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Found 10 results

  1. Dear colleagues the article of X-H2S camera can be seen now on IMAGO website in English https://imago.org/news/evaluation-and-cinematography-study-of-the-fujifilm-x-h2s-camera/ and in Spanish on the ADFC page at: https://adfc.com.co/evaluacion-y-estudio-cinematografico-de-la-camara-x-h2s-de-fujifilm/ video at: https://vimeo.com/780919596 I hope it's of your interest Best regards Alfonso Parra AEC,ADFCMember of the Technical Committee of Imago (International Federation of Cinematographers)www.alfonsoparra.comTel Spain 34 639109 309Tel Colombia 57 3115798776
  2. Had a chance to film super quick improv short film with the Fujifilm XH2s the other day. Now I wouldn't say I have an "obsession" with the anamorphic look, more like a raging fascination with the aesthetics ? Shot in 6K open gate mode. Color grade in DaVinci Resolve using a combination of LUTs byBoz™ and Dehancer. The Flog 2 footage held up well considering how destructive the color grading was. Not that you can tell with the "amazing" YouTube compression ? Thoughts? Bulent w: https://bulentfilms.yolasite.com/ ig: https://www.instagram.com/bulent0z/
  3. In general I would describe it as lockdown-specific production, based on the need to shoot something without, you know, meeting anyone. This made extensive use of close-up lenses as the Sirui 50mm doesn't focus nearly close enough to do most of this without. I presumably owe some sort of swear box a donation on the basis of shooting an arty macro of a plant.
  4. Hello Everyone, I just released my latest short film, POKERS, that I wrote, directed, and co-starred in, along with my producing partner and DP (who is also a member of this forum). It's a 9 minute short about four men sharing their perspectives on their shared occupation during a game of poker. It was shot on 16MM Fujifilm Eterna 250 via Arri HR3 HS in Super 16. I would love it hear any feedback and criticism. I am still very new to filmmaking and look forward to learning and growing. I hope you enjoy it:
  5. I have a box of (6500 feet) discontinued properly-stored Fuji Reala 16mm 500Daylight film. LOOKING FOR LOCAL TORONTO, CANADA SALES!!!! Will entertain shipping bulk. Was used to shoot ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE and WALK THE LINE... The World’s First Motion Picture Film with Fujifilm’s 4th Color Layer Fuji Reala 500D is the world’s only 500-speed daylight-balanced negative film. Its high speed allows shooting in very low-light daylight and also at f-stops offering greater depth of field. Its speed compensates for the wider apertures required with anamorphic lenses and the effective light loss attendant on “over-cranking” for slow motion effects. This is the world’s only film with Fujifilm’s patented color optimized 4th layer technology. A special advantage is the ability to remove “green spike” from un-corrected fluorescent and sodium lighting mixed with daylight sources.
  6. Hi, We test a MK zoom lenses from Fujifilm. You can see a video at Test is published at cameraman magazine, nº 95 (Spanish at the moment) I hope it is interest of you. Regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com Tel Spain 34 639 109 309 Tel Colombia 57 311 5798776
  7. Hey, Ive got about 4000' of old fuji that I am planning on shooting a short on. Ive had it for about 6 years in my fridge. its half Eterna 250T 8553 and half Eterna 250D 8546. I just got the snip test back from fotokem and it looks like my layers are between .25 (red and green) and .70 (blue) off from what they should be. Im wondering if, for instance, I could add a yellow filter to my lens when I shoot to make the overall shift of my blue channel get back more in line with the other channels? Does it work that simply, or am I missing something. My thinking goes that if I add 1 stop of yellow to the overall image, then that would put my blue channel at roughly .20 over where it needs to be, and then if I over expose by a stop then that will help the overall quality of the image (though it will still be grainier than normal and a little funky in the colors. Is this reasoning sound?
  8. Hi All, We were the official Fuji Distributors from Motion Picture Film in Argentina until Fuji stopped manufacturing Film Stock last year. We still have a batch of 35mm 400ft stock we would like to sell. All of the stock has been recently tested (March 2014) by our local lab and they informed us it is good conditions to be used. Our current stock is: - Eterna 500 (8573) 400ft: 600 rolls - Eterna 250T (8562) 400ft: 180 rolls - Eterna Vivid 160T (8543) 400ft: 120 rolls - Eterna 250D (8563) 400ft: 69 rolls Please contact me at nrubinstein at ultravision.com.ar so we can offer a quote based on the quantities needed. As we need to export the goods, we will need to know the shipping address so we can quote the freight costs. Thank you all Nicolas Rubinstein.
  9. Hello all, I am looking for Kodak 5219/ Fuji 8547 Recans, Short ends and factory sealed. If you have any/know where I can get them please let me know. I've already checked with the major resellers.
  10. Hello, I am selling NEW rolls of 16 & 35 mm FUJIFILM that we received early April for a shooting that took place this summer. Since we bought them with a significative discount, we did not have a return option. The following are available for purchase: 17 rolls of 16 mm ETERNA VIVID 160 are available at a unit price of 65 € + Shipping 11 rolls of 35 mm ETERNA VIVID 250D are available at a unit price of 110 € + Shipping These rolls have been stored in a cold and dry place. They can be picked up in Brussels or shipped at your location. A more detailed listing including pictures for these film rolls can be found on Ebay: http://www.befr.ebay.be/itm/NEW-FUJIFILM-35mm-ETERNA-VIVID-250D-122m-400-feet-ARRI-AATON-KODAK-/111182279217?pt=FR_JG_Photo_Camescopes_Cameras&hash=item19e2faf231 http://www.befr.ebay.be/itm/NEW-FUJIFILM-16mm-ETERNA-VIVID-160-122m-400-feet-ARRI-AATON-KODAK-/111182279220?pt=FR_JG_Photo_Camescopes_Cameras&hash=item19e2faf234&_uhb=1 If have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Rolls can be bought online though Ebay or directly by contacting me. :) Jonathan
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