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My Gear


  1. I recently picked up a Bolex EBM that a friend had had sitting in storage for a few decades. All the pieces seem to be together and carefully stored and kept (pictured below). The 2 cell batteries I have seem to go with the power grip. The issue is I don’t know which end is positive and which is negative and I’ve heard using the wrong end can blow the fuse. I’m wondering how to best test the camera’s electronics with the equipment I have? There is a charger and multiple power sources but I’m unsure of how to safely use and test any of it. As mentioned, the equipment has supposedly been well maintained and used very lightly. I’m unsure, however, if deterioration may have occurred with time and if I should invest in repairs and new parts. Anyone have any insights? Any help would be immensely appreciated
  2. Hi everyone, I'm currently working on setting up my Bolex H16RX5 with a custom anamorphic setup (russian Helios taking lens + Isco Widescreen projection lens + SLR Magic Rangefinder for single focus). In case anyone is interested in this, I will update this post as I continue testing. As of now, I managed to fit the lens without much hassle using a C to EF adapter. No focus issues so far, close focus to infinity seem to work just fine. Will have to find a more secure way of mounting the rods though, but that shouldn't be an issue either. Before I can shoot some tests, I'll have to finish my video assist setup in order to actually see a desqueezed image (http://www.cinematography.com/index.php?showtopic=15423). Will keep you guys posted!
  3. Hi everyone, I recently bought a Bolex Rex 4 and wanted to get it serviced and converted to a super 16. I've been trying to get a response from Bolex.com for months and sent numerous emails but with no success. I have also tried calling their number but instantly get cut off as if the phone number was not in use. The website says that their site is under construction but that they are still repairing and converting despite covid. Has anyone had any luck hearing from them lately?? Thanks!
  4. Hey y'all, this is my first time posting anything so apologies if I'm not in the right spot. A while ago I got my hands on a Bolex H16 in the naive hopes of upgrading from Super 8. I'm a big fan of film photography, and since I've started working the local indie scene I've been trying to convince a few of my peers to get to work on a 16 project. I've been doing some reading and it seems like, outside of hobbyist work or cannibalizing them for spare parts, non-Reflex H16s are pretty much useless. Sure, I could fork over $2,000+ for a Rex model and get exactly what I need for framing, and even kit it out with a monitor and several other bells/whistles; but my current budget can't support that (really it can't support 16 in general, but I'm already this far). I figure the next best thing to do would be to sack up and buy a K3, because it can do pretty much everything I need, plus I'd be able to buy motors/video taps for it. For the time being, since I've got this camera (which only cost me around $100), I'm considering doing some crazy DIY hackjobs with it and seeing if I can develop anything somewhat useful. Does anyone know if I can get any use out of this thing, besides an Ultra 16 conversion? I've got some wild ideas, but I don't wanna start tearing this thing to shreds without any guidance. I'm no expert when it comes to the mechanical side of this camera, so any help would be appreciated.
  5. Bolex Anamorphot Lens 16/32/1.5x This hard-to-find BOLEX MUELLER 16/32/1.5x Anamorphic lens with holder for H16 Bolex cameras is in nice condition...I don't think it was used very much. Cosmetically it looks great, with no “brassing” to the black parts. The glass is clean, the front element has a small scratch, maybe 1/4” long, off toward one side. The rear element has some very slight fogging around the edges Lens serial number is 768491 The leather case is in fair to good condition, with a bit of wear inside but looking nice outside. The parallax compensating viewfinder seems to function as it should, but could benefit from some cleaning. The chrome plated pin at the front mount has a bit of rust and chrome loss. This set includes the lens and mounting hardware, front lens cap, leather case, and viewfinder, as shown. Everything will be securely packaged, padded and double boxed for shipment. I will ship within the USA only. I do not claim to be an expert on photographic equipment. Although I have described this lens as accurately as I can, it is nonetheless a used item, and I must sell it As Is, with no returns. $1000.00. I can take PayPal, but I prefer Postal Money Order. If you are local to the Dallas, TX area we can meet in person (cash.) If you are seriously interested, contact me with your zip code and I'll determine the shipping charges and we'll take it from there. Thanks, Henry www.auldooly.com
  6. Hello I just came across a Bolex h8 and was wondering if I could shoot 16mm with it? Assuming I put on the turret plate from a broken h16 Rex onto the h8 Rex, would I be good to shoot 16mm or would I have to do something with the sprockets, are the perforations different? Thanks!
  7. Hello there! I have a broken Rex 4 with a non workin motor that doesn’t run at all but is in good condition, I was wondering if it’s possible to take off the turret plates and viewfinder off the reflex Bolex and Mount them onto a BolexH16M model
  8. Irving Klaw was the Pinup King and Bettie Page (sitting) was the Pinup Queen...of the 1950's. Selection from Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Burlesque & Stripper Archive
  9. Hi Gang - I am sure this has been asked many times before but what lenses would you recommend for a Bolex H16 Reflex (non super 16)? Currently I have a Kern-Paillard 25mm (no RX markings on it), but I was looking for something with a wider view angle. Maybe like a 10mm? Thanks a lot! Gabi
  10. Hello there! I have a broken Rex 4 with a non workin motor that doesn’t run at all but is in good condition, I was wondering if it’s possible to take off the turret plates and viewfinder off the reflex Bolex and Mount them onto a BolexH16M model
  11. Hello, (A summary of my questions are bullet pointed below the first paragraph) I am looking at buying a Bolex with the purpose of doing a few short films and music videos over the next 12 months . This will also be the first 16mm film camera I own and I good starting point before I move on to a 16sr3 advanced. I have done my research on the camera and most answers say the SBM, EBM and Rex 4 and 5 models are the best to convert to super 16. However I feel I need to ask a more basic question on what people in this forum would suggest, as I can ask more direct questions and hopefully get more specific answers. I know the basic benefits of converting to Super 16, but I'm more interested in what bolex model people would suggest is the best for the job. I could spend between £1,200-£1,500 on the camera but obviously if a cheaper option is just as good that'd be fantastic. I have seen some super 16 SBM for around $2,999 so yes! So here are my questions in summary. -What is the best model in my price range to buy to convert to super 16? -This may sound stupid but I know the issues with the beamsplitter and the widening of the viewfinder with conversion, but can a PL mount be put on the camera without it having undergone the conversion, as have read and seen people putting Zeiss super speeds on these cameras. - If the new faceplate reads bolex H super 16, what bolex model was that before the conversion (again may sound stupid). I do have more questions on the topic, but once I get a reply I may ask more ahah. I am hoping to do a project in late June this year so If anyone has any information they might think is helpful that would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Will
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/CS2p1yePyNY/?utm_medium=copy_link Hello! I am looking to sell my century optics c Mount fisheye! -The lens is marked as a 6.5mm but when compared side by side to its brother the century 3.5mm, it’s almost the exact same! I’d say the true focal length of this lens is 4mm! -F1.8 The lens is in overall excellent condition with very clean optics, free of hazing or fungus, shows very little signs of use! I’ve never seen another like it! It’s probably the only one on the market! Don’t miss out on this amazing and rare lens!
  13. Hi On my last few 16mm Bolex H16 reels I've been getting this light aberration (examples in the attached photos). It seems to happen when there is a slightly overexposed part of the frame, and is particularly pronounced when it's contrasted next to a much darker part. I'm shooting with a Kern Palliard 25mm lens, but it hasn't always had this problem. I'd like to know if people think it's a problem with the camera or the lens? Many thanks Jack
  14. Hi I’m looking to purchase a bolex h16 reflex camera or any other reflex 16mm cameras like beaulieu r16 canon scooping, arr16, arr2bc, etc my price range is the highest $600
  15. This is probably a dumb question but can you load black leader film into your camera (in my case bolex). Just wanted to practice loading my camera in the dark but need a dummy reel. Is it better to just buy a dummy reel thats been shot on already or is black leader film fine?
  16. Hi im wondering if anyone can answer a question I’ve been pondering, that being...is it possible to change the shutter degree angle on a bolex rex 3?
  17. Looking to buy a TXM-26C crystal sync motor
  18. Anybody know of any video tap available for Bolex?
  19. I'm looking to purchase a Bolex 16mm non-reflex camera, that takes single perf film (serial numbers above 76471). I'm in Spain, if anyone in Europe has this type of Bolex available for sale. Thanks!!
  20. I've ordered a Bolex REX 3 and I am so excited! I've also gotten a Sekonic L398, so I've really got the cliche film student package, haha. Honestly, the simplicity/limitations of the tools is what I find inspiring and fun. A few things I'm still trying to grasp: - Shutter angle: When to adjust and how, for effect or utility - Aperture: How to compensate for the viewfinder? - In what situations is it practical to push or pull the film more than an aesthetic choice? - common pitfalls to avoid? - best places to buy film stock? - Is using a digital camera for reference an effective way to prevent light flicker? this is one i really want to avoid lol Thanks to anyone who answers, any info is really appreciated. I am new to the forums and this site is a wonderful resource
  21. Super 16 Reflex Bolex H16... The conversion has been made and ready for action!
  22. I'm looking to purchase a Kern Switar 5.5mm Wide Angle Aspheron for Bolex. Please shoot me a PM or email (jordan AT canopyfilms.com) if you've got one ?
  23. Mentioned this in another thread but thought it would be best to start a new one for clarity. Got a Bolex EBM on a crazy deal and now I'm trying to figure out a way to power it properly. I bought a 12v AA battery box, soldered a tuchel connector and chucked 8x Eneloop Pro batteries (1.2v min.2500mAh) inside. It turns over but it sounds really fast, like 50fps+. The frame rate selector dial does nothing to change speeds oddly. I guess what I'm asking is: Technically, should this work? Or have I done something wrong? Has anyone heard of the frame rate dial not working? I'm planning on sending it to Bolex Switzerland for a service but they're understandably crazy busy right now (since a month) and not returning calls/emails. Any help would be massively appreciated! Cheers, Rowan
  24. Hey everyone, first post and just wanted to say thanks for all the invaluable knowledge that's on offer here. I really appreciate it. So... I got an amazing deal on a Bolex EBM from eBay... or so I thought. Once I received it, I was checking it over and and noticed that I wasn't able to see anything at all through the viewfinder. I tried everything I could to solve it but no dice (checked the douser was definitely down and not bent, no filters in the way, lens cap off etc etc). Anyway, not wanting to be beaten I decided to perform some minor surgery and remove the lens mount to gain access to the actual mirror assembly, and low and behold I found an empty space where I imagined (with my limited Bolex knowledge) there would be two little mirrors reflecting light into the viewfinder. I'm pretty sure that's the problem but just wanted to get some confirmation from someone that knows for sure what's going on in there, before I go and chew out eBay/the seller. Pictures attached of the ground glass assembly too just in case anyone notices some other faults I haven't. Let me know what you think! Cheers, Rowan
  25. I'm looking to buy a Bolex REX-5 16mm Camera in good working condition. Extra points if it's been converted to Super 16. Please shoot me a PM if you've got one. Cheers!
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