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Jamie Metzger

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Everything posted by Jamie Metzger

  1. Birger made a PV mount for the red.... Who is tempted as much as I am?
  2. +1 I was just thinking about how you were going to put awesome glass on a POS adapter... Digiprimes are sweet. The HPX is big enough without the adapter, save yourself some weight.
  3. I used the in camera spot meter on my feature and it worked great. Refer to what Satski posted about metering in RAW and not in REC 709 or Redspace. There were big differences in exposure between the two.
  4. Looks good. Congrats on pushing through on your first feature!
  5. looked good. I like hard backlights, but on digital I am always more reserved when going that hott. I might have backed off a stop, even though you kept a fairly consistent backlight most of the time. I dig it, but I wish the story were better. It had the right ingredients!
  6. I'm sorry, but I'm from NY, and I laughed so hard reading this title.
  7. Cam ops are the red headed step child of the film industry in my opinion. I only say this, because they are neglected; but if you utilize them correctly, they can save you so much time. DP's that can't let go of the reins enough to trust an operator to do their job (or sometimes a better job than the DP) are going to make it hard for you to operate for them. I recently shot a feature and had an operator. Having him there gave me so many benefits that I will try to work with an op as often as possible in the future. I do think it's easier getting work as an AC than an op.
  8. hahaha. Not to mention the legs sticking out. I was thinking more about that than the stand falling.
  9. If you put christmas lights (or small sources far away) and only leave a few xmas lights on, it will give you some nice depth. But if there is nothing to light, then there is nothing to light....You can skim the street with light to add shape, and use water to get some extra punch. Also, I'd mix some color temps too. Going blue with no orange is overkill.
  10. bear in mind that when you see red footage on a TV set, it looks fantastic compared to on the web. Also, we are looking at a still frame grab and analyzing it, compared to watching the footage in motion. I don't have the time to post any shots with the primes right now, but I will later. I also ran into the high speed issue on a music video that wanted to use a 10mm ultra Prime. We were pumped on using it till they said they wanted to shoot 120fps with it....there goes your FOV and the reason for renting such an expensive but beautiful lens. I've been shooting 2K on a lot of projects lately and have been thank full to not be dealing with 4K.
  11. What the Hell! Did those guys really rig up a c-stand as a menace arm? (in the obama video) Did that not look dangerous to anyone else? 6 foot speed rail on a combo stand would do it. Use a menace arm kit (3-4 piece kit) for anything over a 650 and ratchet that puppy down.
  12. Makes sense. I'd like to get into music videos.
  13. the OLPF feature sounds familiar; If you don't sharpen here, where/when do you sharpen? Also, David Mullen: Regarding the LUT's and Colorspace; I've seen people changed the settings until they achieved something pleasing...I can't imagine this is a good practice? I usually switch the Color space to Camera RGB and the output LUT to REC 709, since this is how I view on set.
  14. I find the "waveform" on the RED incredibly tiny, and pretty useless. I've been shooting images that I am very happy with using the built in spot meter and exposing using the IRE values. This is a PITA, since you need to ask actors to hold still to get key/fill/backlight values. I've been having trouble getting a light meter to agree with the camera. One day it was 2 stops over, and the next day it was 1 stop over...it is nice for determining contrast though. Jamie
  15. First off, Red ALERT I've tried playing with all of these settings, and exporting 2K tiffs and 1K tiffs. I've hardly ever noticed any differences with DRX (wtf is that?), De bayer and De noise. I understand that the last two have something to do with sharpness and possibly cleaning up noise, but what's DRX? I've searched the labyrinth of the Reduser forum to no avail. Next; I've had issues in the past with exporting footage using the REDCODE codec in final cut. Here is a link to the thread I started; still don't have a definite answer to why this occurred What I'm asking, why do we have so many choices for LUT and Colorspace? I might be wrong, but isn't REDCODE not a "supported" color space, hence my issues? Am I wrong? What's the deal with PD Log, and Linear? Why/when would you use these? Also, when you grade your images, do you have a colors pace in mind? Or do you change the options till you find something you like? thanks, I have more questions related to Redcine, but I'll wait. Jamie
  16. Red at 2K 16:9. ISO 250 50-75mm focal length (can't remember) @ f/4 I've been adding slight contrast adjustments to get back some sharpness.
  17. definitely have an AC with you, and make sure your ac get's a prep day with the package, since every package is different.
  18. The "line" does not matter if you establish the scene and the character positions well enough. Hopefully you are on the same page as the director and editor.
  19. IF in doubt, use zebras set to 70% for skin ton, and 100% for Pure White; 7.5% for Pure Black. You can build in safety measures by exposing highlights at 90-95% (IRE) to make sure you save the details. On the RED; use the spot meter to find the correct values, never trust exposure off the EVF/LCD, they differ from eachother!
  20. If the camera is small enough, you can do anything really (duct tape and a 35-III doesn't seem like a great idea). Sats, I had to go to doggicam in burbank to test it out. They will ship up here, but u know how that goes.
  21. Yes, I know it's a DVD/Bluray rip on a computer and there are many variables involved; but this is still a huge difference:
  22. The rig that doggicam makes is super simple to use. You can call ahead and do a practice build to get an idea of how it all works. If you've ever used a car mount, this is a lot of the same principals, but easier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_KV2f-43fU
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