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Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

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Everything posted by Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

  1. Yes, trying the shop vac route. Noise is not a bid deal for me. I don't plan to use the easel for hours on end. And even if it is use somewhat extended, I will put on my ear protectors I use for shooting.
  2. Now when you talk about a monochrome scanner are you talking about a true B&W dedicated sensor with no color array? https://www.opto-e.com/basics/monochrome-vs-color-sensors If so, they are much sharper than a color sensor if you are comparing like size sensors. At least that is how it is with cameras. I have not tried the newest monochrome cameras. But the old Leica Monochrom 18mp was equivalent to a 30mp - 36 mp color camera, roughly speaking.
  3. Are you setting up yourself? When I checked they wanted about $3.5 K to setup and train. Lasergraphics wanted $7.5K for setup. But that was a while back.
  4. The archivist is an impressive unit. And almost affordable at $40K. It looks like a much better value than the Filmfabriek. They need to drop the Filmfabriek down to $25K to compete with the Archivist. The color recovery from red faded films is unbelievable. The 'color print with enhanced shadow detail' and 'high exposure B&W negative' is an example of what I wrote about with upscaling. Upscaling can blur the pixels to smooth out the look. I use it a lot of VHS transfers upscaling to 960p. The examples they used may not be the same thing, but the samples they offered are a good visual representation of it more or less. But like I wrote before, either you like the look or not. With VHS it looks like crap to start with most of the time. I usually have to desaturate about 40%. The upscaling smooths it out a lot.
  5. How did that work? Did they use the same gate for different dyes and clean in in between runs or did they have dedicated gates for each color? Are there any films on the technicolor process from start to finish? I have some IBT sun fade tests just starting. Dye Transfer prints have have good dark storage but poor light fastness. We will see how the film holds up. Although there is not much to compare it too. Just Kodachrome. All the film color print material has gone red more or less. Here is a video on dye transfer...prints. I guess it is the same concept as film, just stills. https://archive.org/search.php?query=Bob+Pace+'The+Dye+Transfer+Process'+Parts+D.D.Teoli+Jr.+A.C.
  6. I want to build one that is strictly vacuum with no glass on top for copy stand use. I was going to use perforated sheet steel for holes. They have a 1/8 or 3/16 inch hole option on the steel. Some companies have smaller holes. I'm thinking 1/8 should do it. I plan to mask off areas with plastic that are not being used to increase suction. I will use a shop vac for suction. Frame to be wood. I may have to use some metal strip in the center to support the steel sheet. Will have to see how much it sags.I was thinking of 24 x 24 inches, but may go 18 x 24 to increase suction. Steel comes in 24 x 24 as standard size. If you want max suction the best would be to build specific size easels. But it is time and $$, although the payment is mostly time as the smaller you go the cheaper it is and $$ is not a big deal. I'd rather buy one instead of making one as long as it was affordable. But all these old school tools are slim pickings trying to find them to buy.Here is one like we used back in the 1970's for graphic arts use. Ours was bigger and more robust. It was on a stand and swiveled for vertical use with process camera or horizontal use. They were called vacuum frames. The glass did not heat in them. They were not hot presses.https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1190287-REG/drytac_hgp360_hot_press_heated_glass_top.html?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&lsft=BI:514&gclid=CjwKCAjwxuuCBhATEiwAIIIz0dy9-SOcFEBlb25UvFhqGcp3TS1_nnlJiUNJ5Yf8SyCy74G58boykBoCoiUQAvD_BwEThey had an old thread at Large Format forum on a home built vacuum easel. Sadly, all the links are dead.Here is some videos on YT.https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=vacuum+easelI had built a vacuum easel when I was a kid, but it did not work good. The holes were far apart and too big.
  7. I saw it years ago on DVD or it may have been Blu-ray? From what I recall they said it was scanned at 2K, but I may have been wrong or they may have rescanned recently. I see thousands of films and get them all mixed up. Yes, Samsara has stunning and beautiful photography. If I ever move to 4K I will get it in 4K for sure. https://www.google.com/search?q=crew+for+samsara+film&sxsrf=ALeKk03qThCBEx-JVN3WemOQAPXpeM230g:1616602664987&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjHmNucqsnvAhXDWc0KHa8SB80Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1312&bih=865 I had a photo of the gear the Samsara crew travelled with at the airport at Tumblr, but Tumblr banned me in 2019 and deleted all 48 of my websites. Here is a copy of it I just put up at the I.A. https://archive.org/details/samsara-equipment-color-corrected That line of gear really impressed me. You have to be very anal for good movie work. But they weren't very anal with their still photography of the gear...huh. That is usually how it goes. We can be great in our areas of expertise and crappy in other areas we don't care about. I do it all the time.
  8. https://archive.org/details/film-making-magazine-2 For the small format filmmaker
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitzcarraldo Fitzcarraldo by Werner Herzog has some interesting commentary. Although not that much technical discussion. He talks about one cameraman having a toe bitten off by piranha fish. Another cameraman had his hand ripped open and operated on with no anesthesia except having his head cradled between the boobs of one of the 2 camps prostitutes. He said in this part of the world prostitutes are expected just as food is expected to be supplied. He talks about his distaste for storyboarding and working with hundreds of native Amazon Indians. Werner said one of the Indians offered to murder the main actor over dailey temper tantrums on the set. Highly recommended
  10. Thanks. Fantastic collection. It would be nice if they had page # options instead of endless scrolling.
  11. Found on eBay. Archived photos at I.A. What year was it in service? Any stories about it? Vanguard Xr 35 Telecine Projector 35mm Photo Film Viewer D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Thanks
  12. Took 2 years, but proved to be worth it. If you got / get mildewed or moldy paperwork it may be of interest to you. Full rundown https://daniel-d-teoli-jr-archival-collection-ii.home.blog/2019/05/11/treating-moldy-and-mildewed-books-with-a-microwave-oven/
  13. You just have to try things to see how they look. It is not that upscaling makes things magically better. It is upscaling can smooth things out some. Or give the specs required without losing too much quality. As far as smoothing things out. Since you lose res when you upscale , it may smooth out pixilation problems associated with low res. (to a small degree.) Similar to descreening a halftone image. All the descreening does is blur things. To Upscale or not upscale? – Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection (wordpress.com) They had a thread here awhile back about upscaling to fool the client. How it is unethical. I've had some artists do that to me. They provide a small size of art or animation and I ask for higher res and they upscale it. Does me no good. Here is a piece I upscaled. Yale would not give me the hi res version. There was no hi res versions on the web unless you had a connection. So I upscaled a few hundred % and it sill looks pretty good. I also sharpened and contrast graded. That made a big dif. Of course, the original was relatively low res. So you can only magnify upscaled version so much. But same thing with original...low res is low res. A Nightclub Map Of Harlem E. Simms Campbell D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection as archivist : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Here is a very rare piece. The original was very low res, maybe 200kb. I upscaled it. It looks OK, but if you magnify it is poor. But no other option, I couldn't afford the original. I upscaled to 1.3mb. Why? Didn't harm it. The original was crap if you magnify. Contrast grading and sharpening made it look doable at normal viewing size. Plus it is kinda a loss leader when someone does a Google image search. My image comes out on top due to the 'hi res.' Ruth Snyder Electrocution Daily News Jan 14,1928 D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : D.D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive OP, like I said, just try stuff. Either it looks good or not. I'm still waiting for the magic bullet software. There is probably no one in the world that needs a magic upscaling software than me.
  14. Did Scannity invent the wetgate? If the wetgate is $225K how much is the scanner Robert? I'm still looking into FilmFabriek-HDS-2019-technical-specifications.pdf. I have not found much feedback on them. Have you had any experience with that unit Robert for the budget minded scanner? It does not do me any good that there are better scanners in the world that I could never afford. I'm looking for a 4K scanner that is affordable, reliable and produces decent results with warped up archival material.
  15. That is it Phil. You see it at the end. It is just one panel I will use in some film I will do down the road. I can't afford to have him do a comic book or strip for me. I told him to animate it some later on. The text will come out of the beatnik's mouth and the girl with flick some ashes. While the artist is very inexpensive, but my budget is very low as well. I plan on using another of his jobs in a forthcoming film I need to scan...The Initiation, a 1920's nudie cutie with an old codger peeping Tom looking through the windows. He did one for me called 'A Chikan Groper Production.' I will use it for that film. (Chikan = +/- Japanese groping on the subway, or similar.) Sometimes I spend too much time getting the art done rather than doing the scanning. Scanning is pretty boring. I just want the scan, I don't want to do it. But before I scan the film I gotta test a used guillotine cutter I got today. I use it for unbinding books and mags so I can run them through the sheet fed scanner. GD...I hate scanning! Well, maybe it would not be so bad if I had everything set up to go. But for every job I got break things down and set up the new equipment. No room.
  16. Looks interesting. OP...buy what you can reasonably afford and scan them . Then put up on the Internet Archive.
  17. My artist in South America working on a job for me.
  18. Sadly the sealed tape I referenced above was a mess. Same thing with drop outs. The last remaining copies of that VHS must have been stored poorly. Maybe near a magnetic source. Both tape pretty much mirror each other for defects. The guy selling it had about 10 sealed copies at one time. Maybe a close out he acquired.
  19. I used to and still use a Rocket blower. But for some jobs it is almost a lost cause. https://www.amazon.com/Giottos-AA1903-Rocket-Blaster-Large-Red/dp/B0013J0502/ref=sr_1_9 I picked up a mini compressor and love it. https://www.amazon.com/Makita-MAC100Q-Oil-Free-Electric-Compressor/dp/B084GY6DXV/ref=sr_1_1 The Rocket blower has it purpose, but for serious work, the compressor is the way to go. This is especially true if you do lots of sheet fed scans. A speck of dust on a flat bed scanner...is a spec of dust. On a sheet fed scanner, a speck of dust is a white or black line drawn across the entire scan image. I'm not exactly new to compressors. I had one in my wet darkroom for many years. Much, much better than canned air for cleaning negs and chromes. But that was decades ago. In those days the compressor was a monster you had to wheel around. I also had a vacuum running for the vacuum frame. So I had lots of noise in the darkroom competing with listening to Dr. Demento on the radio. The new compressors are small and quiet. Dare I say whisper quiet. If you do get a compressor, you don't have to crank up the regulator to max. 30psi is pretty good.
  20. Thanks for the replies. No, not machine because it varies from no problems to big problem from tape to tape. And I have 2 duplicate machines and tapes run the the same on either machine. Plus I clean the heads often. I got a sealed tape yesterday that was a mess. It must have been stored poorly, maybe near magnetism as it drops out at similar spots as the tape runs. Dunno, some tapes hold up better than others.
  21. Some of the VHS tapes I get have lots of damage at the bottom. I'm starting to crop the image to cut the damage out. Usually it is only 15% or so off the bottom. So far, I have not found the crop to make a material change on the content. And if it is that bad, I would try to find another copy of the tape. (although sometimes that seems to be impossible with obscure tapes.) As long as it does not change the message, are you OK with the crop or would you rather see the entire image along with the defect at the bottom for the whole film? I label the film as cropped due to damage as well.
  22. I had bought this cart and love it. I can hang things off it with hooks, use magnets to hold notes to the side and it keep jobs I'm working on nearby. Only problem is I don't have room for 2 or 3 more carts. Amazon.com: Seville Classics 3-Tier UltraDurable Commerical-Grade Heavy-Duty NSF-Certified Service Utility Storage Cart, 34" W, Chrome: Home & Kitchen I called the company to see if they would sell me an extra shelf so I could have 4 shelves. I was kept on hold for 15+ minutes, so gave up. I emailed them, but got no reply. Still happy with it. You can't expect too much with customer service nowadays.
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