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Bolex Baby

Jian Cyrus Farhoumand

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Ok, I don't know if this has ever been posted on here before but I just found this video and immediately knew I had to share it.


Anyone who loves film and/or has ever owned their own camera will DEFINITELY know where this guy is coming from:




(I really had to laugh at myself as i was watching this, because I too was sitting there with my trusty Bolex beside me... !)





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Pretencious prick! He takes himself so seriously. But it's so inspiring! I cried like a baby!


Now I'm writing my own song, about a love affair with a table lamp. I call it 'Light of My Life In The Bedroom'. :wub:


Look at me!! Look at me !! I'm an artiste! Worship my and my divine Table Lamp!!




poop!! The bulb's gone. :ph34r:

Edited by Matthew Buick
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