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Andrew Trost

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Everything posted by Andrew Trost

  1. Hey all, digging this thread up because I'm shooting a short test on the Aaton with 100' daylight spools - went in today to make sure the spools would fit on the feed side and it all seemed to work ok (we did have some issues with things not winding properly on the take-up side and the film bunching up), but I also note that the daylight spool fits over the mechanism fine, but nothing really locks it down as it would with a core. Is this really the case, or did I miss something critical? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks everyone
  2. Awesome! Congratulations on making it through safely. That's really inspiring to hear. Looking forward to seeing it!
  3. I also downloaded the Spanish PDF just to save it, since I just went down a rabbit hole of cinematography books that I have never read and would love to pick up! Thanks for sharing that with us. Please keep us posted on your progress if you decide to continue translating this, as I'm sure many of us would be eternally grateful. On another note, so many of these books are so rare/expensive! Storaro's Writing with Light goes for $500! A Man with a Camera is almost 200! Guess I should start saving...
  4. Makes me happy to see that so many productions are able to continue. I sincerely wish all of them good fortune!
  5. If you have access to watch HBO's Carnivale, one of the leads of the show is Michael J. Anderson, who has tons of scenes with either one other person or multiple people. Though it has been a while since I've watched it, I imagine it would give some great examples of how to cover the height difference both 'traditionally' and creatively. Also, I just think it was one of the most beautifully photographed shows ever. A crime that it was cancelled after only 2 seasons!
  6. Thanks for sharing your experiences with him. The name Clairmont is ubiquitous, but I didn't know much about Denny at all, so I appreciate these stories! RIP Just as an aside... I'd love to see those lenses being employed on something nowadays! I don't know enough about the history of those formats to speak on it intelligently, but VistaVision and Technirama are super intriguing.
  7. I haven't seen the show yet, but according to Zak Mulligan who shot a handful of episodes, they shoot with Venice + Leica R's and sometimes Cooke S7's, mostly full frame. Occasional over-crank 31-33fps for certain scenes/moments.
  8. Happy holidays! Looking forward to seeing what everyone accomplishes in 2020
  9. Hello everyone! Here is my updated narrative reel for this year. I am currently based in NYC and am hoping to meet other like-minded filmmakers around the world to collaborate with. A more detailed look at my work as well as some 35mm photography is available on my website. Please feel to reach out to me at any time if you'd like to chat or have a project you think I might be a good fit for. Thanks for watching! www.andrewtrost.com
  10. Very sad to see this. It seems he was well loved; hopefully his family are aware of the positive impact he had on this community as well. RIP Bill
  11. I went to the tour that Bill linked (thanks for that, by the way, Bill!) The space itself seems to have a little ways to go, they were actively under construction during the tour. They have one machine fully operational and are waiting to install the 2nd. Apparently the night before they were having some plumbing issues that set them back again. Bobby, the developer, mentioned that the hot water pump is still too hot for their specs and they are working on having better control over it. Other things I noted was that they have no current plans to be set up for B&W, but with enough requests they would consider it; I really hope they do! Additionally, there will be two scanners, one of which is a Blackmagic and the other would be something more 'state of the art.' I'll just reiterate what the Kodak reps said; dont quote me on any of this. It all still sounds very tentative regarding what else will be installed and what will be eventually available.
  12. Interesting piece, I'm glad this got dug up! To me, one of the more intriguing effects is the sort of blooming and "dripping" of lights in the background in this shot: Is this possibly drops or streaks of water that cause this, or multiple layers of filtration? Curious if anyone has thoughts about that in particular...
  13. I've also been wondering this! Very cool if it is going to be in Astoria. Hopefully we'll get some definitive news soon.
  14. Thanks Brenton! And thank you for the tip Tyler, I appreciate it!
  15. Thanks for the feedback Matthew! I'd be lying if I said I don't constantly struggle with creative choices like those in a reel. Just want to keep working and learning in the hopes that one day I'll get it right.
  16. Hey everyone! Just completed my latest cinematography reel, if you have 88 seconds to spare please take a look! https://vimeo.com/166125610 I'm always open to collaboration with new people, so please feel free to get in touch! www.andrewtrost.com
  17. Can you post some stills? Or describe the shooting situation? Helpful to know what lights you were using or if you had any filtration on the lens. Without too much info I agree with Tyler's instinct that it is probably IR pollution.
  18. Alright...this might be too easy, but it has been on my mind as I just saw it for the first time. Guessing someone will get it right away, but bonus points if you can name the cinematographer off the top of your head! Such a great film...
  19. @Paul - Thanks for the input! I definitely struggled with placement of the B/W images. You make a good point about variety up front. @Bill - The more I watch the reel, the more I also really wish I had left it out! Not that it is too late to take out, but I'll probably wait for next year with more fresh footage and replace it with something better. Thanks for your input!
  20. Hello everyone! New member here, but have been lurking for a little while. I am finally feeling good about my reel this year, but I also feel as though I have a lot of technical skill left to acquire. Any advice from professionals regarding areas I could improve would be greatly appreciated! I'm just wondering what I might have missed from an eye that is used to the industry's standards. https://vimeo.com/87235731
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