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Andries Molenaar

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Everything posted by Andries Molenaar

  1. BTW Max full variable ISO range, best film gate design, best rewind handling, and best lens on Super-8 is, of course, to be found on Nikon R10
  2. The S560 is nice and compact. The only gain would be to have a longer lens on the 800-series. interchangeable lenses. What extra speed options do you want? Compared to the S560? Only Beaulieu 4008 have truly variable speed. And interchangeable lenses. What other lenses could you possibly want? A 0.95 Schneider? Using C-mount adapters you could fit many Nikon or other brands. That works best for telephoto. Undercutting 10mm fixed focal length is hardly possible. There are special ciné lenses.
  3. The opening is troublesome because most/all screws are behind rubbers or leatherette. You need to know where they are and to get access without wrecking the covers. It is impossible to get replacements as they would use in the days these cameras were new or current :) I have no experience opening these types of Canons.
  4. Better no quick charging with batteries in the camera. It will fry a big resistor inside the camera. Modern chargers at $10 already have adaptive circuits and put the turbo on when they sense the opportunity. Who needs exposing capability for 30 cartridges when films cost $50 per piece :)
  5. Better not to experiment with charging batteries with unknown qualities inside the camera. Sometimes batteries inflate like a balloon when (over)charging and then it may crack the circuit board of your camera. When charging in-camera always use a correct charger. Even when it goes alright when using a modern adaptive charger the current may get too high and it will roast a resistor inside :( When charging do this outside camera either using the Beaulieu charger container with a Beaulieu charger as this has the same circuitry or use a modern charger but connect it to centre-plus and the hull-minus of the battery housing.
  6. The movexoom 6??? It is only your camera which acts like that and not a general feature of these cameras
  7. Not that many people work on the inside of cameras. I think. More likely corroded pads on circuit board or the finger of the selector.
  8. It has an automatic exposure system. It adjusts the aperture according to measured light and the ISO value of the cartridge. It draws power from the main battery set. Function is easily checked by pressing the trigger half way and pointing the lens in the direction of a bright light or dark field. The needle visible in the top of the viewfinder should indicate what aperture it sets. This indicator only shows when there is enough light over the camera to light up the indicator background :) It is an old fashioned camera. The exposure system can be directed to over or under expose using the knob on the right side. Setting or locking aperture can be done by pulling out the EE knob on the left and rotate that. Aperture setting is visible in the viewfinder. Keep the REW/FOR knob on For(ward) while testing. The camera will stop after 100 frames in REW, appearing broken while it is not.
  9. I have one 1014XLs which I found at a photo-faire. Euro 20 but with 6 batteries stuck in in the grip. With some clever thinking (+body weight) and tool usage I managed to pull these out. Camera is running fine now. The grip hinge is a bit less smooth as on an original.
  10. How did it end up with your nephew rather with you, the son?
  11. I'll give it a try some sunny day, on rare document film in super-8. I have both cameras and a tripod. :)
  12. Never heard of troubles with 1014XLs as you describe. These are fine machines with features the new Kodak will never have. Apart from actually being there to use at all :) Nikon R10 and R8 were the first with built-in dissolve/fade over 100 frames max. These can be found in good condition and they have by far the best lens in Super-8 world (despite people claiming otherwise), also they are the single model in super-8 which have a specially designed film gate which forces the film in the focal plane :) Sometimes they can be a bit noisy. The exposure system can go being stuck where the actuator can no longer move the aperture blades from their base position. Which is troublesome to have repaired :(.
  13. The needed plug is obscure and I would be glad to learn what type it is. The grip of the 814 and 1014xl-s is the same and the covers are the same.
  14. Frozen should still be good. People fight over these :) Processing available through www.super8.nl Or DIY
  15. EM-26 film (the late version Ektachromes 160 in super-8) is best suitable for E-6 , it produces usually very nice images. The only trouble is getting the black backing off. When it comes out transparent something else went wrong.
  16. BTW Beautiful camera. Use it regularly to keep it running smooth. It requires a bit of a budget these days :) Curious that some/few have correctly CINÉ (with accent aigu) on their side but most are like this one with CINE (without :( ) Possibly the opening in the mask was too small and got clogged?
  17. This is a fleamarket find of $20
  18. Some Euro 100 spent on animals in a meadow... Curious color differences. Even more curious that the most affordable camera shoots the best and most stable images. The most expensive one, the famed Logmar, shows sideway unstableness. Like driving a car while texting :) Or must we assume this is from scanning?
  19. It got killed by retired employees who want their pensions (logically but cynical). Of course, this yanking a few cans of DSD-8 intermediate product calling it an ordeal shows other problems. Although disappearance must be battled too :)
  20. Wittner even sold off their backup machines. I.e. they had multiple. It seems to be too much trouble for them. Kodak has pancakes of 1000ft DS8 which are then split and machined into S8 cartridges. It would be easy as pie to grab a few of these rolls and spool them onto 100ft reels :) But likely also to them, it is too much trouble and possibly implies that they would sell less S8 cartridges.
  21. And what is the minimum quantity of ECN-2?
  22. It is about a copy a repair manual. Niche market repair people are certainly not giving away copies of repair manuals.
  23. Nine years have gone by. Sure the camera is a booksupport now.
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