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  • Premium Member

I don't smoke, but I don't mind smokers or cigarette smoke. It just doesn't bother me. Although, one of my biggest pet peeves on set is when I need someone to do their job that second, but nobody can find them cause they're off somewhere smoking. If it happens twice I'll likely not hire them again (or make sure whoever hired them doesn't hire them again). I mean, I get that there's downtime for every department on set and I've worked with some people I never knew smoked until I smelled it on them. So, if they can do it, then there's no excuse for anyone else, right?

Posted (edited)

Smoking cigarettes is one thing. It's the hash oil and THC inhalers that bother me. It's kind of like drinking on the job. Same with edibles. Maybe you're very high functioning when you're high. Just don't let me know you're doing that. It's the same when crew show up on set and tell me they just came off a show where they worked 14 hours. Yeah? I really don't want to know that you're double dipping. Cause now I have to put you on a do not call list for future work. I can't have set techs that are exhausted when they start a job. It's just a safety concern. Same with crew that are drunk or high. I know it's the film industry and plenty of people use weed daily so I don't judge, I just don't want to know.


Nicotine just usually leads to people getting grumpy cause they need to smoke. That's the worst. Then they have a cigarette and calm down. So it's not a big deal as long as you don't take those folks too personally when they get cranky. You have to just ignore them and realize it's the nicotine that's making them crabby.

Edited by Michael LaVoie
  • Premium Member

Smoking cigarettes is one thing. It's the hash oil and THC inhalers that bother me. It's kind of like drinking on the job. Same with edibles. Maybe you're very high functioning when you're high. Just don't let me know you're doing that. It's the same when crew show up on set and tell me they just came off a show where they worked 14 hours. Yeah? I really don't want to know that you're double dipping. Cause now I have to put you on a do not call list for future work. I can't have set techs that are exhausted when they start a job. It's just a safety concern. Same with crew that are drunk or high. I know it's the film industry and plenty of people use weed daily so I don't judge, I just don't want to know.


Nicotine just usually leads to people getting grumpy cause they need to smoke. That's the worst. Then they have a cigarette and calm down. So it's not a big deal as long as you don't take those folks too personally when they get cranky. You have to just ignore them and realize it's the nicotine that's making them crabby.

All good points. It's not that I mind people smoking. Smoke all day if there's nothing on set for you to do. Just pay attention to when you're supposed to be working.


I haven't seen the other stuff you mentioned. But maybe I'm oblivious. Any drug use on the clock seems crazy to me.


Edit: I remember an old PA telling me he would get drunk and high when he would put down lay out board, then one time he put lay out board all the way up the wall without even noticing. And I remember hearing the story of a PA showing up drunk to pick up the camera truck. He got it stuck on some train tracks and they lost a day, but he never worked again.

  • Premium Member

As a smoker, i find i have to bring 2 packs to set because typically I'll be able to get 1 puff in before i throw the cig away and get back to work.


As for THC and the like, yeah, you're not coming back tomorrow.

I also hate it when people double dip, I get it sometimes you have to, sometimes I've done it (i hate it) but it it's something i know is done a lot by x or y person, I tend to not want to call them up. I think a crew needs to be a series of checks and balances, all on our game, as best we can be, to cover and see what others can't.

  • Premium Member

If something got screwed up on set and I found out whoever did it was high? I might lose my temper.


I think with smoking people just have to keep in mind they're not working a normal job where taking a smoke break doesn't really matter. I should have mentioned this, but I'm also talking more about working on a sound stage where people have to walk a short distance to get outside to smoke. If I'm in the middle of working on something and the camera battery dies, it's really annoying to have to track down the guy to change the battery if they're smoking. If they're in the bathroom, fine. But, if you're going to smoke, make sure you know you won't possibly be needed in the next ten minutes or so. That's all.

  • Premium Member

generally if i go to smoke i make sure there is someone there to cover me. If there isn't, I don't go. I know there will always be a moment to sneak off (such as when people are getting wired) to grab one really fast.

  • Premium Member

I just get so nervous when there's a big job. I try my absolute best and I hold myself to the highest standard, but when people wander off and smoke a cigarette when we're in the middle of it.... I'm annoyed.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Premium Member

Don't like smokeing. I think it's a disgusting habit, and don't understand why anyone picks it up in the first place. Way back when there was a proposition to ban smoking in San Francisco bars, and the prosmokers rented one of our stages. The place stank to high heaven with nicotene.


When I was fresh out of high school and in junior college I worked at an importer, and the guy who ran the place, a former colonel I think, smoked all the time. The whole building reeked of his nicotene. It had to be a health hazard.


Now, having said all that, it is a habit that, if exercised with some respect and restraint, shouldn't bother too many people if said smoker keeps their distance.


But, as a non smoker, I can smell cigarette smoke from yards away, and I'm glad smoking as restricted and that the habit seems to be dying a slow death.


If you smell of smoke, that's one thing, if you smoke around me, that's another.

Posted (edited)

Drugs are bad.


It's funny to think there was a time before any of us were adults where airplanes and hospitals were full of cigarette smoke to the ceiling.

Edited by Macks Fiiod
  • Premium Member

I'm not a fan of smoking at all. I grew up with smokers in my life (grandparents) and I absolutely can't stand it as an adult.


On set, it drives me nuts because nobody wants it around, smokers walk very far away to not bother anyone, so you're constantly looking for your crew.


Smoking pot is an entirely new level of disrespect though.

  • Premium Member

Drugs were another issue I had with LA crews who cruised through the bay area. I shake my head at it.


Back to smoking; we had an egotistical client renting our stage; glasses, long gouti, dirty blonde poney tail, glasses, plaid shirt, jeans, who came in and smoked. And my senior, the facilities manager told him there was no smoking on the stage (some issue with nicotene getting into the ceiling baffling), and said client all but shouted "That's a problem, Howard!" (Howard being my boss), and stormed off the stage as the grips and gaffer were unloading their equipment for the day's shoot.


My boss even explained to him why, and didn't say that he couldn't smoke outside the stage, just not in the stage because it was a small facility with ventilation issues.


Whatever though.

  • Premium Member

I guess the same could be said about phones. It seems like every second of down time is spent hiding around a corner texting, emailing, surfing, or whatever. :angry: It all comes down to having to find people when you need them instead of them standing by. It's frustrating.


I guess the same could be said about phones. It seems like every second of down time is spent hiding around a corner texting, emailing, surfing, or whatever. :angry:

I don't mind someone texting/emailing but if I see someone distracted by click bait articles I want to throw their dumbass phone across the room.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A few years ago, I was an extra in a movie being shot in South Australia. The shoot was taking place in a private home in the backyard. Specific instructions were given to the crew that anyone who wanted to have a smoke must do so outside the property to keep the home owners happy. Later that evening, I saw two crew members smoking within the backyard. One of them was happily smoking away while working without a care in the world.

Edited by Patrick Cooper

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