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CHECK IT OUT HERE SPONSORED CHALLENGE Take the Challenge TODAY! The Make It Epic 2.0 challenge presented by Filmmakers Academy and Musicbed is officially here! We are challenging filmmakers everywhere to take an ordinary object and make it look epic in a minute or less using one of the 5 songs on the Musicbed “Make It Epic Playlist.” Submissions are OPEN and close November 11th. Here are two examples of how we made a Hot Pocket and BlueShape battery look epic ? Click the link to submit! Prizes will include Musicbed subscriptions, Filmmaker Academy memberships, Blueshape batteries, Tiffen Black Pro-Mist Filter, Lowel Lights, Shotdeck subscriptions and more! And our judges include Grammy-nominated producer Jamee Ranta, award-winning cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, ASC, renowned cinematographer Lawerence Sher, ASC, acclaimed commercial director Jane Qian, industry regarded director/executive producer Lindsey Hagen, and accomplished cinematographer Justin Jones. We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Learn more about the Challenge of the DECADE! CHECK IT OUT HERE
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1952 Christmas commercial from early days of T.V. Jewelite Hairbrush Commercial Christmas 1952 : D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Some interesting history from TV's early days... 1949: In January, the number of TV stations had grown to 98 in 58 market areas. 1949: The FCC adopted the Fairness Doctrine, which made broadcasters responsible for seeking out and presenting all sides of an issue when covering controversy. This act was a supplement to the Communications Act of 1934, which required broadcasters to give equal airtime to candidates running in elections. 1951: I Love Lucy, sponsored by Philip Morris, was born. The half-hour sitcom ranked as the number one program in the nation for four of its first six full seasons. 1951: On June 21, CBS broadcasted the first color program. As mentioned above, CBS’s color system only worked with a small number of TVs across America. Only 12 customers across America could see the first color TV broadcast. 12 million other TVs were blank for this program. 1952: Bob Hope takes his comedy from radio to TV as The Bob Hope Show debuts in October, 1952. 1952: By the end of 1952, TVs could be found in 20 million households across America, a rise of 33% from the previous year. U.S. advertisers spent a total of $288 million on television advertising time, an increase of 38.8% from 1951. 1953: RCA releases its color broadcasting system, which worked on 12 million TVs instead of 12. 1954: NBC launches The Tonight Show with comedian Steve Allen. 1955: Gunsmoke, the classic western TV show, began its 20 year run on CBS. 1958: 525 cable TV systems across America serve 450,000 subscribers. In response, CBS takes out a two page advertisement in TV Guide stating that “Free television as we know it cannot survive alongside pay television.” History of the Television | From The 1800s To Current Time (
Hi all! I will soon be shooting my first car spec. I'm doing as much research as I can in order to craft a well-polished and beautiful piece, and to understand the logistical requirements and best practices. We're aiming for a very moody, narrative driven off-terrain piece, employing a black arm setup as well as some drone work. Looking for some guidance, tips, advice - what has everyone learned from their car shoots? Looking back, what would you have done differently from the beginning? What technical difficulties did you overlook?
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- car
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The novel Cinefade VariND has been available for over a year now and there are some great examples of how cinematographers have used the variable depth of field effect in narrative storytelling and commercials (Examples). It's still a new effect though and I'm wondering how else you would use the Cinefade in your post-covid projects? Reveal a bad guy lurking in the background by extending depth of field? Combine with a Dolly Zoom effect? Let's get creative...
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- depth of field
- storytelling
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Hi there! I'm working on the pre-production of a commercial and I'm trying to sell the idea of making a pice where there is an actor speaking to camera while background props change creating diferente rooms and locations. Something similar to the well-known Old spice Tv commercial "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like". I can't find any other commercials done with the same technique, I would be very grateful to anyone who can remember any. Thank you very much!! really appreciate it!!!
<iframe src=""width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href=" ">iron sportster 883 hd</a> from <a href="">Prashantt Rai</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p> I shot this long time back, early 2014 perhaps. Had the negatives scanned, graded, and 2k footage stored in a hard drive. The drive crashed. Data recovery guys were asking a lot of money. I got it scanned again now. I shot this with a focus puller and a driver one early morning on Kodak 200T.
Hi guys! I would like some advice on an upcoming small commercial project I have. I usually film narrative or documentary so I wanted to hear some suggestions about this particular corporate project. I have to film a black speaker with a dark background with smooth movements (slider) using close-ups and some wider shots. The speaker s black and red (picture attached) so they want to empathize those colors with the use of lighting. Like these two references: The space where I'm filming is very wide (the picture is attached on this post). I would film at night so I don't have light coming from the windows. I was thinking to have a back HMI 650W/1200W with a full red gel lighting the columns to create some red lines blurry in the background and then light the product with hard back light and a fill to add some detail from the front side. - Which lights would you recommend for the product itself? A good reference too would be the iPhone 7 picture. - What could I use to give some red vibrant elements to the light? Smoke and light it with red filters? Or talcum podwer? Thanks for any advice. best
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- commercial
- low light
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Hi Guys, How would you achieve this flawless product lighting? I realise the background is green screen so just a couple flat tops either side. Thoughts on lighting for the actual product though? Cheers, Chris
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- flawless
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Hey guys, Any ideas on how this scene was lit or how would you light it its from a recent apple commercial? Appreciate any feedback. Cheers!
I shot a spec commercial with my crew a couple of weeks ago. Please tell me what you think. Feedback is appreciated, Thanks! Chanel Spec.
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- chanel
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Hey guys. I am currently brainstorming ideas for a commercial I will shoot January. One idea that caught my mind, was doing one long take for the whole commercial. Now thinking about it, I will have to do several takes, and put it together in post. As this is food related, I was thinking of switching from a normal view into more macro-like shots on the food being cooked. The scene will start from food delivery and go on till its served on the plate. My main concern is how would one go from normal view to really close-up macroshots? For information im shooting on 5d.
Hi, I’m looking for a car cinematography specialized DP for a high end SPEC commercial. Green screen experience is required as the featured car will be driven on a large green screen cyclorama. Although a car specialist, this person must be good at lighting people as well. The shoot will take place on July 25-26 in Los Angeles. Non-Union shoot. Pay negotiated upon experience. Please apply only if you specialize in car cinematography. We need to confirm someone ASAP. If interested, please email a link to your reel/portfolio to Thanks.
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- cinematography
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Just recut my reel, this is a good reflection of what I did during 2014 with a few clips from some older projects. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
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I am doing a commercial in a weeks time but the product is made of Chrome, and so really really reflective!! Any suggestions or people's experiences, for filming products like this and how to avoid/best approach this??? Thanks!
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- Product
- commercial
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Hi! I am looking for a good 1st AC for a very small commercial shoot. Should be a short day. The 27th of Jan. Will be in the bay area. Really looking to meet a new great camera assistant for local ongoing gigs.. My regular contacts are all fleeing to LA! RED Dragon camera. Please have experience. Email me @ Let me know your preferred rate and experience. thank you!
Lighting a high key bright promo with kids
Pedro Ribeiro posted a topic in Lighting for Film & Video
Hi guys, Been following the forum for ages but never actually managed to ask anything so here it is. I was given the opportunity to light and shoot a small online promo for a new water company about their flavoured water. The moto basically is "water with a twist". You know Children find water boring. But it’s good for them. They expect coke, sprite, orange juice, squash ... anything but Hate2O! I have never shot a commercial/promo with kids and never ever lit for a classic high key, bright white commercial look that you can find all the time when promoting a new yogurt, or food, or etc. mainly kitchen based shoots. And yeah most of our shoot will be kitchen and lounge/dinning area based. Children putting water aside, drinking it and making weird face, until they get the new "flavoured water" and boom they love it and wanna drink more, etc, etc. These are the possible locations but I still havent decided on which to choose from. On the left side you can view like 26 houses. Not sure if having huge big windows will work or not in my favour. Its winter and sunset in the UK is at 3.45pm... not sure which one to choose from yet. maybe small windows will not be ideal but having those bigger windows will work against me as well. I was planning on using book light technique for this promo. if you guys have any tips on how to best light an high key kitchen promo or have any tips from previous shoots please do shout. I want to avoid making it look flat and boring, which i know its easy to achieve when trying a high key style shoot. I wanted to make it look light and airy. Cheers for your help Pedro Lighting camera op- 5 replies
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Hey, I'm Lea. I'm a young filmmaker trying to get my foot in the door. I would love to hear any anecdotes or advice you have on the subject. Here's my reel. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated! Check out my site! Hope you enjoyed it! All the best, L. Fox
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- Reel
- cinematography
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Hi Everybody, I am shooting a commercial for a company that produces kitchen gadgets and vacuum cleaners. (Intended for the web) I'll be shooting with canon mark III, i have access to pretty much everything that i need for lighting and grip. The studio floor is black, shiny, and very reflective. Back drop is very dark gray (almost like black) and non reflective. It'll start with a top shot of a woman, who struggles with a different brand vacuum and so on... I'll also have some close-up product shots(obviously) and etc. This is the first time I am working with this agency and I want to give them something different, of course, I don't want to re-invent the wheel but I sure can use some creative advice from whomever is available to spare me some of their time. Thank you,
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- Lighting
- commercial
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Hi everyone. I'm not exactly a student or a new filmmaker, but I am closer to a new filmmaker, than a professional DP, so that's why I'm posting here. Apologies to moderators if it's in the wrong section. I'm filming a low budget car commercial for a small community tv channel and I am wondering what the best options are to film a moving car. I basically want to be able to make the most out of a little to no budget as possible, whether using guerilla style filmmaking or out the box ideas, I need some guidance. I want basically get multiple moving angles of a car driving on the road. My options so far are: Film the car out the window from another car. Use a pillow as a vibration/shake absorber while holding the camera on the door through the window opening. My angles and height are very restricted and I can only pan very slightly. Film the the car from the back of a pickup truck (in SA, we call these vans), with a little jib to get some dynamic movement, however while this option provides the most creative shot options, it could also provide me with, you know, death. So I'm not really considering this as an option, but if I found a way to safely set this up then I would do it. Film the car by sticking my camera out of the window and holding the top handle. I cannot hire a 3-axist gimbal to fit my FS700 in my city but I could use my Glidecam, however I don't have much confidence in this option. So you see, I am basically lost for options here. Every bts video I have seen of a car commercial has mind blowingly expensive rigs that are built into vehicles. I need some cheaper options. Thanks!
Hi all, I'm brand new to this forum and happy to have discovered it! This is a little project my wife and I did together; a spec commercial competition guest judged by Merlin Crossingham, Creative Director for Wallace & Gromit & Peter Jackson, of, like, everything (but mostly known for The Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, and The Adventures of Tintin), among others. We are in the early stages of starting a commercial production company, and as part of a contest, we were challenged to come up with a film based on the theme of "Happiness" for an English company called (they also have locations in Paris and NYC), so we went to work, made a 30 second spec commercial, starring our son and dog, and we were thrilled and honored when our little film made the short list of 12 finalists. We would love to get some feedback from this crazy talent pool here and while the winners are going to be picked by the judging panel, but there is a "fan favorite" film as well, so admitedly, this is also a call for help! Please go to watch the film at either below link and if you think it deserves it, click the "Like" button. (It's kind of a pain in the butt because you have to be signed in to youtube for the "Thumbs Up" to stick but every click helps, so we really appreciate it!) We are just a little family operation and as such don't have much in the way of "contacts" so we are reaching out here on this forum to draw attention to it. Please forgive my naivite if I am doing something wrong, but we are in the final weeks of this competition and are only 8 votes behind for Fan Favorite, (the fellow in the lead is very good, and a little more established in this world, so frankly I thrilled we are as close to him as we are!) Maybe your votes can turn the tide for Fan Fav, and with that prize (a gift cert from the Apple Store) we can get some new, better equiptment, and turn up the notch on our little production endevors! The main youtube link is here: And if you want to see the rest of the competition, or see it on the main page, it's here: Thanks everyone! - Lucien
- Peter Jackson
- Commercial
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Hello everyone! My name is Grant. I'm a cameraman/editor from Russia. I'm 21, and I spent 5 years on learning and practicing in video industry. My dream is to shoot beautiful and interesting adverts/films with people who love it too. Unfortunately I live in Russia, in city where only weddings are popular, and no one need true quality. Of course, I participate in some "Big Moscow projects" but I understood, that the capital is not for me (non professional reasons). And now I decided to find a studio or comp., to work with outside Russia. And it is even doesn't matter where - Europe or USA/Canada. But move to another country without any contacts might be risky I want to ask you about any ways to implement my dream. Thank you for any advice. And have a nice day.
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- How did they shoot this hardware video? I know it's live action hardware with hands but how did they rig it and make everything white? I really like to hear all ideas out there. Thanks
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- HOW?
- I want to do this!
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I've posted this scene description on several movie trivia sites as well as old movie forums and such and no one has been able to offer any information. I have an old childhood memory about a movie in which super 8 camera commercials were lampooned. I remember seeing images of this impressive looking super 8 camera that was called something like the "Hamshika Super 8". It was an impressive looking camera, kind of like a Bolex 160, if memory serves, but you saw people shooting with it and a low,husky , sexy female voice whispered the word "Capture!" all the way through the spoof commercial. The final shot in the spoof commercial scene was a crowd of people dropping their cameras en masse in a huge dumpster. I'll have to go back and look at it, but it may be a scene out of an old obscure comedy-sci fi called The Monitors, but I'm not sure. The era would be right, 1966-70 or so. Might be a British comedy, but not sure. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Here is my new showreel 2012-2013 as a director of photography. I'm from France but i'm working abroad as long as director's need my skills. I hope you'll like my reel. I put pieces of me in it. Enjoy it.
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- showreel
- director of photography
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- *click on the vimeo or youtube links at the bottom of the page to view my reel. Thank you for your time! Adam Cohen
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- Adam Cohen
- Los Angeles
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