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Found 10 results

  1. Is it possible to power an ARRI SR I/II with 14.8v gold mount batteries? I understand the voltage would need to be converted to a regulated 12v, but even then is it posing a risk? I happened upon this plate: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/839205-REG/Movecam_MOV_306_0208_BATTERY_BRACKET_FOR_GOLD.html I would have to use a 3-pin male LEMO to 4-pin XLR cable to take advantage of the regulated 12v output. Is that possible, or would it pose problems? Any insight would be dearly appreciated, as I'm quite uneducated when it comes to power supplies. Thank you!
  2. HELP NEEDED Hey everyone, I come today with a bit of worrying problem. I will delve into details here to give you the full picture: Last week, as I was on a shoot, my trusted ARRI SR2 suddenly stopped rolling and wouldn’t turn back on. Under time and financial pressure, we started troubleshooting for what could be behind the fault. This as lead me to take the battery adapter and converter apart and test the circuit for faulty cable with an amp meter. It turns out the actual culprit was the lever trigger and a possible loose connection inside the body. Fortunately enough, simply toggling the lever harder popped the connection back on and the camera came back to life just in time to finish our shoot. HOWEVER - the main issue only begins now. As I was putting the battery adapter back together, I inadvertently swapped the 1 (-) and 4 (+) of my XLR plug. Although I didn’t hear any sound or notice any sign of damage, the camera now power on but does so as soon as a battery is plugged in. The SR2 also seems to roll much faster than the usual 24/25 fps. I obviously understand that this is a gross negligence from my part - I am now desperate to get it fixed on time for another shoot and would need your advice and help finding a good service center in London or the UK. Thanks for reading this rant, it’s been a pretty stressful week. Val
  3. Hey everyone, I recently bought an Angenieux 5.9 f1.8 to be used on an Arri SR2 N16. It seems like the lens is just about too long and touches the mirror - not allowing the standard mount to 'click in' and lock the lens. Another thread on the forum addressed a similar issue with a PL mount, and more interestingly, highlighted a custom adjustment made to the lens's rear element: It seems that this element has been custom filed to allow extra space to fit between the mirror and internal elements of the camera. The lens I have received has the same element without the filed adjustment: Alternatively, I have noticed another version of the same lens with a different rear element, probably taking in account the need for extra space for both mirrors and internal components in the camera mount: My questions are: - Shall I return the lens I bought in the hope to get one with the right rear element? - Shall I try to dismount the final metal ring and file it as seen in the first example - Can the last rear element be bought separately and swapped, fitting it myself. Thank for any insight and help, I'm pondering whether sending the lens back or not. Thanks, Val
  4. Price : 15K USD P+S Technik SRII Evolution 200fps Variable shutter. Arri IVS Color split Black and white video split 4 x HS mags 12-120mm Zeiss Zoom with macro Century wide angle adaptor 3 x batteries 1 x PAG charger FF1 follow focus Extension Viewfinder Spare Viewfinder eyepiece Original Arri P&S Technik super wide angle eyepiece with heater Right and left side handles Cinematography Electronics Film/Video synchronizer Light weight carbon fiber surf housing plus box Bridge plate 15mm rails Lens support Arri lightweight rails Camera box
  5. Anyone interested in a recently serviced Arri SR2 High Speed Evolution Super 16mm camera?
  6. FOR SALE: ARRI SR2 SUPER-16 w/ Color Tap + Zeiss S16 Zoom Lens - FULL Camera Package Parting ways with my S16 Arri SR2. This camera has been incredible to own and I'm sure I'll regret selling it down the road but the time has come. The camera is in great working condition. I've never had a single problem with it. I'm selling it along with my Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 12-120mm S16 zoom lens. It's an incredible lens for 16mm. The 12-120 covers all your bases. It also has a macro function at 12mm that allows you to focus as close as you want. Along with that is everything else you need. You won't find a more complete package out there. See the list below. The camera, lens, mags, and batteries were all serviced in July of '19 by Du-All Camera in Brooklyn and have been lightly used since then. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. VIEW PHOTOS HERE: http://austincomer.com/sr2 Includes: CASE 01 (1550 Pelican Case ) - Arri SR2 Camera Body (Super 16 - PL Mount) - Top Handle Color Video Tap by B Camera Canada - Eyepiece w/ Blue Star Genuine Chamois Eye Cushion - Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 12-120mm S16 Zoom Lens w/ Zoom Stick - Arri SR2 Extension Eyepiece - 1.78 & 1.33 Ground Glass CASE 02 (1650 Pelican Case) - (2x) Arri SR2 400' Magazines w/ Covers - Arri SRI2 Onboard Battery Adapter - (3x) Onboard Batteries - (2x) Battery Chargers - Right Hand Grip w/ Run/Stop Switch - Cinematography Electronics Precision Speed Control 2 - S16 Chrosziel Matte Box (swing away - 4x5.65 filter holder - 4x5.65 rotating filter holder) - French Flag for Matte Box - Dovetail Base Plate - Arri Sliding Camera Base Plate - (2x) 18” 15mm Rails - (2x) Tiffen 85 4x5.6 Filters w/ Cases - Tiffen 85ND.3, 85ND.6, and 85ND.9 4x5.6 Filters w/ Cases CASE 03 (1510 Pelican Case) - Dinky Dolly Block Battery *Unsure if it's in working condition* - Charger for Block Battery *Unsure if it's in working condition* - A handful of cables and adapters for camera and video tap (Including: BNC to HDMI Convert Box, Hirose to BNC/Power Cable for Onboard, 2x Hirose to BNC/Power Cable for Block Battery, Power Cable for Block Battery, and more) CASE 04 (Standard Case) - Arri Follow Focus Kit *Rough Shape. Unsure if it's working condition* EXTRAS - Camera Essentials Harrison Film Changing Tent - Alan Gordon Camera Comfort Cushion (Shoulder Cushion) $15k obo for the full package.
  7. Hey guys! Looking to buy a standard 16mm or Super 16 kit. With or without lens. Budget of around $5k Shoot me a PM if you have anything available.
  8. Hello, I am looking for tripod suggestions for an Arri SR2. I'd like to keep it sub $1,000 because I mainly use it in it's water housing. I only have a kinoptic 5.7mm and an angenieux 9.5-57mm, so no big lenses. It can be used i don't care. I am thinking of an older Vinten or a manfrotto 509 head. Maybe a sachtler if I can find one under 1k. I don't want to make the wrong choice so I came here. Thanks
  9. Hi guys and girls i have an issue, i have a super16 converted Arri SR2 with video out from the Denz VCSC D2000, my problem is that i don't get any picture out from it, everything seems to work but on my monitor (TvLogic 5,6") it says "no video" i've tried lots of different SDI cables and 2 different tvlogic and same issue. cheers Sebastian
  10. Hey guys, So we're shooting the first ten minutes of our feature film this month and I'm trying to finalize my lens package. We can afford 5 Super Speeds (35, 50, 85, 100, 135) but I don't know how low I can go on 16mm. If it can handle something like an 18 or a 21, or even a 24, I would be very interested. for more information on our movie, check us out at po.st/sowhat
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