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John Holland

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Everything posted by John Holland

  1. Frank Sinatra in "Carousel " ? Was he going to play the King ?
  2. Yes Phil I did try to watch most of this super boring programme it was like a throw back to a 1970's BBC type drama ?. It did look like lots of money has been spent on it but why I have no idea and there are another 9 episodes still to come .None of which I will watch .
  3. I am not sure the photos are from the "Spectre" . It is from the "Mail" after all . Plus says Take 2 on fluid head , Panavision are servicing this film.
  4. Yes loads of in correct information on IMDB . This film was shot on Alexa XT !!!
  5. The main problem is the lack of labs to process motion picture colour neg , world wide .
  6. poop excuse the pun ,wish i could get to see "Manure" over this side of the pond.
  7. A friend of mine worked at Humphies Labs in London [ Long Gone. Sad] they were processing " A Clockwork Orange " Mr Kubrick many times drove a very large Land Rover to the lab in the centre of London to make sure it got there on time .
  8. Just to say this film only finished shooing i think now 3/4 weeks ago so teaser preview means nothing , I do know they have shot so much old school as in false perspectives and huge sets . This was from the D.P and Second unit DP .So please dont diss it from this little tease .
  9. Yes David "2001 cut was fantastic even more so on a huge Cinerama screen . Opening night 1968 Casino Cinerama Old Compton Street London , booked my seat 3 months in advance . Much like i did with "Interstellar" but alas not such a big impact .
  10. Greg sorry i bought up the Michael Cain death scene re. focus , i do think the Dop should have a used a touch more light so it would have given you chance so just for that shot maybe a T4.5 would have helped .
  11. I do find it very interesting that they are going to shoot in Ultra Panavision . Panavision must be modifying some of their Super Panavision lenses with the 1.25 anamorphic to give them a wider range of lens choice .
  12. I must agree on the focus issues there is one important scene with Michael Cain lying down on a bed explaining a important part of the [plot ?] where the only part of his face thats is in focus is his forehead , i kept waiting for it to pulled into focus ,it never happened . This was anamorphic not Imax.
  13. Thats really great i am seeing it at the Imax Waterloo film print . I just wonder now does the unwashed public even understand what Showing in 70mm means ? Scary that to many seem happy to watch crap on their i-Pads etc.!
  14. Here in UK we have I-dailies and Cinelab still up and running and very good labs so ship your neg stock over to London!
  15. Freya thought i was correct but looks like i got it wrong.
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