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Andries Molenaar

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Everything posted by Andries Molenaar

  1. Tak has always been sloppy in responding. Supposedly he keeps up facebook but he simply doesn't> He doesn't seem to give a sheit about international business. In the past I would just send fuji singel-8 film with a banknote and that would come back at an amazing speed 🙂
  2. I would think that it was posted here and copied there, of course poster didn't actually test all these lenses 🙂 The Bauer s715xl only has one lens, the 1.2 The 1.4 sits on the equivalent Porst 1500. I.e. as OEM supplied to the chain of 100-s of shops at the time. I would expect that that is the same lens but limited in apperture to open only to 1.4 🙂 Angénieux did'nt start a special production of lesser glass or smaller diameter. In al the R10 will produce the sharpest images as it has the better lens and film handling using the mini ramps and wood-pecker like stop pins which keep the film still during exposure. Important. The Leicina space age gate meterial is a myth. And it is a die-hard misunderstanding to think that the film is in contact with the camera-gate or cartridge plate.
  3. Good luck with them. Better find a fleamarket cartridge and use that.
  4. In the video it is stated as being an experimental design. Paint is not going to do it. In USA cartridges may not be so numerous, In Europe there are far more. Especially in Fuji countries like Netherlands and Germany.
  5. It is a research thing and not working. It is obviously not light tight from the backside.
  6. Refilling early originals beats using these. Certainly the originals are made to specs and are light tight at all moments
  7. Check if it can be transported by the camera. I.e. not locked. Put a markt on the film and see it moves away with a brief shot in camera.
  8. People want easy filming to become next Spielberg. Dedication is not so strong that they will carry and use tripod ?
  9. Good to have usable images. That is however not really fixing it ? The scanning shoudl adopt another strategy for locating the frames.
  10. Many scanner setups align the frames using the perforations. This was never meant to be used like that. First of all the perf of a frame is three frames down the strip. There is variation in the perf's position and thus the images will become shaky when the perfs are aligned perfectly. It easy to observe these days as so many publish super-8 with overscan to impress the audience with their good taste and money spent ? It were best to align on a mark at the edge or a corner of a frame. The VIC scientific camera exposed a small dot near the edge to allow measurements with a fixed reference point.
  11. Very dynamic with a most recent post from 2020. The super8.nl 20th anniversary ?
  12. It seems a/the super-8 group on facebook has a large membership. Andreas posted there a number of times. So he must have an account. It is not his group.
  13. They are a manufacturer and this a new product. It is not an old recut stock from elsewhere. Having a lower ISO like 100 or 200 should really be an enrichment of their portfolio. And our EU film industry.
  14. Don't open it. It is just too much intrusion. Just give it a power-supply through the DIN plug at the rear where the grip connects.
  15. Any chance of lower ISO ORWO film?
  16. Well, that looks beautiful. Well done, a lot of detailed labor which pays off!
  17. Likely it has a trimmer to set the speed properly. The question is if the 24 fps is in reach of the trimmer. Otherwise things get more difficult. When opening this camera isn't enough difficulty ? . Other cameras have been modified from 18 to 24 fps simply by adjusting the speed-regulator. No need to swap the motor or to soup up the power of the batteries ?
  18. This happens rather often with these Silvery Nizo. Some components detoriate in the trigger/run circuit, likely a electrolyte capacitor. A trick is to set to single frame and have on a intervalometer (or manual) and have it triggered for several hunderd frames. Somehow this will revive the component.
  19. Really nice images. And purposeful ?
  20. I am using my cartridges from stock. Mostly. How real are these troubles with today Kodak cartridges? Haven't they found the problem yet and resolved it? The cause of super-8 jitter is either the cartridge is feeding to difficult or the pick-up drive of the camera has its friction too tight. Or are there other causes?
  21. I rented out an Nikon R10 for that once. Incredible footage from that machine when using proper film and skilled people in a studio. No need to find another camera.
  22. If the Beaulieu cost like 200 film equivalents. The new camera could be considered cheap as it costs 100 film equivalent. Or possibly film is just as affordable.
  23. Here and there they may be a professional filmer with plenty budget but this is going nowhere. Likely they are not going to sell more than from the earlier Logmar which only sold out the beta-serie and only after a long time. BTW NATO is into setting standards for grip equipment?
  24. Never experienced that. The only thing is to use the Foma bleach as single shot. I tested it using a second time immediately after 1st use but it bleached incomplete/poorly. Very artistic but not good.
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