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Found 11 results

  1. Eyemo VS Arriflex 35 WWII cameras test dive in battle AGFA Aviphot pan 200 and USSR Tasma b\w negative films
  2. We continue to restore the old movie cameras of the Second World War and shoot videos reminiscent of newsreels of the 1940s on them. We use the American Bell & Howell Eyemo cameras and the German hand crank camera Askania 1930s. We shoot 35 mm black-and-white Russian film Tasma and German AFFA aerial photograph. Soon we will repair the Arriflex 35 camera of the Third Reich and remove its historical reconstruction WWII. Watch our "military" video review
  3. What filmed the WW II? German Arriflex 35 movie camera VS Soviet camera Eyemo copy KC-50 - review Germany against USSR and USA in WW2... On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, we restored two military movie cameras - the German Arriflex 35 and the Soviet KC-50 - a copy of the USA 35 mm Bell & Howell Eyemo movie camera. In the review of the "Panorama Camera" we will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of our and enemy cinema equipment, and recall the Soviet front-line cameramen and their feat. English subtitle included.
  4. Ladies and gentlemen, an article I have first written and published in German, now in English https://www.filmvorfuehrer.de/topic/27933-bell-howell-eyemo-standard-professional-portable-automatic-motion-picture-camera/?do=findComment&comment=303498 Additions and corrections are invited.
  5. Hi Im looking for General Scientific or Bell & Howell Militar lenses in Eyemo mount. Mainly 3",4" and 6" focal lengths in black or white/grey Thanks! Björn
  6. Bought a very nice eyemo camera. It is reflex converted and has another lens mount than original. Who can tell me please which kind of mount it is? Thanks.
  7. Milan Madge

    Eyemo Shutter

    Hi guys, I've just joined the forums as I'm hoping to start pursuing cinematography, I've been a keen stills photographer for some time but found an Eyemo the other day that I couldn't help but buy! It was sold to me as 'not running', so I spent most of today completely stripping it down and rebuilding it. It runs perfectly now except I'm missing a couple of pieces! 1) The top spindle that holds the spool 2) The shutter I was thinking I could probably make the spindle as a worst case scenario, but I'm stuck on the shutter! Does anyone know where I can find these parts? I can't imagine they're easy to come by but I'm hoping theres a website I've not found yet! Thanks! Milan
  8. Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows of a shop that does repairs on a B&H Eyemo that was modified by Steve's Cine Service? I would have sent the camera to Steve for repairs, but he is retired now. Are modified Eyemo's harder to repair? Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  9. Hey! Modified Eyemo purchased on Ebay, curious if anyone might be familiar with the buttons and inputs on this camera? I understand the bottom 4-pin is for power, but the small top input? Switches also puzzle me, red and white buttons don't seem to do anything and not sure why they are on camera (the silver toggle switch stops and starts filming motion... maybe an override of sorts?). There is a round silver thing on the side of camera (size of a quarter) that spins when the camera is actually filming, no clue what that's about either. Special thanks for any input or ideas offered... I'm really excited about actually shooting film and being involved with this board. PS. It's actually not very loud with the crystal synch motor, I am confident that I can build a blimp for it.
  10. Hi everyone, I got hold of a B&H 35mm eyemo with a PV mount. I'm extremely new to filming in 35mm and have never had the opportunity to work with Panavision lenses so please forgive me for my basic questions. Since I'm only trying to gain experience with filming, I really don't have a need to shoot with PV lenses. I'd rather just use something more readily accessible for the time being. Is there an adapter out there that will allow me to use non-PV lenses on this camera? I've tried looking, but all I seem to find are adapters that allow you to use PV lens on an arri mount... I've also seen some that allow you to attach a PV to an EOS... but I haven't found an adapter allowing you to use a non-pv lens on a camera with a PV mount. If there is no such adapter available, is there any possibility of replacing the PV mount on the camera with something else? Or is that going to be the job of a technician? Sorry for all the basic questions. I've tried to do research online about all this, but aside from reading previous threads I haven't had much luck in getting my questions answered. Thanks!
  11. I've just finished documenting the complete strip down of a Bell & Howell 35mm Eyemo: http://cinetinker.blogspot.com.au/ Very similar mechanically to a 16mm 70 series Filmo. These cameras have an uncased spring, so they can be very dangerous to dismantle. Personally I wouldn't recommend inexperienced people doing anything more than removing the front. But I figure if people are going to try it they're better off having some idea of what's inside.
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