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  1. A couple of adapters and a diopter away from testing. It’s not pretty but it should work. Not a flat base model, but the rails are as sturdy as I could wish for. You can literally swing the camera off them—I only did it once…
  2. Optica Magnus Full Frame Director’s Finder = $14,000 Pristine / Like New Condition Includes: - Full Frame Director’s Finder - PL Mount - LPL Mount - Anamorphic Desqueezer Module - Full Frame Eyepiece - Super 35 Eyepiece - Pelican/Storm Case
  3. ARRISCOPE (Isco Optics) Anamorphic Prime Lens Set of 5 = $25,000 Overhauled / Refurbished by Duclos Lenses Includes: - 40mm T2.3 - 50mm T2.3 - 75mm T2.3 - 100mm T3.5 - 135mm T3 - Flight Case ARRI/Zeiss 27mm T1.3 Master Prime Lens = $10,000 Bausch & Lomb Super Baltar 20mm T2.3 Prime Lens = $5,000 BNCR Mount Bausch & Lomb Super Baltar 25mm T2.3 Prime Lens = $7,000 Todd-AO35 2nd Generation Anamorphic Prime Lens Set of 3 = $165,000 Overhauled / Refurbished by Duclos Lenses Includes: - 35mm T1.4 - 55mm T1.4 - 85mm T1.4 - Flight Case Todd-AO35 1st Generation Anamorphic Prime Lens Set of 5 = $275,000 Overhauled / Refurbished by Duclos Lenses Includes: - 38mm T2.3 - 50mm T2.3 - 75mm T2.2 - 100mm T3.4 - 200mm MACRO T3.5 - Flight Case Or as complete set: Todd-AO35 Anamorphic Prime Lens Set of 8 = $400,000 Overhauled / Refurbished by Duclos Lenses Includes: - 35mm T1.4 - 38mm T2.3 - 50mm T2.3 - 55mm T1.4 - 75mm T2.2 - 85mm T1.4 - 100mm T3.4 - 200mm MACRO T3.5 - Flight Cases Zeiss CP.2 Compact Primes Set of 10 = $15,000 Includes: - 15mm T2.9 - 21mm T2.9 - 25mm T2.1 - 28mm T2.1 - 35mm T2.1 - 50mm T2.1 - 50mm Macro T2.1 - 85mm T2.1 - 100mm Close Focus T2.1 - 135mm T2.1 - Flight Cases Zeiss Standard Primes Set of 8 = $30,000 Includes: - 16mm T2.1 (C.F.) - 24mm T2.1 (C.F.) - 32mm T2.1 (C.F.) - 40mm T2.1 - 50mm T2.1 - 85mm T2.1 - 100mm T2.1 - 135mm T2.1 - Flight Case Zeiss Supreme Primes Set of 7 = $110,000 Includes: - 25mm T1.5 - 29mm T1.5 - 35mm T1.5 - 50mm T1.5 - 65mm T1.5 - 85mm T1.5 - 100mm T1.5 - Flight Case
  4. Greetings everyone, Hope you’re are all doing well! Im currently looking for an externally mounted device, which would enable us to set a custom anamorphic desquezze as well as a 90 degree image flip. Ideally the device uses either a HD-SDI or HDMI signal and is customizable through a pc connection. I only require it for monitoring. Also It should be reliable enough to allow our drone OP to frame the shots without any signal processing issues nor long delay. Looking forward to your ideas ? Thanks in advance and stay healthy! -Montell
  5. Foton anamorphic 37-140mm zoom pl mount 5800$ +shipping pictures link below https://www.instagram.com/p/CzHCo-uCJXN/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== thanks
  6. Hi, This is my first post, having gained much knowledge here in the past as a non-member. Setting aside other technical issues - I have a set of reasonable quality anamorphic (1.3) lenses which I could adapt to my Bolex H16. I also have an anamorphic adapter for my 16mm projector, but (you guessed it) it’s 2x. Is there any point in going down this path, or is projecting 1.3 at 2x a bridge too far? My feeling is that I should just forget the 1.3 lenses and (if anything) look at a 2x adapter for the camera. I’m shooting Tri X reversal and processing myself in a Lomo tank—which I’m sure we’ll address at a later date. Thank you.
  7. I was reading the asc article on Godzilla king of the monsters where it mentions that Lawrence Sher and the team shot on panavision c series anamorphics on the Alexa 65, using spherical lenses when needed for more challenging effects shots but what would the practical point of using c series (mind you it doesn't say whether they were expanded) on an Alexa 65 for a typical release? I thought it could help for vfx but they used spherical lenses for when they needed more resolution, so was it purely aesthetic? Why go for it with the anamorphic lenses instead of the xt studio they were also considering? https://theasc.com/articles/royal-rumble-godzilla-king-of-the-monsters
  8. Could someone tell me this? Has anyone done this? What is the effect?
  9. Hello all, Long time reader, first-time poster. I'm gearing up to shoot a student short during the first two weeks of June and we have been looking high and low for a set of anamorphic lenses to shoot with. I was wondering if anyone here has any leads on anamorphic lens owners in the New York City area? I am already aware of the various rental houses that have lenses, but we're also trying to reach out to some private owners/DP's who might have anamorphic sets and would be willing to rent them out. Looking for something a little more vintage, along the lines of: Lomos, Kowas, Cooke Xtal, or anything of the sort. Appreciate any and all recommendations! Thanks.
  10. Some people call it scope lens bracket but it is also known as scope lens holder. Originally this is made by Elmo for Elmo 16 CL and Kodak CT1000 projectors. But someone in UK can modify it to be used for other projectors too. This is a new old stock (NOS) item. The bracket/holder will fit to the lens with 52mm rear barrel diameters such as Elmoscope I, Elmoscope II, Sankor 16D, etc. It is made of steel not nylon which is the current bracket made with the 3D machine. So it is very sturdy. This is a rare item in new condition. I live in New Caledonia, and currently have 4 brackets/holder for sale. Shipping will be done from New Caledonia. It is less than 100 grams, so it won't be expensive. I have one bracket already in the UK now and it is also for sell. So if a member from Europe wants to buy, it will be sent from the UK and shipping is free. Price: £68 or €78 (free shipping to Europe and there will be no tax and duty for the EU members) Email me: winbert (at) hotmail (dot) com Payment via paypal or Western Union/Money Gram. You can see from the below pictures that the benefit of this bracket, i.e it can be swung out when you don't need it, while the lens is still on the bracket. This means the interchange projection between flat and scope print can be done as soon as you want it without need to re-calibrate it (refocus). Something cannot be done if you are using a permanent bracket (need to be screwed onto projector's body) or a universal (stand alone) lens holder. Today, a 3D lens holder (made of nylon) is €56 + €29 (adapter) = €85. A non-3D lens holder from Wittner is even more expensive, i.e € 149. For a universal/general scope lens holder is €110. So my price for an original scope lens bracket / holder, £68 or €78 is quite cheap. Numbers are limited, so first come, first served . cheers, Winbert Easy to use, no hassle interchange between scope and flat presentation
  11. There were a few threads on widescreen 16mm that had it individually brought up with links to defunct websites that supposedly had more information, but I want it for here, does anyone have any information on the 16mm anamorphic process known as tronchet scope, like what gear was involved? I know it was a system based on an anamorphic adapter placed in front of primes on a 16mm camera and that it was used on a few movies back in the day like Lucile Hadžihalilović's "La Bouche De Jean-Pierre" or "Jean Pierre's Mouth", Gaspar Noe's "Seul Contre Tous" or "I Stand Alone", and Carlos Reygadas's "Japòn". If anyone has any other information on this system please drop it here.
  12. Hey guys i had Come across and old collection of lenses from the original owner after months of searching for the fabled lenses . the lenses Include Nippon Scope 28mm 2.8 Kova 50 mm Kova 50 Mm Kova 75 MM Technovison lomo sqarefront 50 Technovison lomo sqarefront 50 Technovison lomo sqarefront 50 Technovison lomo sqarefront 35 Technovison lomo sqarefront 35 Offers welcome planning on keeping a set of kovas and a pair of the lomos as i have the roundfronts in my rental inventory message for any info https://photos.app.goo.gl/6LnPu3ibrxMCRTLUA
  13. Cooke 2X Anamorphic iS35 Set Of 6 Lenses $110,000.00 US Includes: 25/32/50/75/100/135mm Qty.-2 Cases Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/cooke-2x-anamorphic-is35-set-of-6-lenses/
  14. Atlas Orion Anamorphic Prime Lens Set Includes: 32/40/50/65/80/100mm, 1.6 LF Extender & Cases Price : $39,990.00 Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/atlas-orion-series-2x-anamorphic-prime-lens-set/
  15. Had a chance to film super quick improv short film with the Fujifilm XH2s the other day. Now I wouldn't say I have an "obsession" with the anamorphic look, more like a raging fascination with the aesthetics ? Shot in 6K open gate mode. Color grade in DaVinci Resolve using a combination of LUTs byBoz™ and Dehancer. The Flog 2 footage held up well considering how destructive the color grading was. Not that you can tell with the "amazing" YouTube compression ? Thoughts? Bulent w: https://bulentfilms.yolasite.com/ ig: https://www.instagram.com/bulent0z/
  16. As title says, selling ultra-rare set of Shiga-based anamorphics. Fresh out of full service at TLS. ArmaCine Orbital system for the set is nearly finished (allows use of matte box). Quite compact, gorgeous unparalleled flares, very usable wide open. Hard to ask for more in a vintage anamorphic set. Comes with a bare 40mm Nipponscope cylindrical block in case buyer wants to build an additional lens to expand the set. $140k. DM me.
  17. Phillip Mosness

    2C door

    Hello, So I just got an anamorphic viewfinder part for my 2C and find that it doesn't fit all that well. It'll go in, but it can't seem to turn because it'll hit the round part protruding in there. Did Arri make a different door for anamorphic viewfinders?
  18. Hello, I'm interested if anyone has the original bausch and Lomb cinemascope anamorphics for 35mm film which were arguably the very first complete set of anamorphics for film and used the original baltars as taking lenses (I know there's a set on fjs, I'm just not interested in paying what they're offering it for) or the super cinemascope lenses for cinemascope 55 that can cover full frame and is the first lenses mentioned on Arris white paper about using the Alexa LF and anamorphic lenses. If you have either of these lenses and are interested to sell them, contact me.
  19. https://www.ebay.com/itm/384545645331?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 Asking Price: $15,000 Rare opportunity here friends, I am currently selling my Todd-AO 35 2x Anamorphic 40-240mm f/4.2 Varifocal Cinema Zoom lens with its original casing. This once in a blue moon piece of glass from the 1970s is used with signs of ware external ware, though in perfect working condition with no loss of optical quality. It is made with a BNCR mount, which may be converted to match any other full frame lens mount which supports BNCR flange depth (IE a PL mount for example). This is a vintage anamorphic cinema zoom lens from the 1970s which comes with its original casing. Todd-AO’s are known for their incomparable violet anamorphic flares matched with a sharp yet distinct image. If this is a lens you can’t let slip by, click the link to my eBay page at the top of the forum. If an eBay account isn’t your thing, feel free to send me a direct message. Other than eBay, I will only accept PayPal. Item will ship once payment has gone through, and I will handle the shipping costs. All sales are final. Feel free to reach out with any further questions!
  20. Anamorphic Knights is short film (test) using a Kowa 8z Anamorphic lens adapter combined with a Blackmagic 4K Production Camera. I've been looking at much older camera systems for a good few years now. Recently picked up a Blackmagic Production Camera 4K and started with this first test. Is it me or does the image feel a lot more organic/analogue like compared to newer cameras? Be great to hear your thoughts. Blackmagic LUTs byBoz: https://blackmagic-luts.yolasite.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/bulent0z/
  21. Selling some very clean front anamorphic optics for square front Lomos. I have various single and complete glass groups: 35mm Cylinder set - element 1, Element 2, Element 3+4 doublet nice glass in good shape ($4500 for complete Cylinder) ($2000 for front elements) 50/75mm Cylinder set - element 1+2 doublet, element 3+4 doublet ($4500 for complete Cylinder) ($2500 for front groups) All glass in good shape. Some slight markings to be expected but great replacements or completes for an anamorphic project. Also have some original lomo metal work from the front housing in poor condition available for $500 each. This is just front anamorphic glass, no spherical parts, great for replacements.
  22. VINTAGE ULTRASCOPE ANAMORPHIC LENS SET CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES Set of four vintage anamorphic lenses Ultrascope 40mm f2, 50mm f2, 85mm f2, 135mm f4 All lenses are in arriflex standard mount. The back spherical lenses are Zeiss on the 50-85-135, and Cooke speed panchro II on the 40mm. This set was completely cleaned, lubricated and checked for collimation in 2018 by Visual Products, copy of the report is available. As far glass conditions, some of the lenses do show some cleaning marks on the coating. The set is rare and a fantastic vintage set to say the least. I tested it, please check the screen shots done on my Red Dragon in 4k, using different F stops per each lens. Link below. https://vimeo.com/310163880/34b5d77289 All the lenses do perform beautifully, offering a nice warm effect typical of these old anamorphic lenses, and they are relatively fast compared with other modern ones. They could be converted to hard PL mount by V.P. for an additional cost of $810 per ea. lens, inclusive of focus gear. Price the full set $57,000 + shipping fedex I will be visiting the Las Vegas NAB show in April, and if you are seriously interested, I will have them with me!! Hit me up with any questions you might have! ****NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING SORRY****
  23. Cooke Technovision zoom 40-200 f4.5 with SHIGA rear 2x Anamorphic in PL mount in excellent condition. The image is very Sharp on the adapter. Has very minimal breathing with a close focus of 2,4”. Swapable PL Mount, lens can be used as Anamorphic lens 40-200 and as spherical 20-100 ( spherical PL mount not included ). Comes with 2 pair of long rods, lens bridge, Vp Lens Support Ring and flight case. $13.000 usd + shipping Lens test - https://vimeo.com/285408318 High-quality Shiga rear anamorphic adapter conditioned by Technovision Lenses. The image quality is excellent and this adapter works perfectly throughout the range. Lens based in LA after been serviced by optix1 in LA. Feel free to ask about service documents and more pictures.
  24. Cooke SF 2x Anamorphics (40,50,75,100) $100k Available in the US Omar Alarian COO / Film Producer IMDB: www.imdb.com/name/nm7440967/ Raw Entertainment www.raw-entertainment.com Email: omar@raw-entertainment.com Youtube Channel: youtube.com/c/RAWegypt Instagram: instagram.com/rawegypt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Latest Feature Film Trailer Welad Rizk: youtu.be/KbuuzxTxhP4
  25. Hi, I'm searching for a long lost relic of Depth of Field Adapters called: SG Blade DOF Adapter. It might sound silly, but I have been building a 1.5x anamorphic taking lens to a custom camera, and have built a prototype DOF Adapter for the ultimate anamorphic 35mm look with practical functionality. I need an SG Blade, because it was the best of it's kind, and I need to compare our prototype to the best. Please respond if you have one willing to sell. You will be helping out with a pretty sweet R&D project. Thanks!! ?
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