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Brawler is a martial arts action short film shot on the Panasonic Lumix S5. This was the first time I/we used this camera system. Always been a fan of the full frame look, but never the full frame price 😁 After a lot of researching and countless video reviews/examples, everything pointed to this camera. And I've got to say, It didn't disappoint! For anyone interested, we also have an IMDb page: Happy to answer any questions you may have about the camera, filming and post production side of things. Bulent Filmmaker | Colorist | Editor W: IG:
I wanted to share a few frame grabs from a short film I recently shot. I shot ‘Forfeit’ on an Alexa Classic Studio camera capturing the images in Raw using a Gemini 4:4:4 recorder. The director wanted an anamorphic look but we did not have budget for true anamorphics. Instead, I purchased two vintage Russian prime lenses (Mir 20mm, Helios 58mm) and converted them to ‘Anamorfake’ lenses by taking them apart and inserting an oval aperture disc as well as a fishing line to promote a horizontal flare. In the end, we got a unique look and the visible bokeh does have some anamorphic characteristics. For lighting I used a mixture of Arri HMI (1.2K) and Tungsten (2Ks, 1Ks, 650s, 350s) lights to play with multiple color temperatures, kinda the first time I had really attempted to do that. Also, gelled red some of the tungsten fresnels to mimic the trucks brake lights when we look back at the police car and see the officers in and around the car. Color balanced to 4300K so the HMI ‘moonlight’ would go blue and the warmer tungsten and red gelled lamps would register a warmer temperature. Overall, a very challenging shoot as it was below freezing most of the night (down to 28 degrees) so trying to keep my hands warm enough in order to feel the focus rings on the lenses was a real challenge! In the end, the cast and crew was up to the task and I’m pretty pleased with how the final images came out. Now we wait to see if we’ve been accepted into some of the film festivals we submitted to. We’ve already heard back from the ME Film Festival and will play there in November! Cheers! Ian
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Hey, Today is the day. After many hours of preparation, shooting, editing and sound design, I can finally show you what I was working on for the last 31 days. It is not long and structurally complex but It has taught me a lot about filmmaking. This blog is available as a weekly newsletter. The newsletter will contain exclusive content like scripts, storyboards, inspiration, behind the scenes and more! My newsletter is available here. Please consider subscribing, thanks! My lessons for this month: Editing is crucial (It takes time to feel the rhythm) Don’t forget continuity (You will thank or hate yourself while editing) Get as much coverage as possible (One shooting day became two because of not enough coverage I would be very happy to read your feedback here in the forum or on Youtube! Cheers! -Leo
Hello All, I just completed a new short film shot on 16MM Kodak film via an Arri SR3 HS. I wrote and directed this fun little horror short, and my producing partner, and friend, Evan Samaras did the cinematography (say hi in the comments, Evan). Not only did Evan and I work behind the camera, but also in front of it. The short features only two characters played by us. Due to COVID-19, we wanted to make something small with a minimal, to non-existent, cast and crew. We have submitted the film to some festivals so, for the time being, it is only up privately with a password on our Vimeo page. The link and password are below, for your viewing pleasure. Please let me know your thoughts and critiques. Anything feedback would be greatly appreciated. Password: SRF2020 Thank you all in advance! Keep shooting!
- short film
- 16mm
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A western short film I shot has been released. Shot in October 2019 over 3 days (all over night). I used the Alexa Mini with Atlas Anamorphics (32, 65, 100). For the look of the film, we wanted to emulate the highlight response of kodak film, so we underexposed the entire project by two stops and brought it back up in the color grade. This gave us a lot of highlight detail and fogged the shadows at the same time. I've done this before on the feature film, The Watchman's Canoe. Under-exposing the logc image essentially redistributes the dynamic range of the image. Bringing it back up in the color grade will introduce noise, but de-noising or grain hides all of that. We I get, in the color grade, is a lot of highlight detail that I think shrank down. In the film, look at the curtains of the interior shots. They were really bright when we looked at them on set with the proxy LUT, but I was able to finesse them in the color grade. What do you think?
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Here’s what happens when a hardboiled detective is stuck in quarantine. Thoughts/comments are welcome! Here’s the 1 minute film:
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'Born Into It' - Trailer Featuring raw interviews and stories coming straight from actual sufferers of mental illness. The goal is to increase awareness and shed light on stories that may otherwise have gone unheard. They can no longer be swept under the rug. They need a voice. I was inspired to start this project after the tragic suicide of my best friend. I felt that I needed to do something other than just mourn him. I wanted to show people the damage that untreated mental health issues can cause. I bought my VHS camera and a Polaroid camera and began my project. Interviewing multiple people in my community who suffer the same illnesses as my friend did. These are stories I felt needed to be heard. It is a solo project and the film is shot entirely on VHS and uses a mixed media style with Polaroid photos, notes, book excerpts, quotes, statistics, data, etc. It is now complete and waiting for release. Still Dreaming Productions Still Dreaming Productions on Facebook
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Edinburgh Short Film Festival 2020 Now Open For Entries! International Tours & Awards The 10th Anniversary edition of the ESFF with more short film screenings in Edinburgh, International Film Festival showcases, trophies, cash prizes and awards! We're also excited to be programming showcases of our best films for our 2020 partners: Adriatic Film Festival Stop Motion Montreal Firenze FilmCorti Sardinia Film Festival Balkans Beyond Borders Film Festival and Manipulate Theatre & Animation Festival! Max Length 25 minutes, international films welcomed, all genres eligible. Early Bird Deadline: Monday Feb 3rd Open for entries online ESFF 2020 SUBMISSIONS
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Hey everybody! As newcomer to the film, I released my first short film "The Whistle" two years ago. The short film hits the 500k clicks relatively quickly. I invested another year to write a story and create a second part. At the end of 2018, I shot the second part of the "The Whistle" series. Even this already counts 700k clicks on Youtube and became thus a worthy successor. In January, my latest low-budget project has started: "THE WHISTLE 3 | MARIA". It was a big challenge for me and my friends. A lot of time flowed into the post-processing because I wanted to create a completely new world and jump back to the year 1870. I took a big step forward and would like to present the result I really hope you like it: BTW: I created a VFX Breakdown to this horror short film to show what's behind my low budget production:
- horror
- short film
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I am a high school .jr who is making a short film. planning on entering into multiple short films. any chance everyone can look over the script and tell me what I can change? the story, lines, plot development, character development, or anything that benefits the story. thank you so much Where to?- Written by Sam Petty INT. Graduation party - Noon Brent is having his graduation party. All his friends and family are there. The camera moves through the house seeing everyone talking and having a good time. Stops on Brent and his parents talking in the kitchen. Dad “Ok son, your mother and I have been watching how hard you have worked this semester..” Mom “And you didn't get in any trouble, so we thought you should deserve a reward” Brent “Oh come on you know you don't have to. You already threw me this grad party! I mean what else could I need?” Dad “ Well, you will be going off to college so..” Brent “Not until next year. I'm taking a year off remember??” Dad “ Yes I know” Mom pulls a bag from behind her back all excited. A smile forms on both of there faces. Mom “And what better way to take a year off than..” Brent opens the bag and sees a car key Brent “A new car!? Mom “Well, not new. It's used but it will get you where you need to go” Brent Gives a big bear hug to both of his parents Brent “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. ( Gets interrupted by mom ) Mom you`re welcome, honey. Why don't you go tell April? I am sure she would love to hear the news. Brent “Good idea” ( runs off to find her) YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!! Brent runs through the crowds of people and finally finds April talking to a girl. They make eyes contact and he runs up and hugs her Brent “ OMG babe I have amazing news! April “ So do I!” Brent “I just got a car!” April “I just got accepted into Brown! Wait you got a car that's awesome! Brent “You got into brown oh my god babe that's incredible ( gives her a hug ) that's your dream school! April I know! I'm so excited to start this fall! But I have so much to do. Brent “Wait. this fall? I thought that we were taking a year off together? April I know I`m sorry. But it's my dream School! Its a once and a lifetime opportunity. You understand right? Brent What about our plan? Spending a year together.. April “We can spend the summer together! And ill come home and visit all the time.” Brent Ya I guess Brent is clearly sad. April feels horrible and has a great plan to make him happy. April “ Brent, I have a great idea that will make it up to you. But I have to go plan it out. I'll call you tonight. April runs out the door Brent “Um ok? Bye! Fade to black Int. Brents room- night Brent is in his room listening to music in his bed with headphones on. His phone rings and he stops the music. Brent (on the phone) “Hey this is brent” April (on the phone) “Brent! It's me April” Brent (on the phone) “ Where did you go earlier? You ruined the plan and ran out of the party.” April (on the phone) “I know I know I know I`m so so sorry about that. I had to get planning Brent (on the phone) “Planning? Planning what? April (on the phone) “Our trip! You did want to spend the year together right? Doing a whole bunch of things? Why not do all those things this summer? Pack a year's worth of fun dates into one summer before I leave! I already have it all planned out! Brent (on the phone) “that sounds..actually like a really good idea! When are we leaving? April (on the phone) “You sound surprised. We leave tomorrow morning. It's ok I already called your mom and dad. Get a bag packed. And come pick me up tomorrow at 8. Don't be late! Pack extra socks, sunscreen, and a phone cord… ok bye ( hangs up phone ) Brent “ Um. ( looks at clock ) I need to get packing… Fade to black. Int. aerial shot of April's driveway. 8 am Brents car is backed into her driveway and trunk open. April is saying a list of things they packed in a list April “ blankets?” Brent “Check” April “Tent?” Brent “Check” April “Camera?” Brent “Check” The camera turns to the ground view of Brent loading the trunk and April walking towards him. April “Packed your bag? Brent “ Yes! Everything is packed! Come on just get in the car already!” April ( stepping into a car with a map ) I'm being prepared! We have a long way to go Brent We do? You still haven't told me where we are going. April Ya, its surprise trip. You drive. I'll tell you the way Brent and April look at each other with a smile. Brent Ok so where to? The camera goes into an extreme wide shot of a car pulling out of the driveway and driving down the road. Music plays and the camera switches to a drone shot of car driving. Shots of brent and April are being shown of them laughing and talking and playing in the car. Scenes go buy of brent and April stopping at places and having fun. Places include the beach, the snow, a picnic, star gazing, nature walking, eating at restaurants, getting snowcones, going to a concert, a campfire guitar session, and fireworks. Ext. fade to black Int, right before dawn. April is sleeping and the car is shaking a lot. You hear the car park. Brent. “Babe.. babe wake up” April “What? Aw, what time is it? where are we? Brent “Come on” April staggers out of the car to see 2 chairs set out for her and brent overlooking the sunrise. April “ wait what is this? I didn't plan this..” Brent “I know. I did. They both sit down and look out into the distance Brent “I did this because. I'm sorry I overreacted about you leaving. To be honest I'm so happy for you I just don't know what I`m going to do while you are gone. I will miss you so much. I'm not even ready to go to college. I'm sure you`re going to have a great time. April “Wow, I had no idea I meant that much to you. Thank you. I'll call you every night. “ Brent grabs April's hand and lays his head on hers. Brent “I love you. you goofball’ A short pause April “I love you more” They look at each other for a moment April “ So? Where to next? Fade to black Credits roll with pictures of them at all the spots they went to
Here's a short film I wrote/shot/directed. I'm primarily a writer/director, and I'm doing cinematography on my films out of necessity. Next step for me will be working with a cinematographer! But I'd love some general thoughts on this film, so I can take the feedback with me on my next project. The film takes place within a Skype video call window, and I'd call it a mystery/thriller. Let me know what you think!
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- short film
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Hello Everyone, I just released my latest short film, POKERS, that I wrote, directed, and co-starred in, along with my producing partner and DP (who is also a member of this forum). It's a 9 minute short about four men sharing their perspectives on their shared occupation during a game of poker. It was shot on 16MM Fujifilm Eterna 250 via Arri HR3 HS in Super 16. I would love it hear any feedback and criticism. I am still very new to filmmaking and look forward to learning and growing. I hope you enjoy it:
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Here’s a few frame grabs from a short film I recently shot. shot with the Blackmagic Ursa Mini 4.6k camera and a set of Rokinon cinema prime lenses (24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm) as well as a couple of Canon lenses (100mm macro and 24mm pancake) For the most part I was pleased with how the camera and lens package performed. The one big issue we ran into early was, in low light situations (which the majority of the film takes place) the Ursa Mini had noticeable FPN at both ISO 800 and 1600. In order to combat this I was forced to shoot a lot of the film with ISO 400 to drop the noise floor which meant I needed more lights to be able to get a proper exposure. As a team we had to work creatively to come up with solutions but I think in the end we were pretty pleased with the final images. Cheers! Ian
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- Pendulum
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Screening the best in International contemporary short film & programming for other festivals across the UK & Internationally, the ESFF is now open for submission for short film-makers! We're offering cash prizes for Best Film, Best Animation and Best Scottish Film But that's not all! This year, we're also excited to be curating film programmes from submissions for our 2018 partners: DC Shorts - The US East Coast's largest short film event, Mecal - the Barcelona International Short Film Festival Sardinia Film Festival Fastnet Film Festival Firenze FilmCorti Hidden Door and many others! Max Length 25 minutes, international films welcomed, all genres eligible. Open for entries online and via Film Freeway & Withoutabox. Please note, deadline for submissions ends on Monday June 25th 2018 Enter Your Film Here
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Hi all, I just wanted to share with you a short film I directed called "The Man Who Knew Too Little". This is a detective type story inspired by an old TV show called "The Alfred Hitchcock Presents" (I'm a huge fan of that show). This was my first short and I shot this over a period of two years actually, lots of problems but we finally got it made. It's about 20 minutes long but I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to criticize, comment, etc. Available for download at IMDB:
So I wrote a script for a short film. It is not the first one and it won't be the first project I have ever made. But this is my biggest project yet and will be requiring some financing in range of an extremely micro budget - around 2000 dollars. The short film will be about 25-30min long. The title is Helmina - it is a psychological drama film. I am a 17-year old student filmmaker with aprox. 5 years of experience in filmmaking. I have written, produced, directed, shot and edited several short films, some of them winning different awards at several student film festivals in my country. The most recent film I shot as a DOP was awarded at a international film festival. But none of the projects I have worked on had a budget exceeding a few hundred bucks. I have shot lots of indy video productions, covered events and got into photography several years ago. I also love writting and making music (including soundtracks). The script is pretty strong in my opinion and is based on a novel by a well-known Slovene author and phychologist that recently passed away. The film would be shot on aprox. 20 different location, none of them being problematic and probably wouldn't require any permits. Majority of my cast (33 actors and extras) and crew (20 people) consists of talented friends, ex-mentors, student actors/filmakers/musicians and some semi-professionals in the local film scene. Almost everyone supporting the project is an enthusiastic individualwho doesn't request any 'real' payments. Although, I still need to cover the expenses - transportation, props, clothing, make-up, food, gear rentals and some music licenses. As I wrote earlier, 2000 dollars should be enough to cover it all. The film in terms of tech is not such a big project to make. There is only a bit of compositing and CGI planned. I have several options regarding financing the project: 1. I could contact national television, which of course leads an AV-project funding campaign; 2. There are several local institutions that could possibly be interested in supporting my project; 3. Crowdfunding - I heard Indiegogo is good for those kind of things; 4. Sponsorship - I could contact some local companies; 5. Band coverage - I want to use a song in the edit by the most commercially successful rock band in my country. Normally, I would have to buy a music license, but what if I try to get the project supported by this band since the most important scene in the film will be using their famous song? 6. A high school leading a drama department in my city supports those kinds of projects, but since I go to a different school with a music curriculum, I don't know if their authorities would want to support me. I am still looking for main actress-protagonist, which may be schooling there so there is a chance of success with this method; I have prepared several documents regarding the film. That includes the rewritten screenplay in the professional form, storyboard, budgeting documents, location and props/gear notes etc. I wish to start the production by the end of the year and continue it through the next 6 months. I would be very happy and thankful if some of you shared some pieces of advice on how to continue the preproduction for this project I love and really, really want to finish. I need tips and advice on producing this kind of project in my current circumstances. I hope I shared enought information regarding my situation... Thank you :) Martin
Good morning! I have been making films for quite a while, but this weekend, I shot my first fictional short. Would love some feedback on it. We were part of a 48 hour film race, with the theme being headwind.
This is a short film I made in Oslo. Feel free to critique, comment and maybe share :) Thanks! Martin
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I'm very excited to share this piece I DP'ed a year ago, we all had great time with this one. I'm very interested in learning, so all feedback and insights are welcome. Cheers! I Need My Space is a humorous tale of infidelity, frustration, and ultimately adventure. The story is focused upon the life of elderly engineer, Esko and his unfaithful and nagging wife Tarja. Looking for an escape from a life that is an unsatisfactory mix of dull and painful, Esko decides to build his own rocket ship and blast himself into space. The award-winning independent film was shot over the course of 4 days and with a budget of only €1200. The film will be released for public viewing on June 21st, 2017.
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Dear Cinematographers, Testing out Krasnogorsk-3. I need dummy stock in order to practice loading it, therefore does anyone know where I can acquire some? Sincerely Grateful, Kurt Cassidy-Gabhart
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With new awards and global tours, the Edinburgh Short Film Festival is a highly pro-active festival with over 20 screenings across the world AND Also offering cash prizes and industry mentoring to the film-maker who wins the Best Film AND the best Animation at this year's ESFF! We're also curating for film festivals across the world including Barcelona, DC Shorts in Washington, Fastnet Film Festival in Ireland and the Sardinia Film Festival and the winning films would be included in the programme for our international events and screenings. But the Deadline is fast approaching for entries: Monday June 26th 2017:
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We’re delighted to reveal that we have finalised the details on a new festival partnership with the USA’s largest dedicated short film festival on the US East coast, DC Shorts based in Washington! The partnership begins during our 2018 editions and will see the ESFF prepare a programme of some of our best short films for screening at DC Shorts in September 2018! We’re also reciprocating and DC Shorts will programme for our festival in Autumn of 2018. BUT THE BEST NEWS IS: We’ve also agreed to offer our entrants a 20% discount on submissions to the other festival and this offer is now open, so anyone submitting to this year’s ESFF will also get a 20% discount on submitting to DC Shorts! EDINBURGH SHORT FILM FESTIVAL
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Hey guys, I'm a 24 year old Cinematographer living in Seven Sisters, London. I recently shot a film called The Mechanic. Its a 60 second doc about Bo Hare, a mechanic and engineer working in rural England, who finds pleasure in the restoration of classic cars. Shot on a Blackmagic Ursa 4K with mixed tungsten and practical fluro lights, i'm a cinematographer, but I directed this as well as shot it. Drone shots on a DJI Inspire 3 Adv. Used vintage nikon AI-S primes to shoot everything, very much recommended if you are on a budget, tons of character, they flare beautifully. There is going to be a longer version forthcoming, but this cut dives straight in to the character and is hopefully an intriguing minute! Its for a competition running by Sony Europe where I could win a camera, so if you enjoyed it please like it on youtube..! :) Feel free to shoot with any questions or thoughts! Orlando
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- ursa
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Edinburgh Short Film Festival Submissions Now Open for 2017 Screening the best in International contemporary short cinema in Edinburgh each Autumn and curating programmes for other festivals across the UK & Internationally. This year, we're excited to be programming films for our 2017 partners: Asia's largest short film event, Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia based in Tokyo, as well as the Sardinia Film Festival, Australia's Scots Day Out and Hidden Door in Edinburgh and we can also announce that we will be partnering the Barcelona International Short Film Festival for 2017 We're also planning to expand our awards structure with prizes for Best Director & Best Animation!
- short film
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