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victor huey

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    new york city

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  1. depends on your lens, FX6 is FF sensor, FS7 is s35 as is the F55, so depending on the lens you own or intend to buy. I have F55 and Fs7 and can use all my S35 lens, I dont intend to buy new FF lens sets, but as the Chinese continue to come out with affordable FF lens sets, it makes one consider the choice. My major investment over the years has been in S35 lens, so I will stick to S35 bodies for now.
  2. whats the difference between MK3 and Mk4? Most of my S35 elites are Mk1
  3. here is a slowmotion electronics internal controller added to a two perf Arri BL4
  4. they just screened it at Discovery Warners in NYC during NAB
  5. I also have a konvas 2 perf being serviced by Daniil Nevsky
  6. I have several two perf kinors, which are russian copies of the moviecam
  7. in italy and hk they used to use 2c all the time, they shoot MOS, and eveything is dubed. NOw there is new software like vocalalign, you record a scratch track with one of these new little 32 bit float recorders or something similar scheme, and then in post you sync the ADR dialogue via software, saves a ton of time. Remember if you are shooting MOS, you dont have to lock up the set, no need for big crew of PA's.
  8. Hey Tyler, what do you think of a movicam super america compared to a Arri BL4s converted to two perf. I found a guy with has them, but for some reason I remember were there issues with movicam super america electronics., or movie cam electonics in general?
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