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Prometheus trailer is finally up!

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Other than the fact that the guy in the BTS is wearing a Nostromo shirt... no?


And the shot of Winstead at the end with the blowing CO2 (or steam, or whatever) is extremely Sigourney-In-Aliens.


And Gillis and Woodruff did the creature effects.


Any more Alien series links?

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Okay clearly it is just me but to me the trailer for the thing just turns into the Prometheus trailer about 1 minute in. It's not just that the soundtrack is similar but the way it is cut, and the way it stops and then starts again, and the tempo is about the same, the rythum of the editing is also similar and the faster cuts towards the end. To me it's almost like the Prometheus trailer is the thing trailer with different footage loaded in and tidied up a bit to make it cleaner and hold together better.


and it's strange because as you are suggesting the films are very similar anyway! I mean even the original version of the thing and Alien have a lot in common!


The other surprise to my eye is that the new Thing prequel (another thing in common) actually doesn't look that bad from the trailer. I've not seen it tho.





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SPOILER WARNING: There are BIG reveals about the film about half way in, after the music changes.


New trailer:



Strangely this time seems the video doesn't exhibit the colour fringing and is watchable at 480p.

Maybe they have decided to play down the bad video feel, it's still there but not as in your face. I notice this also doesn't feature the glitchy video fox logo.


Good news for me as I was finding it distracting for some reason, I'm finding it a lot easier to ignore the bad video vibe on this trailer which is a huge relief for me as I'm obviously really excited by this release!


Could be the colour fringing was something to do with its 3d origins?





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Well my opinion so far, firstly the bad, some of the acting, isn't quite spot on, or seems that way from the trailer. Not good. I wanted to see Riddley make a huge come back on this and to really knock the ball out of the park, and I'm not sold entirely on the nasty videoishness (which thankfully seems to be less evident in this trailer), some of the designs, some of the lost in space fashion outfits, and now the acting. Of course I'm making these judgements based on stills and the trailers which may not be how the final film works. I'm viewing all this out of context.


The good? Thankfully the good is FAR outweighing the bad for me. I like the fact he seems to have managed to make the predator nonsense seem not as distant from the rest of the films while still holding it at arms length! (yew!) Makes me feel bad that Riddley has seen those AvsP films, but I need to be harsher, he does deserve it for his crimes.


It's an interesting trailer because I can see why he is saying it's not an alien film, in fact the feel of it is a LOT more like blade runner! Of course blade runner was critically panned on it's release and it too had some issues in terms of acting (well that voiceover anyway!) and blade runner is an all time classic. :)


Very neat tie in with the later alien stuff too it would appear, wasn't expecting that.


I have a good feeling about this and I'm still excited! Go Riddley!


Disclaimer: I have a massive soft spot for Riddley Scott, he changed the way I saw cinema, having grown up in the home video age. He changed the way I looked at filmmakers and films. He changed so many of my views and for a while was the highest filmmaker in my regard and I was waiting for him to do something more...


...sadly he just let me down, in almost every way.


I want to see him make a comeback. I like to believe people can redeem themselves. In fact right now I probably NEED to believe that.





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And what exactly is the point in attempting to continue the fiction that this is not an Alien prequel?


So they don't have to pay Dan O'Bannon huge quantities of money?



Heh heh!


I think he means the feel of it is very different. Also I'm not sure how much we will encounter the full size aliens from the later films, it will be more about "the spacejockey".


I think he is right about the feel of it too in that it feels more blade runner than alien from this new trailer.


The whole "Not an alien thing" is a bit silly, but it is of course great for marketing in all kinds of ways because it is a point of conversation which is useful in the internet age.


It does look like it will tie into the other movies far more neatly and cleanly than I was expecting tho!





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Yet another trailer!


WARNING: theres another bit of a spoiler if you are paying close attention but hey...



I'm glad to see they are actually making a big effort to promote this film now, for a while back there I did wonder if they were just going to plonk it out and see what happens!


Well this trailer really plays up the nasty video thing to the max, although it does it in a somewhat creative way and has a nice mix of the bits that are more like that and the bits that are a bit less like that. Hmmmmm... I'm wondering if some of them are supposed to be video POV shots in this trailer too. Kind of works as the really extreme video bits take the heat off the bits that have it going on less.


For me the bit I find exciting is the 2001/solaris type scene because you know I love a bit of arty. So that and the voice over that sounds like tilda swinton at the start of the other trailer are working for me! ;) Of course I'm hoping it will blend okay with the action movie stuff that this movie has at its foundation.


There were a few issues in the first trailer we saw and I now wonder if a lot of that might have been that a lot of it was rushed out before it was ready. Certainly in these last two trailers the cgi doesn't look so fake and the models and designs don't look as plastic, it's looking to my eyes like it works a lot more now. If so it will be interesting to have seen the film at these different stages like that! It's a big relief for me as I was starting to think it might be difficult for me to watch but while it's still looks a little nasty I think I'm going to be able to get past that. *phew*


I'm feeling more and more sold that I'm actually going to take a trip to the cinema to see this which is a big decision for me.


*fingers crossed for riddley* I do like what I'm seeing... I hope this will be the start of a big creative renewal for the man.





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As much as i dislike 3D, really looking forward to see what Ridley Scott does with it on this one ! Roll on 8th June.


I also dislike 3D, however Scott may know just how to use it, especially as he consulted with Cameron on this matter.

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oh wow,


I forgot this was 3D - heh heh


hmmmm, now to ponder how I want to experience this first:


3D with all the attendant irks and possible disappointment.

2D without all the attendant irks and possible disappointment - ah, but then ... it wont be 3D


(It'll likely be on a imax sized screen if I go 3D)


Your tactics ?

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I know, I know - its youtube

But sure is scary the amount of people commenting things like:


"looks like another Alien ripoff, giving this one a miss"


Cannot really be considered a n Alien rip off if the original director is making it.

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