered. Agitation was deminished. Dilution was increased. Filters would help, too, but we're not used. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1209330349207752&set=oa.2110096492568745&type=3&theater&ifg=1 That stained glass is a good indicator of correct exposure. I determined Asa to be one click lower than 25.
  8. Here is a playlist of videos made from short test clips of 3378. The last one 3378 16 is where I got it right. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU2eKg3uAYHi5ng70ffR87qymetLLLrZQ
  9. Totally useable. Have a look. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yEF11bU3Og4&t=3s Video transfer by me here https://vimeo.com/207964657
  10. The film was washed again longer using filtered water then photographed again this time with papers next to the sides of the film and auto color corrected. Now it looks about as it does to the eye. Pink is gone. Now it is slightly purple and mostly gray, but light gray. Exposure was in the center part of the bracket series, about 25 Asa, film is 7222, no filters were used in brightest sunlight.
  11. Washing more removes most. The video camera used to make the stills added color.
  12. Bleaching the film a min. before developing (and clearing) got rid of the pink. That is how to use Fomapan R-100 as negative and I tried it with N74 and 7222. They react all the same. Film turns white then develops black. Another observation. RO9 developer turns black after developing 7222 (without any bleaching) but not so N74. What is going on here? Some say doubling fixer time gets rid of the pink. Pre-bleaching worked better.
  13. 7222 f16 in 3200 foot candles 24 fps H16Rx4 no filters dev in RO9 1:300 3 1/2 hours
  14. If I developed a little less, the f8 shot would come to life and be easier to print, it would be a better Asa 6.
  15. Test. 7222 in bright sun 3200 FC 24fps BolexRX4 shutter on 1 f22, shutter open f22, f16, f11, f8. All negative images show detail in lights and darks, go from lighter to darker negatives, but I have printed such easily. Development was by hand on spirals. I use Lomo tanks. RO9 at 1:300 for 3 1/2 hours. 72 degrees. 30 agitations to start, then one an hour. Leader is clear without fog and the same from edge to edge. No filters are needed to use 7222 on a bright sunny day. Any will print. All are good.
  16. RO9 One Shot seemed to develop at low Asa rates, not at box speed.
  17. Auricon Pro 600 Variable Area Optical Sound on Film
  18. Will daylight light bulbs used at night make 400 Asa on ORWO N74? It only is rated as 250 Asa in Tungsten, but 400 Asa in daylight!
  19. Don't skip details here https://www.facebook.com/michael.studiocarter
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