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My Gear


  1. I have some Super Baltars:::: 25mm f2, 2 inch 50mm f2, 3 inch 75mm f2 They are all in Mitchell R-35 mount. All the glass is in great condition. No haze and no scratches. Only the 25m 2 inch has a couple faint cleaning marks on the rear element. Mechanics are good with both the focus and iris. Let me know if you have any questions. Pics here $15900
  2. We are currently selling: ANGENIEUX HR 17-102mm T2.9 PL Mount Metric Scale, Europe Located. Perfect working condition Glass Mint Condition. Minor marks and signs of use. Custom case included. LOOKING FOR: 8.000€ + shipping + fees. PM: alvaro@camararental.com
  3. I recently aquired a BMCC, which lends a couple of questions. Now, I see that it is common to use adapters with this camera. Which lenses are great choices for this camera? And are there fully manual zooms under $1000? Also, is Metabones speedbooster with EF lenses a good option, or are the lenses just too big for the sensor? Thanks.
  4. I have a couple Cooke Speed Panchro 18mm III's for sale. Take a look below and let me know if you have any questions! Thanks so much. Cooke Speed Panchro 18mm III - 747441: Front element has scratches. Rear has some fungus. No yellowing. No haze. Aperture ring pretty good and blades have no oil. Focus ring a little loose. Priced to sell at $950. Pics here. Cooke Speed Panchro 18mm III - 688301: Front element has some spots but no scratches. Rear is pretty clean. No yellowing. No haze. Aperture is smooth and blades have small amount of oil. Focus is smooth. $1400. Pics here.
  5. So I am trying to look into Renting equipment for 14 Days for an Indie Film. The issue is we only have about 6K to spend for a FULL Camera Kit and Lenses. Mind you I have a good tripod, but obviously need all the working parts. Im really contemplating a Canon C300 MKII for 4K C-Log, with either a Zeiss CP2 Kit (which is much cheaper, under budget it seems) or a Set of Cooke S4 Primes which puts us right on target, maybe a hair expensive. I'm a stickler for quality and this film is really in need of that "David Fincher" Style usually locked off on a tripod, so no need for handheld rigs, but needs to have a very "anamorphic" look and almost like 35mm Film Stock! Im not a Cinematography Pro, I just really need something that does well in low light, doesnt need to be like an A7s, but that NAILS Color and the overall feel of things. Hope someone has some ideas! Thanks!
  6. Hi there, I own a great set of Schneider Kreuznach lenses with Arri STD mount and would like to rehouse them. Lenses are 18mm, 28mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm and 100mm, all f2. I know that P+S is doing proper rehousings but this is probably to expensive for all lenses (I think they will charge around 18.000€ for all 6 lenses). Any recommendations? Thanks!
  7. Lenses For Sale (Pre-Owned): Cooke S4/i 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Lens Set Kowa Anamorphic 40/50/75/100mm Lens Set Leica Summicron-C 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Arri 16/24/32mm T2.1 Macro Lens Set Arri Master Prime 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Lens Set Arri Master Prime 27mm T1.3 Lens Metric Scale Arri Ultra Prime 16/24/32/50/85/135mm Lens Set Zeiss MKII Superspeed Prime Lenses 18/25/35/50/85mm email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  8. hello guys! I've got a question, it might be a stupid question for some of us, still it bothers me right now! I was browsing some Canon Cinema Prime lenses, and I read: "they offer brilliant 4K image quality" my question is: what does that mean? I mean, how do they calculate that the lens offers a 4K image quality and not for instance a 2K? thank you so much :)
  9. Saw this and thought I would share: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/media/12082238/British-production-firms-spend-big-on-vintage-lenses-to-profit-from-period-drama-boom.html
  10. Hi everybody, can anybody give a little insight on what parfocal lenses are? Thanks so much in advance, Davide
  11. Hello, I am selling my set of Arri Ultra Primes. Lenses are in a very good condition. They were bought in December, 2012. Item is located in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Worldwide delivery is discussible. Contact for details. Price is 90000 Euro Feel free to ask any questions: merluzzo@yandex.ru
  12. Optical Support are one of the UK’s leading lens repair and Steadicam specialists in the UK. Over 15 years of experience has provided us with the knowledge and tools to provide a high quality, reputable service. Whether it’s a low budget film or a full length feature, we can provide you with a tailored service to meet your production requirements. Also known for the infamous Mantis Rickshaw; Optical Support has become a household name in the British film industry with credits in Feature films and Television spanning across the world including Spectre (2015), Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016), Game Of Thrones and Indian Summers. For more information please visit http://www.opticalsupport.com Optical Support Ltd 203 – 204 Belgravia Workshops 157 – 163 Marlborough Road London United Kingdom N19 4NF Call: +44 (0)207 281 0999 General Enquires: info@opticalsupport.com Accounts Debt: accounts@opticalsupport.com Lens Hire: info@oslenses.com
  13. Hi! I'm downscaling my Super 16-kit and it's time to let go of these beautiful lenses. First got them to use with an Ikonoskop A-cam dII but lately I've used them for s16 film cameras (Arri Sr2, Aaton a-minima and Arri 416). Actually also tried them on a Gh4 (with mft-pl-adapter) and from 12mm and up they cover the sensor in 4k mode. They are in really good mechanical and optical condition. Some paint wear on the housings but all focus marks and text is clearly visible. So what I've got is: Zeiss Super Speed mkII Super 16mm lenses. All T1.3. 9,5mm, 12mm, 25mm and 50mm. Will sell individual lenses or all at once. I'm hoping to get a deal done quickly so first come first served (hope that's the correct english expression for it…). Prices reasonable, please contact me if you are seriously interested and we'll discuss it. Lenses are located in Stockholm but I will ship world wide (but EU preferred). Best regards/Kalle Folke, Sweden www.kallefolke.se
  14. Hi everybody, I'm still a beginner and I'm having some doubts about hyperfocal distance. Playinng with some DOF charts I've noticed that the hyperfocal distance changes with the aperture and the focal lenght of the lens. For example shooting 35mm 3-perf on a 50mm and at a F2 the hyperfocal distance is 161' and 6", so if focusing for this distance everything from 80' to infinity should be in acceptable focus (please tell me if I'm wrong about it), but what if the hyperfocal distance is something like 400', most lenses do not have a mark for it, so which distance should I be focusing for? Thank you so much in advance for the help!
  15. I am playing around with anamorphic adapters, and obviously am limited by what sort of taking lenses I can use. I wanted to use a Zeiss 35mm but found it vignetted very slightly, so I moved up to a 50mm. This is on a GH4 with a Speedbooster, so fairly fairly close to simulating a Super35 sensor. Also shooting 4:3. For Super 35, ~35mm-ish seems like a standard for a "normal" fov on spherical and 50mm seems a bit tight, better for close-ups (imo). But since the 2X anamorphic stretches the horizontal focal length, I am a little unsure of what should be a go-to focal length for anamorphic. I myself usually compose based on the vertical size of the frame, which doesn't change, but obviously I wouldn't want so much more negative horizontal space so I'd probably move backwards to compensate. I don't have many other great primes that will take the anamorphic adapter, so I am trying to avoid too much trial and error by seeing what others think.
  16. Hello, I am a filmmaker who inherited a Super 16 Arriflex SR2 with lenses. I can not afford the cost of film so I would like to sell it and the lenses and use the money to hire a cinematographer. The lenses are all in great condition. If there is any problem with them I will take them back and refund you $1,000 per lens. For sale: Zeiss 9.5mm Distagon 1:12 T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss 12mm Distagon 1:12 T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss 16mm Distagon 1:12 T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss 25mm Distagon 1:12 T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss/Optex 12-120mm T2.4 All have PL mounts and are from the MK II series. Includes case Price $5,000 includes shipping. Please email about anything you would like to know! (The Arriflex SR2 I have is also for sale. Please email for more information!) Listed on Ebay! More photos on Ebay! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Zeiss-lenses-for-arriflex-16mmSR2-Set-of-5-9-5-12-16-25-12-120mm-/161790335402?hash=item25ab7499aa
  17. Hello, What is the most efficient, safest, yet cost effective way to purchase a set of lenses from Europe while living in Los Angeles? Buying directly from owner. The owner is hesitant about sending lenses overseas without full payment as I am hesitant about having them sent from overseas after I have paid for them. What about insuring them properly, import/export duties, etc? The set is valued at about $17,500 USD. Any information would be very helpful. Long time listener, first time caller! - Ren Bradford
  18. Hi there everyone, Just wished to know what kind of circular filter would fit/cover a zeiss 11-110, a super 16 zoom lens? Will a Tiffen 86C from B&H photo video be good enough? thanks
  19. Hello everybody, I've been thinking about it for a little time and I couldn't find an answer so I hope somebody could maybe give me some helpful tips. I know that the marks on a lens are put following a logarithmical pattern ( if I'm not wrong it means that the closer the more I have to spin the wheel). What I'd really like to know is how good ACs can remember by heart when it becomes necessary on the lens to start pulling faster etc etc. What I wanna know is if different lenses/manufactureres kind of follow the same patter (for example if after 8 foot marks become more distant between each others when you pull closer on a given focal lenght lens). And if not how ACs train their muscle memory on lenses they have never used. Thank you so much everybody!
  20. Hey guys, a guy in town is offering to sell this set of (heavily used) vintage primes for $2300. He's not sure what they are, they were given to him. They look to me like maybe old zeiss standard speeds, or something similar. Can anyone tell me what they are? Trying to figure out if it would be a steal to snag these. Specs: 28mm t2.2 35mm t2.2 50mm t2.3 75mm t2.2 (see attached image) Thank you!
  21. Hello everybody, can anybody tell me what circle of confusion is? I've looked for explanations but I could not find one that is easily understandable. Thanks in advance, Davide
  22. 18/21/25/35/40/50/75/100mm For Details Contact : sales@broadcastsolutions.com[
  23. We have a mint set of Master Primes 18,25,40,75 & 150mm with cases $89,950 bvw@vidgear.com for pic's
  24. So I bought the Angenieux 17-68mm f/2.2 c-mount lens for my MFT cameras and I am wanting to use my variable ND filter on it. Obviously I needed a step up ring adaptor. I read at vintagelensesforvideo.com in the comments section of the post about this lens that it was most likely a series 7 filter. So I bought a series 7 to 58mm adaptor; I was way too big. I then bought a series 6 to series 7 adaptor; this was barely too small. I've gone to all the local Dallas/Fort Worth camera shops and they all have no clue. Does anyone know what the front filter specifications are for this lens? Any help much appreciated! Alex
  25. I'm considering starting a collection of 4x4 glass filters. Probably going to start with a basic ND set, and then move on to getting a set of Black Pro Mist. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience using Formatt filters? I'm not sure whether I should just look out for second hand tiffen filters? Obviously 4x4 filters are cheaper than 4x5.65, but what are your opinions on 4x4 filters?
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