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Matt Thomas

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Everything posted by Matt Thomas

  1. I'm back to post about "Master of None" as well. V great
  2. Beautiful!! Can you talk a bit more about how you controlled the natural light? Flags and reflectors? "Hey just move over a little"? Mega post work? Thanks!
  3. Atlanta, Game of Thrones, Chef's Table, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (not pandering I promise), Patriot, The Night Of, The Duece, and a second standing ovation for Mindhunter!
  4. Last Friday's office. Time lapse edition!! We we're shooting a "Rube Goldberg Machine". Didn't build the entire thing so we shot bits and pieces to edit together to look like it was operational.
  5. My silks are always organically sourced and locally bleached with the nectar of hand grown greenery from area artisans. It produces the most cinematic and filmic image.
  6. Some might say his decision to use the iPhone was... unsane.
  7. I'm imagining a lot of "snow in post". Still a bit mind bottled about how they pulled it off with so much camera movement, progressing freeze frames (notice the windshield of the jeep from :08-:10) and still getting the parallax. It feels different than the roto a frame and 3d track it to move with the camera technique. Movie magic man... movie magic. This is the closest process I've found:
  8. I keep seeing this technique and I can't wrap my head around how it works. Anyone have any thoughts? **Edit: I'm dumb, there's a bunch of tutorials.. but it's still cool!
  9. Bro that one shot that pulls out from the drummer in the club?!?!? hot dayum!
  10. I've seen some good results with things like Vid Atlantic clamps, and anamorphic projector lenses. Does anyone have any experience in setups like this? After some brief price checking it's looking like I can end up with a solid look for cheaper than a day rental! What are your thoughts? Worth it? Sketchy? ^^ I have this same camera/recorder https://www.ebay.com/i/282331736047?chn=ps
  11. So good! I really liked the look of the episode with the photographer and the Queen's sister, all the scenes in his studio honestly. There was also an episode in season 1, that I can't remember for the life of me, that had a scene that was shot with a phantom or something during a parade? Beautifully done.
  12. I've heard the term, "every frame a painting" before but damn! Screen grabs from this season could be hung in museums without anyone noticing. If anyone has any information on production please share it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME2umFQ_xBA
  13. freesound.org !!!!! Usually requires some digging, but like free man... freeeeeeeee.
  14. Or don't... whatever... pw: MVWH This was a lo-budge video we shot last night and this is the first cut. I still have some hours of color grading/After Effects-ing ahead of me.
  15. It all depends on the type of work you are doing. I had this question earlier this year and this forum was super helpful in me making an informed decision. I ended up buying a solid base package and can rent when I need something special like, certain lenses, high speed capabilities, stabilization etc. If this isn't for a specific job and for general use, you should take a hard look at what you are doing/can afford to do/want to do/the market around you is doing and then make your purchase based off of that. It's a business expense not a new toy. All of that being said, I'm a fan of those lil BMPCCs.
  16. Basically the story is the TV is possessed and this guy watching has died. We have a few subtle moments happening outside the windows of the room, hoping for the "wait, did you see that!?" reaction. But the primary story is the TV and the Guy. My worry is if the camera move is inconsistent or too early to certain marks it might give the subtle moments too much importance, and distract from the primary story rather than accompany it... but it sounds like I should just start practicing the move now :ph34r:
  17. I have a shoot coming up next week where I have to move a camera roughly 10 feet over the course of 2.5 mins. We have a dolly figured out for $0.00 which is great. I'm wondering if anyone has any cheap or creative suggestions on getting a consistent/precise camera move? Slow electric winch? The steady hand of god? Pulley system? Obviously the fail safe plan is to do it by hand. Any one have experience with something like this? Thank you!
  18. Just to update... Ended up buying a stellar FS5 rig, kit zoom lens (cuz just rent glass ya know?), and with RAW upgrade and external recorder. I think this will be a solid base to build on and grow with. Quality wise, I think I've placed myself nicely between the top level RED guys in town and the DSLR crowd, without breaking the bank or getting into unforeseeable debt. Not sure if I'll end up renting it out yet or not. My insurance agent laughed at me when I brought it up in our meeting <_< but like, what does he know?? Thanks for the input everyone. This really is the best cinematography forum out there.
  19. I don't want to be the "fix it in post guy" but could you run the camera along the track without the car to get the POV track feel. Then layer a keyed out car on top? Seems like a simple way to retain consistent camera quality.
  20. I know nothing about what the Alexa is capable of in regards to a time lapse. BUT! https://petapixel.com/2016/12/09/power-internet-journey-vimeo-planet-earth-ii/ This is an awesome article I read about some of the Planet Earth 2 hyperlapses. Some of the greatest lapses to ever be timed in my opinion, all with what looks like Canon 5D level cameras. I would be interested to hear what the comparison is between Alexa and high end DSLRs when it comes to timelapses if anyone knows.
  21. This is just a rough cut with out any added title cards, so no worries Title is Coming (any GOT fans on here?!?). It will be targeted towards the commercial space as well. Does anyone have any thoughts on a reel with a treatment? I've always loved what Camp4 did Thanks for all the insight everyone! ^^ What up!!!
  22. I'm still pretty fresh to all of this but if I could pick a dream job it would be the commercial DP/Director (Get me on a set away from the desk!) route.
  23. I believe it's just because you are trying to stretch the 8bit information too thin and results in some funky artifacts. Sometimes I've gotten lucky by tweaking the matte a million different ways, but mostly I avoid using that qualifier with 8bit footage.
  24. Don't hold anything back! https://vimeo.com/213954246 Password: reddit Nikon D800 Phantom Miro Phantom Pro 3
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