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Chris Burke

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Everything posted by Chris Burke

  1. Also you have to take into account the way film clips is very pretty. Not sure what you were going for or what your expectations were, but I still recommend going for it.
  2. With that camera, it has a 150 degree shutter, so maybe ƒ11, then there is light lose in camera, He could pull process. and the fact that a stop over is good ..........so he is not that much over at 1.8. I still wouldn't worry that much. I didn't say a perfect image but usable. But a the end of it all, it is super 8 and it will never be that a clean image. Until ektachrome comes back. A question for Rolando. Was the shutter in the half way position at all? If so, it may help you. Puts you at approximately 1/115. Were you shooting at 24fps? What did Cinelab say?
  3. Were you shooting at the sun or really bright scenes?? I would say you should talk to the lab, but process and scan anyway. All Kodak stocks hold highlights very well. I did shoot a roll of the 03 in super 8, where I overexposed a great deal. How much?? not sure, but it looked all blown out with highlights extremely clipped. I was able to pull it all down in the grade to a very useable image. I would wager that you have not lost that roll. You can pull process, but like I said talk to Cinelab.
  4. For something as vulnerable and important as lenses, I like to be able to physically see them before I buy. Unless you really know and trust the seller. I have purchased lenses sight unseen from the internet, but it was from a know US based retailer. My feeling was that if returns had to be made, it would be quicker and speaking to someone on the phone would be easier.
  5. Congratulations David. Great work as usual. I really enjoyed watching your episode. I'm also a big Jeffrey Wright fan.
  6. check around different rental houses. They sell often sell used gear for reasonable prices. The lights you might buy from them are usually very well maintained and of high quality. Like real arri fresnels and such.
  7. What about eastern Europe? I may be going to Kosovo and am considering shooting a short on S16.
  8. I know this is an older song, but does anyone know which camera and lens combo was used?
  9. Here is the internal battery which is brand new and never used
  10. 4008 for sale. A person from this website overhauled it and painted it. Included are the following: camera body 2 x external batteries with charger brand new never used internal battery Lens Spare camera body and miscellaneous parts case for every thing The camera works like a charm at al speeds. It is in great shape. It always has worked for me. I am selling because I have too many cameras and don't really use this one any more. 500 US, buyer pays shipping. contact me for more photos Tripod not included
  11. so do these people http://www.dvfilm.com/zoomla/index.php/services
  12. how much are you looking to spend?
  13. And other medium format lenses. I own Pentax 45mm, 80mm and 150mm
  14. But there are so few 2 perf cameras, so I thought that might be a niche to fill.
  15. A 65mm camera is an interesting choice. I thought they would have built a 3 perf super 35 or 2 perf. I guess the overall trend of "Bigger is Better" remains. The fact that is records audio, if I read that correctly, is strange, but it seems that they are adding many features taken for granted in a digital cinema camera. All the video add ons sound great! All in all, a great idea. I too hope the price is such that rental houses don't or won't charge too much for using it. Best of luck!! Looking forward to seeing it.
  16. Oh you said per minute which does make it a bit more. I still would go all in Super 2k DPX from the Scanity.
  17. Get super 2k (2048 x 1556) from the Scanity, DPX. For around 200 pounds, it is not that bad.
  18. Perry, what about a used DiTTo? Or did Blackmagic buy all those up for the chassis?
  19. I meant to say the added sensitivity of the 500T is a plus. Both it and all Kodak Vision 3 stocks have lots of exposure latitude.
  20. Yes, that is one reason. The other being the 500T has more exposure latitude, so it will be easier to get a denser negative. Use LEDs that are tungsten balanced. Shoot a grey card or scale. Getting a clean image, white being white, will give you the ability to grade the image to your liking in post. If you want to nail the look in camera, use lights balanced slightly warmer than the stock you use. So if you are shooting on tungsten stock 3200k, use a 2700k high cri led Since you can get the light very close, the 50D may be possible, but that extension tube might be a problem. Still, high lumen high cri 4000k leds are easy to come by. So it is easy to change the led to suit the stock. fresh 35mm is very low grain despite iso. Sounds cool. please share your footage when you are done.
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