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  1. Specifically, I'm referring to activating the 'Timecode Trigger' on the indieASSIST HD Video Assist and triggering a recording on a monitor-recorder when the camera starts running. I can confirm the Convergent Design Odyssey 7Q+ as being compatible, but I'm searching for alternatives besides this unit. I could not get the Video Devices PIX-E5/E7 to trigger a recording. And I've not personally tested, but I've heard from another user that the Atomos Ninja V+ is not being triggered. They had to manually start/stop the recordings. I'm curious to hear from others and their experience. I guess another way to phrase the question, albeit very technical: does anyone know of any monitor-recorders, besides the Odyssey 7Q+, that can read the 'VITC2' flag embedded in the SDI stream? It seems many monitor-recorders are only looking for the 'VITC / VITC1' flag. Thanks for any tips!
  2. Hi everyone, I wanted to get some opinions on what some of your favourite monitors to use on camera are? I am in the middle of researching which monitor would be best for future proofing and using on commercial sets and run and gun documentary type style projects while filming exteriors and interiors. There are a few features I am looking for: Above 1,000 Nits (for using on bright exterior days) HDMI & SDI input & output Colour accurate Offers Waveforms, false colour, histograms, selection of aspect ratios, etc Preferably between 5inch and 7 inch monitors A side question would be does anyone know of monitors like this where you can set the false colour values? This is surprisingly quite rare. Are there any thoughts I should keep in mind before purchasing? Also what are you opinions on monitor recorders such as the new Blackmagic video assist 12g? Any recommendations would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Hello Community ! (picture from the aaton ltr7 manual) - This might sound like basic questions but i must ask : 1) HOW DOES THE BEAM SPLITTER ON THE AATON LTR 7 WORKS what does the manual means by 'aaton VR30' system in the first paragraph ? 2) how do i know the one inside my LTR works ? how do i get the beam splitter signal out on a monitor ? 3) there is no connection whatsoever for video output on my ltr (no BNC - as it is sometimes apparent downside the magazine near the iso adjustment - or connector apparent near the beam splitter and so called aaton VR30), i do understand this beam splitter has an on/off position. I also do not possess the m3 allen wrench mentionned in the second paragraph but i can't even find the screw i should access to switch the BS position , or maybe it does not exist ? 4) Should i consider a better and easier alternative way to video tap on my aaton ltr7 with a micro camera through the viewfinder ? what camera and lense model is best suited for this configuration Thanks in advance, J aaton manual p20 png.zip
  4. Hey everyone, I recently purchased an Arri SRII S16 and have really enjoyed re-familiarizing myself and learning to be more comfortable with film. I have some questions though regarding the video assist and power. Video Assist In the grand scheme of things, I would love to be able to use modern monitoring systems with my SRII such as a Teradek and SmallHD monitors. The video assist is of course analog, and I would need to convert the CVBS signal to SDI and I am having trouble doing so. I've tried Blackmagic's analog to SDI converter, but I believe it can only take analog over SDI for input so that did not work. I then tried Aja's V2Digital converter and had the same issue. I've tried contacting Aja's customer service, but have yet to reach anyone. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can convert this signal? If not, looks like I'll just be going to traditional standard def on-board monitor. Power I have two 12v onboard Arri batteries that work great. But I was wondering what I could do to replace those with gold mount batteries? I know that I can get a goldmount plate with 4-pin xlr for power, but am concerned that if I place a charged 14v-16v goldmount on there, I'm going to fry the board on my camera. I would need some sort of 12v regulator, but am having trouble finding one so I'm thinking I could maybe build one? Thoughts? I know I could probably go with a battery belt, but I was hoping to keep everything compact. Thank you!
  5. Planning to shoot a project with a Nizo 6080. I was wondering if it was possible to somehow rig a bullet camera or something of the sort to use as a video assist. I've seen stuff on the internet from 10 years about about how to do this with Beaulieus, but nothing about Nizos or posted recently. Anyone have any experience with this, or know which bullet cam models or rigging methods might work with a Nizo viewfinder? Preferably without spending a ton of money or a lot of complex engineering to build it. Doesn't need to be fancy, just functional - I’m a student self-funding the project. Alternatively, would buying one of those old Zigview monitors work? How would I set that up to my circular viewfinder? All their models seem to have been made for rectangular SLR viewfinders and I can’t tell if any of the adapters might work. None one currently selling one on Ebay offers returns, so if i bought one I want to be absolutely sure I’m getting one that will fit my camera.
  6. Hi There, I made this super cheap video assist from a camera I'd bought a little while ago but thought didn't work (not sure why). The cameras are on sale for a little less than $8. They are light enough for gaff tape to hold them on to the viewfinder (at least until you find a permanent solution) and they are good enough for framing for sure. This was on a Rex 5 with 13x viewfinder. I will try it on the 10x tomorrow. I think they have some kind of automatic gain which really does help make it brighter than the Bolex viewfinder would ever be to the naked eye. But the image is also not that great under normal household light but one wouldn't be shooting under those lighting conditions I would hope. :) You can see more photos and ready about it more here: http://www.threewestcreative.com/12-dollar-bolex-video-assist/ You can get the cameras here while they last (looks like they also have the same ones for less than $7 too if you look at their inventory) : http://www.ebay.com/itm/291002399506 I have a 1k Bambino with diffusion in front going on there so the edges of the video view can be seen. It doesn't zoom in enough to be edge to edge though. The lens is 3.5-8mm. I'm not sure how this will look once in a real world situation where you'll have the lens stopped down for the best exposure. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. Cheers!
  7. I'm looking for a NTSC video assist for an arri 3. I believe I have an original arri tap door, I've added a photo of it - maybe someone can fill me in on the different styles of taps and "mounts" for the cameras. -J
  8. Hey, I'm looking for some technical expertise.. I have an Arri SR3 Adv, with a video assist - see pic. The output is an analogue phono cable which I have running into a small 7" monitor. The only practical use for the video assist, and all I need it for, is framing. All in all the set-up works pretty well, but it would be handy if I had a way to record the video assist image. Does anyone know a simple way to record the signal? Either an affordable small recording monitor with phono input, or I was thinking perhaps some hardware and software to turn the analogue signal to digital and record on a laptop. Has anyone had any experience with this? Thanks, Greg
  9. Hey everyone, I'm looking into the whole shooting on 35 mm 2 perf thing right now for my first "professional" short movie, and what scared me mostly about 35 mm was not being able to really see what's being shot other than on a shitty quality video tap or assist, but I read here the other day someone talking about using an HD monitor and feed it the composite signal from the camera and having a much better quality, is this really possible? I read otherwise about the HD IVS by Arri but it seems ridiculously pricey, otherwise, it seems like the Penelope has actually a pretty decent, much better video feed, what do you guys think? Love this forum by the way, so many resources !
  10. HI There! I just got an Arriflex 16 SR1 (somewhat by accident) and I have a few questions. :) The seller had "1 - Video Assist Optics" listed as one of the items that comes with the camera. I thought I knew what this meant. I thought it was a viewfinder piece that would allow you to hook up a camera to it. However when the camera arrived today, what it has looks like the standard Arriflex viewfinder (like the one in the manual). The seller sells a lot of these things and all of his listings say "1 - Video Assist Optics". This being my first time owning one, do I need to get something else other than just a small video camera to have some video assist action going on? The seller is away until the 8th and I didn't ask before because I thought I understood what was what. :) Here it is the camera I have. Next question, I bought this SR1 blimp today. Anyone ever seen/used one of these? I couldn't find anything about it on the net. Just wanted to hear about any experiences with it. Thanks!
  11. I am the DP, in pre-production for a 35mm motion picture film being shot on black and white infra red film in Israel. I am trying to find a solution for a video assist to accompany our ARRI 435. We are shooting in almost complete darkness, only with infra red light sources. I am looking for contacts or leads to individuals who may knows how to build a video assist that corresponds with the parameters of the IR stock that we are working with. If anyone has any suggestions or knows of any camera tech wizards I would be thrilled to speak with them. Please contact me directly at adiva@thenthis.org.
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