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Geoff Howell

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Everything posted by Geoff Howell

  1. this is what you are after It's fully automatic, virtually indestructible, can be easily found for very little money, and can be operated by a monkey! There’s a lab near me that uses them for workshops due to their incredibly simple design. I would however forget using colour film, unless your reception is outside in bright sunlight the chances are the results will be very hit and miss. Instead find a supply of Kodak Tri-x, The below video was shot with this film using the same camera in a variety of different lighting conditions; it should give you an idea of the type of results you can expect [http://vimeo.com/20943315
  2. Might it be posible to go with something a bit slower and less grainy? I don't know what it's like in Montreal but the Tube here in London is pretty brightly lit, In the past I've shot tons of Tri-X, Fuji rt200n and Fuji Eterna 250 on verious subways with no problems
  3. whack a Kodak logo on the end of this: [media=width="560" height="315" ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZo7IusGkmg[/media] Job done!
  4. Unless I'm missing something this seems to be an advert for the band and not Kodak; the video is hosted on their channel not Kodaks, I doubt Kodak had anything to do with it at all
  5. 'battle tested' Red One's apparently reduced to $4000 Scarlet $7,950 Epic X $19,000 EPIC-M $24,000 of course none of the prices include the expensive media, batteries, EVF etc etc
  6. I think it's still possible to buy 'Cinevia' single 8 cartridges loaded with fuji Velvia, Astia and Provia. From what I understand fuji will continue to produce their line of stills films. what's really interesting about fuji's recent decision to get out of the motion picture business is that when they announced their intention to discontinue their single 8 stock back in 2007 there was a very minor outcry (I say 'minor' because single 8's user base is fairly tiny); a petition was circulated and fuji caved in and kept single 8 in production until 2011! I have a feeling that this may have informed their decision about not giving any prior warning about ending the production of their motion picture stocks. If they were unable to force the end of single 8 because a couple of hundred people signed a petition then can you imagine what would have happened if they had given proper warning about the demise of their 35mm and 16mm films!
  7. the digital Bolex/ ikonoskop comparison is really interesting, the people behind the Bolex seem really keen to push this angle pointing out at every opportunity that they are using a Kodak sensor (just like ikonoskop), have a design where the camera can be used without a massive rig (just like ikonoskop)etc etc. however, the bottom line is the ikonoskop produces really gorgeous footage but the digital Bolex in it's current form clearly doesn't.
  8. they need to release some footage from an actual production camera asap as everything from their prototype has looked pretty horrible IMHO. I really want this camera to succeed; as on paper, at least, it looks like an affordable ikonoskop, but the more I read about it the less interested I become. For instance, not being able to play back and preview your footage in-camera in this day and age is nuts (and then going on to say "well we've omitted this feature as we want to recreate the 16mm work-flow" is a total cop-out) Also, what's up with that hand crank? As someone who was forced to use clockwork Bolex's in college I find the idea of people being nostalgic for having to manually wined the camera at the start of every take just plane wired.
  9. I read somewhere that rather than coming down their prices were increasing by 30%
  10. Very nice! I'm very tempted by one of these but will wait and see if the Digital Bolex people get their act together, they keep on about how it's going to have the same Kodak censor as the Ikonoskop but so far all the footage from their camera looks terrible when compared to anything shot with the A-cam. Hopefully once the Black Magic camera starts shipping we'll start to see some reduced price A-cam's on the second hand market.
  11. I've just had a look at their website and apparently they have some kind of arrangement with a larger lab where you can have your film scanned on their Spirit telecine machine at a discount! Sounds pretty good to me!
  12. would you consider shooting black and white? If so these guys are your new best friends! They're based in Bethnal Green, super friendly, will rent you a bolex and teach you how to use it, proses your film and make prints! If you become a member (I think it's £100 for the year) their prices are very reasonable. having said that, I'm not 100% sure if their cameras have been converted to super16, and their telecine doesn't really compare to what you would get in a big commercial lab. On the plus side for someone on their first project with no prior experience it could be perfect! Also, forget the K3, you could buy two cameras straight off the production-line; one would work perfectly and the other would be a complete dog, it's all a bit of a minefield!
  13. stanley productions runs a service with a lab in or around London, their turnaround isn't the fastest though
  14. Here's a grab from Jordan Cronenweth's work on Cutter's Way which predates Blade Runner Same back lighting through venetian blinds, same diffusion through hazy atmosphere, same cold color palette All the above mentioned DPs brought more to these films than they're being given credit for
  15. this machine is a custom made one-off, unfortunately the guy who built and operated it died a couple of months ago
  16. I meant getting the 50ft spool to fit on to the K3's drive axle. I'm not sure if 16mm cameras use the same size axle as double-8mm cameras.
  17. as far as I know the film itself will run as it's effectively just 16mm but with twice the perforations. as to weather or not the actual spool fits into the camera I don't know, in the worst case you can just re-spool it. also, that link states that they can only process Kodachrome in black and white with a 75% success rate, if you're happy with that than go for it! there's also this place in Margate that offers the same type of service
  18. I don't see why not, but why would you want to? also, I'm not sure you will be able to find anywhere that still processes Kodachrome.
  19. As a resident of the UK I feel I should offer some kind of apology for the events of last night. I'm sorry, I'm so so very sorry :( Kim Gavin and David Arnold will be dealt with accordingly
  20. :( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/film-news/9438498/Film-maker-Chris-Marker-dies-aged-91.html
  21. Apparently Mr Boyle had no say in how the event was filmed for TV. The IOC insisted on having their own people handle it, from what I've read in the press this was understandably the cause of a massive fight between Boyle and the outside contractors.
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