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Kemalettin Sert

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Everything posted by Kemalettin Sert

  1. My friend worked on this feature (Turkey sequence-fake Iran scenes) i ll ask her about speef of Film Stock.But she mainly worked with Alexa in here..
  2. thanks Stephen i also love your work :wub:
  3. http://vimeo.com/24389510 http://www.arrimedia.com/news/view/12/the-eagle Anthony Dod Mantle B.S.C talks about The Eagle.Didnt see this movie yet but im wondering scenes that shot on back of the negative.. any other similar movies which includes same type of shots?
  4. i have 7D and built is better than 60D...thats all i can say PQ is almost same
  5. how did they achieve that opening shot?
  6. trailer reminds me The Fountain. And i guess Malick using red because its CHEAP.you know he wants to shoot over thousand hours footage..thats just expensive and long process with film
  7. http://reduser.net/forum/showpost.php?p=692614&postcount=10 http://reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14166&highlight=malick
  8. Dressing and director? Nolan of course.... http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/7574/inceptionpresskit11.jpg
  9. Many shots from The Night of the Hunter
  10. please someone ban this spammer! dont wanna see your personal blog dude..
  11. Tropic Thunder dvd bluray includes commentary by John Toll.
  12. if money is not problem for you try this one http://www.ascmag.com/store/product.php?productid=1240
  13. http://www.theasc.com/magazine/oct99/sword/pg2.htm http://www.cinematographers.nl/GreatDoPh/alcott.htm http://www.visual-memory.co.uk/sk/2001a/bl/page1.htm http://www.visual-memory.co.uk/sk/ac/len/page1.htm
  14. never shoot with red but on reduser all the redfans saying red has no rolling shutter problem
  15. first i didnt know where to put this,on here or on screen area..im wondering how darius khondji and conrad hall achieved shooting this opening title http://www.vimeo.com/7747042 is it all visual effect?and which DP was the leading in this project darius or conrad.
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