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  1. Selling my used Sony Zeiss FE 24-70 f/4. Includes: (1) - Lens Body (1) - Front Cap (1) - Back Cap (1) - Lens Hood (1) - Soft Case $850.00 Los Angeles Local Only
  2. I just purchased a large lot of cine lenses. Most are pretty straightforward - either old PL or C mounts; but there are a couple of head scratchers. I have a Kinoptic Anamorphic F:2 Focale 75mm lens. The odd thing is that is doesn't have a focusing mechanism. Below the aperture ring is a screw on 1.5" (approximately) barrel followed by another short ring (see attached photos. The threaded section measures slightly under 35mm. Does anyone know what's up with this lens? Is it some sort of universal mount that screws into the focusing helical of one's choice? Thanks! John
  3. Can anybody tell me what lens was used at 00:45 in this video? Lens baby, Lomography Petzval or something third? (Am having trouble uploading the still so have to post the whole video)
  4. Up for grabs is an excellent super 16 or micro 4/3 prime lens: The zeiss super speed 25mm t1.3, in PL mount Hate to part ways with it, it really is an amazing lens. No scratches, great overall condition. Bought from Visual Products this summer, looking at 1250 US$ for it, plus shipping. Images: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kE0DScl5SHIVqnI3HYi58Sqgc3hvZHJN Also have a super wide kinoptik 5.7mm in PL mount, taking offers on this one. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e4WUZfFNWzAnBGbXM_ZNR7tuMWDS1OCz
  5. I have TWO brand new, unused Arri CLM-5 motors for sale. I'm asking $2200 each. Here is a link to Ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/323493525303
  6. Hi peeps, I just posted this lens on eBay, so if you are looking for a C-mount lens that will cover the S16 frame here is one. I only ship to the lower 48 United States. https://www.ebay.com/itm/153231296621 Thanks for looking
  7. Good afternoon everyone, I have a run & gun gig coming up in the foreseeable future for which I'd like to give the new BMPCC 4K a shot (I don't technically own one yet, but hopefully will reasonably soon). Due to the job's specific nature, I will require an extremely lightweight and portable setup. I've done similar work in the past and always suffered from having to work with primes (both in terms of weight and overall practicality), so this time I decided I'd rather stick with a single zoom for the entirety of the shoot. On a full-frame camera I would probably just opt for the Sigma 18-35 f1.8, but being the new BM Pocket M4/3, I don't think that would give me enough range to handle a broad enough variety of situations. I've done a little bit of research for suitable options and found that quite a few people seem to be praising the Olympus 12-40 f2.8 M.Zuiko PRO as a good one for video. Has anyone here had any experience with it? Or would you know of any interesting alternative covering the same/similar range (24-80 equivalent)? I've also read that a few people appear to be very happy with C-mount vintage options, such as the Angenieux 12-120mm f2/2 (amazing range and constant aperture) but it weights a ton and the whole point is to retain flexibility while shooting. Also another set of issues that I've had with vintage Angenieux in the past has included very noticeable chromatic aberrations, heavy breathing and vignetting (all things that I would want to avoid for this project). However, if you're aware of any vintage lens that might fit the bill I'd be more than open to consider it. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for me, as I could gladly use some. Wish you all a lovely rest of your day and thank you for having taken the time Best, Filippo
  8. FOR SALE: CANON 6.6-66 super 16 ZOOM PL mount lens Excellent condition. Bought it like new on cinematography.com three years ago. Used it for one documentary project (centerscanwith F5 - beautiful results.) No longer using it so it is time for it to find a new home. 5000 euro. Lens is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Can ship anywhere as long as you pay for freight costs. contact: petr@lomfilms.com
  9. what lens is that ??
  10. Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. 18/21/25/29/35/50/75/100/135mm T2
  11. Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  12. Selling a super wide angle lens for super16 or micro 4;3 Originally in Arri Standard Mount, it has a PL mount adapter installed. The lens is in great condition, I hate to see it go! Looking at 950$ for it. Pictures : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e4WUZfFNWzAnBGbXM_ZNR7tuMWDS1OCz Contact: albu.william@gmail.com
  13. Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. Cooke SK4 S16 6mm T2 Lens Cooke SK4 S16 12mm T2 Lens
  14. Gutted to have to do this, but the doctors have ordered a downsize (for my mangled spine) and I have to move back to a smaller camera and lighter weight primes. So I’m selling my Zeiss CZ.2 Full-Frame Cinema Zooms (in PL mounts): - Zeiss 28-80mm T/2.9 CZ.2 - Zeiss 70-200mm T/2.9 CZ.2 They’re gorgeous pieces of glass in excellent condition. I fell in love with the way they render faces and skintones the first time I used them. The bokeh from the 18-blade apertures is gorgeous, they're terrifically sharp wide-open, and it's almost impossible to coax chromatic aberrations out of them. They’ve served me beautifully on S35mm sensors, but they’ll also make particularly perfect companions for Monster, Alexa LF, Venice or the C700FF (where I think the focal range really shines), or on something like the FS7 with a PL-mount Speedbooster. The lenses are located in Melbourne, Australia, but happy to ship worldwide (PM me for a shipping quote) $13,900 USD each or $27,000 USD for the pair (+GST if sold in Australia). Each lens comes in its original box, with a laser-cut foam case insert. If you’re buying the pair, I’ll throw in the Pelican 1550 that houses them both. Cheers, Mark Kenfield
  15. FS Arri / Fuji Alura 18-80 Zoom Lens (Feet) Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  16. Originally posted in FILM STOCKS Im am curious to gather some opinions. I plan on shooting a short in the near future on 16mm. Naturally my choice of stocks are limited to Kodak, and for production purposes 250D would be my best option. Now, really hate doing color correction and DI. I dont like doing it myself, and I dont want to pay to get a colorist to do it for me. I am wondering, how accurate are the colors of 250D, raw out of the stock? What sort of work would I have to do in post to make them accurate. Are there options for me in filtration to normalize the stock? My thought process is, that I want the stock to have an accurate color baseline for me to modify to fit my story. I am looking for a warm, medium contrast, and slightly diffused look. Something in between George Washington (2000) and The Long Goodbye (1973). For this, my idea of was to shoot with some TLS Rehoused Super Baltars, and apply a Tiffen Warm Black Pro-Mist 1/4. What do you think
  17. Zeiss Biotar 35mm f2 (Arri Standard Mount + PL Adapter) Zeiss Biotar 35mm f2 in Arriflex Standard Mount, plus PL adapter made by c7adapters.com. The adapter doesn't fit the Arri Amira/Alexa Mini PL Mount! Glass without scratches or fungus. Some dust particles inside. Smooth Aperture and focus rings. Arri Standard Mount + PL Adapter (PL Adapter doesn't fit Alexa MINI/Amira) Covers Super35mm film and sensors Price: 756$ Ebay Link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/173381486646?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Angenieux 12-120mm f2.2 - Cameflex Mount Glass is clean without scratches, haze or fungus. Focus, aperture and zoom rings run smooth. Slight wear on the body. Cameflex Mount Covers 16mm sensor. It also covers Super 16mm sensors, but it starts vignetting when focusing closer than 8 meters Price: 413$ Ebay link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/173381492080?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Samyang 800mm f8 - PL Mount Glass has no scretches, haze or fungus. The body has some wear. The lens has been professionally modified in order to be usable on PL Cameras. PL Mount Covers Super 35mm film and Sensors Price: 282$ Ebay link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Samyang-DX-Tele-Lens-800mm-f8-PL-Mount/173381496210 All lenses are located in Zürich, Swizterland. For any question feel free to email me at vanja.tognola (at) gmail (dot) com . To see more pictures, check the ebay link or ask me directly! I wish you all a wonderful day Vanja
  18. Hi Guys, Just looking to confirm some Sony F5 sensor size and lens crop factor. Sony F5 = Super 35mm sensor Super 35mm Crop Factor 1.5 So an 18mm lens on an F5 or any Super 35mm equivalent sensor is more like a 12mm lens? As 18 / 1.5 = 12 Is this correct? Thanks Steve
  19. WTB Cooke S4i 150mm Lens (Imperial) ASAP. Send pricing and details to sales@broadcastsolutions.com.
  20. Hi, I'm looking to purchase some of the lenses at the long end of the Ultra 16 set. It's like looking for a unicorn, so rumors are welcome. Cheers!
  21. Includes: Single Channel Handset, MDR2 (both Blue Dot and 4G), DM-1 motor with 19mm Hill bracket with 15mm inset, 1 Marking Ring, 2 working Batteries, ac charge with lighter cable. Camera cables for: Sony, Panavision, 11pin Fischer. Power cables MDR to: Ptap, 3 Pin, 24V Panavision, 11 Pin Fischer. MDR mounting bracket (V mount), motor cable. Custom Innerspace Pelican case Send me your email. This website has a ridiculous small size for pictures to be posted. Shame on it.
  22. Hi all, I'm going to be shooting a short film in the very near future on the Sony FS5. The Camera only comes with a kit lens, so I was wondering whether it was worth sourcing another lens to work with. I know friend's have pretty pricey Canon lenses, but I'm unsure whether these would be better or worse. The film is going to be shot mostly outside on location, shots of buildings and streets etc. If anyone has ideas, let me know. Thanks.
  23. Looking for more info on this rehoused 14mm f2.8L. Just got a great deal on ebay. There was little info on the post and the guy didn't get back to me. From the photos I thought it was PL, but it's wider and the seat is deeper. Any ideas on the source of the rehouse or the mount?
  24. $400 OBO. This mount adapter lets you mount an older Arri Standard mount or Arri Bayonet mount lens on a PL mount camera. This is the much more complex type with two spring-loaded push buttons for release, and is compatible with lenses like old Cooke Speed Panchros in Arri Standard mount. Those lenses need the holding tab that this adapter has to let you focus. Very easy to pop lenses in and out by just pressing two the side buttons. Les Bosher was known for making these, although I'm not sure who made this one. I bought this one from Visual Products about 9 years ago. Duclos sells something similar new for $700: https://www.ducloslenses.com/products/arri-standard-pl-adapter Note, this works fine on most film cameras. I used it on my Arri 3C before I sold that last year. It may not be compatible with all PL mount digital cameras like the Alexa - the protruding back can collide with interior baffles. Located in Brooklyn, NY. Thanks for looking.
  25. Hi, I'm Ben, a learning camera assistant who chose not to study film and is now catching up on production etiquette and techniques! I recently pulled focus on a short film for a great DoP (Tansy Simpson) here in London and at one point she asked me to push the iris to a 'two plus' Now i assumed this meant something like a t2.1, or did it mean 2.5? I'd love to get clarification on this as I was too worried she might think I was an amateur if i asked! Thanks in advance for any help offered, Benjamin
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