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John Holland

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Everything posted by John Holland

  1. What colour would you like ? I will just have to wear socks again . :)
  2. I think i would rig the lamps above the table pointing straight down onto table using the reflector to bounce back the light onto the actors [keeping reflector out of shot ]
  3. Were is the camera position ? and what do mean by projectors?
  4. My ticket is for 7th at Imax Waterloo, the 5th is only in the States .
  5. Very interesting Roger Deakins is shooting the Coens Bros "Hail Caesar" on film !
  6. Its great what they are doing ,but i need colour neg not reversal .
  7. Examples of what ? Two shots of a front lit as Kodak said type shot sun over your shoulder . Sorry but any good Dop would notshoot a scene like this both of these Bond movies are badly shot ! You shoot into the sun expose for the shadows . Think you should check out a few movies photographed by David Watkin, Ossie Morris, same era same stock .
  8. It was the first Colour Neg i used ,but very soon replaced by 5254.
  9. Yes those stocks had wide latitude the Kodak Print stocks were pretty rubbish though.
  10. This thread started about about 5251 and why it has the look it has /had . It applied to all to all Eastman Stocks 5254 100asa as far as i think their best ever stock were processed ECN 1 a slower develop process. ECN11 was introduced with 5247 in the late 70's a much faster hotter bath process. Although finer grain lost the great colour and latitude of the older stocks .
  11. David Watkin really started soft lighting in UK in features in the early/mid sixties with " The Knack" B/W. "Help" Eastman Colour. " The Charge of the Light Brigade" Colour/Panavision , Others then followed like Ossie Morris BSC.
  12. Its nice he is shooting film even better 65mm but i have know idea where it can now be shown in 70mm . I think all those projectors have been dumped and Digital Projectors in their place , very sad.
  13. I would think no other sources used maybe just a bit of bounce from the front ? I think not.
  14. Dont forget Mission Impossible 5 ! And i think they are using Stephens "B" series Panavision Anamorphics !
  15. Yet another good one Stephen. Mr Wolski rocks in my world .
  16. Nice again Stephen , Not my fav. DP too much smoke in most of his work for me .
  17. " Hot Fuzz" was shot by Jess Hall BSC not Bill Pope !!
  18. Mr Bay is a waste of space most[ not all] of his films stink ! . If i was staving for lack of work no way would i get involved in an production of his . It saddens me that Spielberg who i respect puts his name as Producer to his rubbish movies. ,
  19. Yep I agree with Satsuki, you cant belive anything that is printed in the rag known as The Mail.
  20. Its Vantage not Vintage and i am sure they would be happy to sell you a set and you cant buy Panavision glass.
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