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My Gear


  1. Hello everyone! I've recently come across a Bell And Howell 200EE camera and I've been dying to try it out. The only problem is that it didn't come with a reloadable mag. If anyone can point me in the right direction to where I could possibly find one, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  2. My goal is to be a master at visual storytelling. I'm captivated by light and shadow, by using moving images to share an idea. I'm a novice filmmaker and have a long way to go before I'm an expert at any aspect of filmmaking -- but the passion and commitment to learn are ever present. What avenues of education and experience do you believe lead to a greater understanding of visual storytelling through film? What are your most powerful memories or impressions of making a film? How have those moments shaped or guided you as a filmmaker? Thank you in advance for what you have to share. I'm excited to learn and grow! Holly
  3. Hello every one. I shot this film in a Nikon r10 . The camera hasn’t been used in 32 years so… as a result of these tests, I will get it checked as far as the lens and the mechanism goes. The thing is, I did expected to see some grain, but this is excessive right? The B&W is a reversal 200 ASA, and the color one is a Negative 250 daylight. I did use the auto exposure meter built in, in the camera. I shot it at 24fps and 59 fps (the b&w). Got it transferred at pro8mm and color corrected scene – to –scene. So, if any one can share his or her ideas, pls do. I want to know what I did wrong not to repeat it again. Thanks every one. this is the link to the video of the film
  4. Great news for film enthusiasts in Australiasia! Archives New Zealand has reached a deal with Park Road Post Production to take ownership of all film laboratory equipment and set up a new film processing laboratory here in Wellington, New Zealand! This has been approved by the NZ government and is to serve Archives in finishing all their restoration needs in the coming years, but also to provide processing for public use. The Archives are taking the ECN and both B+W Neg and Pos machines (No ECP), a number of printers, cleaners etc. This will be a full service laboratory, employing most of the same people from Park Road. Slated to open around the end of October/start of December 2013. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to try and answer. Cheers, Chris. http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/film/8851876/Lab-deal-gives-rare-Kiwi-films-new-life
  5. Can someone please enlighten us as to what percentage of the movie - World War Z was shot on film? The processing lab i saw on end credits was Company3.
  6. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/steven-spielberg-predicts-implosion-film-567604 Spielberg said. "That's the big danger, and there's eventually going to be an implosion or a big meltdown. There's going to be an implosion where three or four or maybe even a half-dozen megabudget movies are going to go crashing into the ground, and that's going to change the paradigm."
  7. Part two of a chat with one of my favourite DPs. The guy behind "Erin Brokovich", "The Limey", and more.
  8. Cool chat about Canon cinema primes. Wanted to share these guys' interviews because they give really good tech. reviews.
  9. Anyone have these? Want to get some. This interview is really helpful!
  10. Dan Grove

    RED Dragon

    Really want this. Someday. Anyone own this?
  11. Love his work. The Limey. Erin Brokovich. Good, good stuff. Love this chat too. Really informative.
  12. Hi everybody, I've just graduated from the National Film School in Dublin and I'm working on a new website and showreel. All I have at the moment is this facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StephenCWalshCameraLighting Please check it out, like and share if you can, to help me promote my work over here! Also feel free to comment/critique, I value all insight. Thank you all, Stephen
  13. Hi everyone, greetings! just shot an experimental short, a motivational short film on Running on S16mm. you can have a look at the link below. thanks n regards Prashantt cinematographer Mumbai
  14. ARGH!!! :o Well, my colleague Andy only paid £109 GB Pounds plus shipping via eBay for a cosmetically fine Beaulieu 4008 ZM II but I also purchased a new cell, a grip/handle and charger at over £100 GBP. After shooting two test carts without any problems (other than feeling a little odd to hold it) the whole camera now seems to have seized up and yet it was sold as tested and fully functional. By all accounts, I'm looking at somewhere between £200 to £300 for a service/repair plus the shipping/customs charges on top of that. So I've asked the seller to kindly refund £50 (and I'll keep the two Tri-X carts that came with it) and then the Beaulieu can sit on the shelf as an expensive paperweight for now. I really do hope that the seller accepts this? I fully appreciate it was cheap to start with but I will push for a possible return and a full refund otherwise. As it's all so disappointing and I've already given Andy back his £123.45 in full. Am I being fair on the seller and will it even be worth even trying to get this Beaulieu fixed later on? Bill
  15. https://vimeo.com/66794565 Hello! Thanks for watching my showreel. Pete Smthsuth Bangkok, Thailand // petesmiths@gmail.com
  16. Say I wanted to film a feature, what would be an estimate for the budget of the Cinematography department? This would include the camera, dolleys, lenses, but most especially - film. Im talking about an indie here. So what would be a good option if I wanna show this at film festivals? 35mm 2-perf, 3-perf or S16mm? Whats a ballpark figure for all these options? Including processing and scanning? How would you edit this btw? Can you use Adobe Premiere or Final Cut?
  17. Hey guys! So I've been working as a freelance Editor for several years. I miss working on set and as the post market seems to be more and more saturated I want to expand my options for work and include camera as a skill set. And I don't mean video I mean big boy rigs like the Alexa and Scarlett and F55. I've been following The Black and The Blue for sometime. I've had a great deal of photographic experience from college and have been on set as many years as in post. So I feel I can pick up (even as a camera PA I don't need an ego here) in the camera department and become a real asset. My question is this: Where can I meet folks who can help me get an interview? I want to work up to at least a 2nd AC and I think my experience in post would give me an edge in Digital Production. So yeah... I'm super excited about starting in a new department and learning a ton more. Any Advice? Leads? -SM
  18. I just started getting into super-8 last year. I had an old Canon 514 XLS. Late last year, I started experimenting with Ektachrome 100D for outdoor use. As someone with no experience working with actual film, it seemed like the easiest, most affordable film stock to use for outdoor filming. I had to take a break for a bit, but now that I'm coming back, it seems like this stock has been discontinued. I've been trying to figure out what some other good film stocks would be. Does anyone have any suggestions or even a list of different super-8 film stocks? Since I don't know much about film stock, I've been having trouble even figuring out what I should get next and what I should experiment with. I see Wittnerchrome being mentioned a lot on forums, but, besides being unable to make sense of their website, it seems like their cartridges are going for upwards of $30, which is a pretty big jump over what I paid for Ektachrome. Right now, I'm just looking to experiment and figure super-8 filmmaking out, preferably affordably as possible.
  19. Hi Everyone, After buying a fridge full of Ektachrome last December, I now realise I've got too much for my needs, so I've put a few rolls on Ebay UK - item no 300895327438 All the rolls have been fridge stored, since purchase. Many Thanks.
  20. Hello There, I am an avid gear head and film student. For one of my classes I have choosen to write a research paper on the change from shooting mostly on film to mostly digital or as its called the "digital revolution". I am just curious how prevelent a change it has been on set and overall in the industry for actual professionals compared to what I have been reading. Also if anyone happens to have any good articles on the subject I would be much interested to check them out. thanks, Peter Lyngso
  21. I have recently been accepted to participate in the Canne Film Festival filmmaking program with Creative Minds Company. In the filmmaking program I am put into a group of fellow filmmakers and given a computer, camera, mic, and 7 days to make a film which will then be screened and judged by industry professionals. With this program I will be able to attend in the Canne Film Festival screenings, parties, and its beautiful location. Mingling with A list filmmakers and fellow students as well. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/canne-festival-funding/x/2847880 Along with my Cinematography reel https://vimeo.com/55330379 and Vimeo account Vimeo.com/capsules Thank you guys so much!
  22. I have recently been accepted to Ryerson film studies and Concordia for film production and I'm having a rather difficult time deciding. I'm curious which program is considered to be better than the other and what one program offers that the other does not. I need to accept one of them very soon, any insight is useful. Thank you
  23. No dialogue. Simply all visuals, but with a complicated story. Its open for complete interpretation. Let me know what you think after viewing, thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDt-hvWDe1s
  24. Hey guys, I'm currently working on a short film set in a dystopian future. I'm 17 and have been trying to pursue a career in Cinematography as a DP. I won't go into details about the film or shots, but here are still from the short: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/47033_611207905561453_2090488972_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/65921_612503248765252_1689622927_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/538346_612941088721468_285493808_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/377657_612941085388135_447684762_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/525153_612503225431921_417038134_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/188393_612503292098581_519469670_n.jpg Tell me what you guys think of the shots, appreciate the feedback :) (Canon Rebel T2i, Canon 24mm f/1.4L, Canon 14mm f/2.8L, Canon 50mm f/1.8)
  25. Alright, where to start... I'm a young aspiring filmmaker whose had a passion for making films ever since I was 6. Self-taught, I've made films all on the digital format, and recently, I've been shooting short films on the Canon Rebel T2i. I'm all for manual control, and I'm a pretty big hater of auto focus. Being that most of the filmmakers that inspire me shoot on film, and that it's (sadly enough) slowly dying, I've decided I want to move from digital to film. Now I understand that a great place to begin is with film photography. I've signed up for a photography class (showing you how to shoot and develop film) for my Junior year, and I've also been reading through the web and these forums to understand the film process. My first set of questions are: What still film camera should I begin with? What type of film should I use? Anyway to make a cheap DIY dark room setup? After some practice with that, I wish to begin filming short films (after some more tests of course) on a motion picture film camera. I have in mind using a Super 16mm camera, however that may not be the right choice depending on your responses. So here is my big set of questions for you guys: Which Super 16mm (if I should even use a Super 16mm) should I shoot with? Which film stock should I shoot on? What are the differences between types of film stock? I understand that there's the 'Ultra' modification to convert 4:3 to 16:9, is there any other way to do this (2x anamorphic lenses)? Or could the gate be easily modified on my own? Should I use light meters? If so, which ones do you recommend? What's the best and affordable way of a HD DIY telecine? I understand you can send in your film to get it processed and telecined, but which one is the most reliable and affordable? How to properly light an indoor scene? How to shoot at night (EXT and INT)? Recommended books or websites? __________________________________________________________________________________ As for my tastes and interests (as it could help you answer my questions more specifically): I love Hitchcock, Welles, Nolan, and Kubrick. Film noir has always intrigued me, and I love the look of it. I guess you can say I love low-light photography and cinematography. A modern DP that I dearly love is Wally Pfister, and I understand he shoots on film. If I asked him these questions, what would he say? I also understand Chris Nolan shot Following with an Arriflex BL 16mm (don't know which model). I love the community here, and I hope you guys can understand my switch to film as I think its the true magic of cinema. Thanks ahead of time for checking this post out and taking the time to respond to newbies like myself. I hope to deliver my style and form of storytelling with film. Thanks so much guys! *do note that I own a Bell and Howell MS 30 Super 8mm (no stock)*
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