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Lars Zemskih

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Everything posted by Lars Zemskih

  1. So there is Nicholas Roeg who was a DP and became a director. But are there any working DP's who also directed their own films? Or write screenplays? It seems I'm about to DP a film that I have written, which is somewhat bizarre.
  2. In a way I think it does make some sense to shoot music videos on digital, as the video is going to end up on TV anyway and not in a projector.
  3. did you get your passes and badges? I didn't get anything yet.
  4. I would go to UK, well I mean, that's what I am doing at the moment. Because frankly, the film industries of other European countries are in bad, bad shape. So is UK's, but at least there are things produced and done here on moderate budget levels. National Film and Television School and London Film School are the ones to look at.
  5. This is awesome, thank you! Are there any other podcasts you can recommend about cinematography or filmmaking in general that you listen to.
  6. Well, you certainly pulled a lot from the camera, I've been using it for a long time and I wouldn't guess very easily that it was shot on that, as usually there is this distinguishing noise when shooting with it, again good cinematography. In the scene where the main guy is making the other two talk, is he backlit with the same sort of florescent?
  7. Music video shot in Prague for Arms and The Boy who I personally think are awesome. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DBXRd69h48U
  8. Looks awesome! Great work! You don't even need to explain that you were given a bad script, I think it stands well on it's own. Great light and sound design. Was it really DVX100b? How did you get the stills in higher resolution? Did you shoot it anamorphic?
  9. My Tatar name is also way too long to put here. But I use Emile Rafael in credits of course.
  10. Stephen, did the cameras arrive to UK rentals though already?
  11. So I was reading the interview with P.T. Anderson and Johnny Greenwood about scoring of "There Will Be Blood" here. And they of course discussed the release of "In Rainbows" and this is what PT said: We already know that the music videos budgets have been decreasing very rapidly. But how long do you think we are from being unemployed and big directors releasing films on their websites? I know this has been discussed extensively here. But it is still confusing to me, because every years the budgets of Hollywood films (for example) are still going up, every time there is the next most expensive movie. Which means that movie still keep on making money no matter what (talking about big budgets here of course). I understand of course when making Spider-Man a lot of the money is coming back in the form of merchandise sales for example. But I don't know, I'm very optimistic generally so I think the film industry is pretty far from collapsing in the same way as music industry. But it is hard to argue with PT Anderson.
  12. Did you shoot in Prague? Most of the big production crews are 60 per cent British, especially on the commercial shoots, some commercial production companies have even a rule to sign only British directors. Prague is also becoming more and more expensive to shoot in, the government stopped supporting the industry and there are no tax incentives. So everything is starting to shift more further East, but from what I here a lot of the time the film crews find themselves in badly equipped studios with bad sound and not very professional domestic crew and end up going over budget. I mean this might change fast as more and more productions come there. But if there is a way to shoot it in Britain that somewhat offsets the costs of flying the crew and accommodating them and obviously Pinewood believe that they will get more money out of the new stuff, then why not? Plus know that Prague is more cold than London and there is more precipitation. You people just like to complain a lot :)
  13. I think there should be more women directors.
  14. Tarantino made it to the industry around 1992, more than 15 years ago. Today, it is a different situation in many aspects.
  15. FAMU is pretty much impossible to get in, first of all you need perfect Czech and they take only around 4 people per semester for each department. To get in, you have to do tons of work, as well as sit through an examination that tests your knowledge of film theory, such as Eisenstein . There is a FAMU international program, but it is only a diploma course, plus a bit pricey and doesn't teach you too much, other than being a film critic, based on what I heard from one of the graduates.
  16. Don't go to PCFE, it is not a good school, I can tell you more in PM.
  17. I second everything, you should forget the idea that a film will look exactly as you picture it. Once you've finished the script and it starts rolling, it will be compromise over compromise. Even the most perfectionist directors were never completely happy with the result.
  18. Well, I was just in the rush of the discussion and asked it straight away. Plus, realize I am not in the school yet, I've applied and recently found out that I got in and I am excited to go to the school that insists on shooting on film, other than so many trying to make their students learn on digital. I was just a little confused. But there is no need to become so personal in a discussion as to suggest me what to do and make assumptions.
  19. lol, yeah, after all it is a get together in London, tea is required =)
  20. Why are you trying to make this personal? I am only thinking out loud, and I've said in that particular thread that I agree and I am about to start studying in school that shoots everything on film, as reading a lot about it go me convinced that it is the right thing to do. I don't so much about it, it is a forum where we say what we think, right? Plus the U.S industry is so different from a European one, hence maybe some difference in thinking. So you going back to the thread I've posted sometime ago I feel is not the correct thing to do in this case. Are you a filmmaker at least noticed in the industry? Do you know what I am doing? What does it mean that is at least noticed in the industry. Being signed as a director to a moderately sized production company here, is that a little bit noticed by the industry? I don't have to download the arri newsletter, I usually pick them up when I go to local arri rental. You making assumptions about me, and making this very personal is just not cool
  21. Lars Zemskih


    Well I am guessing when we see the car, it is RED.
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