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victor huey

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Everything posted by victor huey

  1. hi, Filmmakers make film. Digital peeps make Video! I am too old school to change, when the digital age came, I was in the process of converting my Kinor 35 to two perf at Aranda, when the digital tsunami hit. Projects shot on film began to fade away, to the sorry state it is now. Only those with studio support could afford to shoot film. Although 2 perf was a cheaper way to shoot film for indie projects, the lack of cameras and support doomed it before the 2 perf movement could begin. I have slowly aquired a number of 2 perf Camera's, and would like to start a 2 perf workshop in New York City. So few of todays generation have never touched a film camera, so training sessions would be necessary. Since most of the gear is russian, I will approach this group first, to see if there is any interest in a workshop. Victor Huey
  2. i have had problems with generic sd cards, not all are the same , some have no issues some do, but if you pay for a better class of sd ram like sd extreme, those are much more reliable
  3. NO, I bought it that way, but the cost of the conversion is very expensive, i bought it with a package of two perf cameras i aquired.
  4. Konva can be converted to two perf, but it is very expensive. I own one and it is extremely rare.
  5. Here is pics of my Konvas 2 Perf Cam.
  6. I remember Gordon asking Bobby Ward, his Key Grip to have us build him these home made lights called bay lights, he said no more chicken coops for me.....lol,...i must have made thousands over the years since then.
  7. yes, i had some lens there, but he won't service lomo lens anymore.
  8. i have a set of standard speed and super speed in OCT.19 mount
  9. I am looking for lomo superspeed lens for super 35mm format email me at vichuey@gmail.com
  10. Hi all, I am looking for a replacement for a 75mm lomo superspeed lens, which has a jammed focus ring. I have not been able to find someone to repair it. I am looking for an replacement, if you have one for sale or for trade, email me asap. I have 28mm lomo superspeed in mint condition for trade. email me at newbi@yahoo.com
  11. buy a lens set , rent a body.....new bodies coming out every few months...
  12. Hi Chris, Where did you get the camera, I am having mine converted by bruce at aranda, but some of the conversions were early conversions, and prone ti issues especially the motors, if you know the history of where the motor was converted, it would help. There were early converisons by alex in the UK, and some conversions done in Russia, and of coarse Bruce at Aranda. So knowing where the camera was converted will help. However the russians are no longer doing conversions, though you still may get some service, and alex is unfortunately...so the ony option these days is Bruce....he can rebuild the motor, with new electronics, and then you have a motor that is still can be serviced.... Victor quote name='Chris Lange' timestamp='1312383887' post='355645'] Hello, I have acquired a Kinor that has been rebuilt to be 2-perf. It has worked on a feature film well in this capacity; however, It is now "out-of-phase". Can anyone recommend a repair technician in the US? Thanks, Chris
  13. Hi, I have a OCt.19 mount on my canon T2i, i have a full set of lomo superspeed lens. The 18mm, 22mm, 28mm, 35mm work. the 50mm and 75mm, hit the mirror when you focus to infinity.
  14. Hi, I am in the similar situation. Snce the introduction of the Red, prices of movie cameras have plummeted. !6mm is almost dead and for low budget indie films,Red and HD cams have taken hold. I would hold on to the lens. But the value of the Kinor 35mm camera is heading down. I suggest you sell your camera stuff individually, as the remaining kinor owners may buy spare parts for their camera packages. Victor
  15. Hey guys, What was explained to me was that to make it simple and least amount of work, they had to make the sensor the size that would fit the 16/s16 gate, so no oversize mysterium type sensor because that would require a relay lens, and all knids of complications. The sensor is scaled to the gate, so there is really nothing at the mag, but a filter, and the change of gate makes the mating with the sensor simple and foolproof. KISS is the key work here, if you think about it, it is already costing 30,000 euro's, if you add relays and large sensors,it would cost 60,000 euro's.....there are limitations with the smaller size sensor, but you get you use your arri glass you already own, and can record 2k raw files, so you get what you pay for, ever check out what new glass cost these days, or even used zeiss superspeeds.....pop in the mag you are good to go, otherwise get a red one, and a new set of cooke s4's will set you back 120K...it is what it is, no more no less. Victor
  16. Yes you have to take the existing gate out, and put p&s gate in. If you want to go back to film, you have to reverse the process. victor
  17. Hi , I went to IBC, and here is a rundown of the sr digital mag, not out yet, just a mock up was shown. http://sharing.theflip.com/session/e1236e8...4/video/6529096 go to this link. Victor
  18. Hey James, I was wondering what you were doing with that PII body, are you going two perf, with it or keeping to the anamorphic plan? I was wondering how the mags handled? Did you ever get it working, before you sent it off? How loud was the camera if you got it running? Is it a sync camera or an mos one? My Kinor is still sitting at bruce's, waiting for the final step of 2 perf conversion. I need to decide if i am going to convert a 2nd body, since there is no other way to shoot a film, with out a back up body. Red one seems to have taken a lot of steam out of shooting in film in the low bodget indie world. Only us real die hards still cling to film hehehe..keep me posted on your progress on the PII conversion. Victor
  19. Hey Bruce, How much will the Konvas conversion cost? I'd be interested if it can be done at a reasonable price. HOw is the anders 2 perf Kinor 35H rig holding up? Victor
  20. http://www.flickr.com/photos/30519109@N07/
  21. here is how we rigged a slider on "Burn After Reading" Victor
  22. You can email me the information to vichuey@yahoo.com. Any information is greatly appreciated. Victor
  23. Hw much doyou want for these filters, contact me at vichuey@yahoo.com
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