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  • Premium Member

No, not at all. I've watched it many times over the past couple days. I love the long takes following the moments of the music and I love the soul of the performers. I feel like the camera work and editing perfectly match the spirit of the music and I really love the music, which is the first I've heard of them. It just feels like real artists performing and letting a real artist capture their souls on camera. I also have a similar aesthetic taste to PT Anderson's color choices, so I admit I'm biased there. But I just really love it. What don't you like about it?

  • Premium Member

... I've watched it many times over the past couple days. I love the long takes following the moments of the music and I love the soul of the performers. I feel like the camera work and editing perfectly match the spirit of the music and I really love the music, which is the first I've heard of them. It just feels like real artists performing and letting a real artist capture their souls on camera. ....


I'm completely with you Justin on the musicians and the form. It's a delight. Well executed, simple idea that is quite a sophisticated experience....Thinking of ones favorite amazing songs to watch....Gotye and Kimbra, "Somebody That I Used To Know" shot live singing on KCRW made a happy dent in me that is still there. Brutally simple visually, but astonishing performances, observations...




My post was not meant to be flippant but was a gut reaction whilst on my commute that day. The slick static visuals ground the music nicely but the tone or audience are not my cup of tea. There is no credible angst nor soul to this music. A complete absence of passion. I want to see possible warts, mistakes and happy accidents. More working class hero than uber slick conservative studio polish. I am picky I guess but I respect your passion for the artist and may you find additional sonic supplicant.





  • 3 weeks later...
  • Premium Member

Its interesting, I watched the newer Paul Thomas Anderson video he did with this group and it didnt affect me at all. One blew me away and the other was simply fine. I feel like its a testament to our personal taste. Strange how that works. Its also a testament to making work that pleases you, because theres no chance you can guess what will please someone else.

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