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Uli Meyer

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Everything posted by Uli Meyer

  1. Cheers Phil, thank you for your comment!
  2. Thank you Jon and Ruben for your kind words!
  3. Thanks David! The footage was scanned at 4k by Kodak London. Not certain which scanner they used. Before the shoot, I made notes about the position of the sun throughout the day. All shots involving the artist on the bench for example were done from 3pm onwards because if there was to be sunshine, it was not going to hit that spot for the rest of the day. Controlling the lighting was easier by blocking and adding light . For the shots of the woman on the bench we used a Molebeam. The lighting was done by two very talented young DPs. Nathalie Pitters on the day we shot Emma on the bench and the slow motion bits and Kupa Warner on the other days.
  4. Thanks Dan! We shot roughly 6000 feet.
  5. At the beginning of last year, just before the prices shot up, I bought an Arricam LT and an Arriflex 235, both 3perf. I decided to shoot a short film to test the cameras. The idea had to be simple, a couple of actors and one location. We shot on Vision 3 200T using Master Primes. Every single shot was storyboarded, we didn't shoot one foot of coverage. Happy to report that the cameras are working...I'd like to share the result.
  6. This sounds like something that is easily achieved with photo real computer animation. In CG creating beads is very easy.
  7. I have to wholeheartedly agree. There are no short-cuts, otherwise why would anyone go through the arduous single frame process. I've had this questions from clients so many times; isn't there a button you can just press? There isn't.
  8. Attila, I'm sure there are many people out there who already have one but don't feel the need to announce it here. If you want to sell yours, with all respect, please start your own thread. No piggy-backing mine please ;)
  9. Still available, now at $18k plus shipping or £13500 +VAT for UK buyers.
  10. Film is a niche thing but it will not go away as soon as some are predicting. Anything that needs archiving is recorded on film for posterity because it is the only lasting medium that you can rely on. Last week I saw a brand-new 65mm camera at the BSC being introduced. on the lab front there were two companies, Kodak and Cinelabs offering their services. Last year 6 million feet of film was shot professionally. Whilst that is nothing compared to the old days, it is enough to keep going. I'm sure this same conversation will crop up again in ten years time, just as it did ten years ago.
  11. ...and only those who attained a degree in finical finance.
  12. Haha, very funny. By the way, what are "finical" losses?
  13. What makes you so sure? Do you have any inside information? According to someone I know at the Kodak lab, there is an upward trend for shooting on film in the UK. I hope it'll last.
  14. I am looking for an Arri Accessory Expansion cable for the 235. Accessory Expansion Cable (KC-88-S) K2.55011.0 Thank you!
  15. You set out to make a film and finished it. Well done. I am curious how you were able to keep the budget at £300?
  16. Thanks Tyler! Trying the drop box thing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kdet50qqbu7lnyu/From%20Life%20publicity%20still%203.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6eskxal0gpt6zy4/From%20Life%20publicity%20still%202.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/r09vufyvk448icu/From%20Life%20publicity%20still.jpg?dl=0
  17. We made this Guiness commercial in 2007 with a digital stills camera, frame by frame. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DGzdY2lbUOU"frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. I love the look of 35mm 3perf cropped which is less grainy compared to 16mm but you can still feel the grain without it being obvious. My last short was shot 3perf on Kodak Vision 3 200T and scanned at 4k, then cropped top and bottom. There's a wonderful painterly feel to it and fits the kind of stories I'm interested in extremely well. Wish I could share a few stills but not sure how...
  19. $19000. Christmas bargain for a nearly new Master Prime.
  20. You can use a Ninja Blade or Black Magic recorder monitor with a video converter adapter and a power bank. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blackmagic-Design-Video-Asist-Monitor-Black/dp/B00WRB0ZOG/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1543386372&sr=1-5&keywords=black+magic+monitor https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01MU6KHKB/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=A1J7UHHDUFQNRA&psc=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00VJSGT2A/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A2PGPJL0BBLHLX&psc=1
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