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Max Field

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Everything posted by Max Field

  1. What is the color bit depth?
  2. I've been seeing some of these cameras on eBay lately. ENG look but come with a PL mount. Does this use a Sony F35 sensor within an ENG style body?
  3. That's a huge concern. I wish someone could do a sound test of the RED Epic's fan.
  4. If you plan on having the lighting hues be flamboyant then consider putting your talent in costumes with low saturation to avoid color clashing.
  5. That end of it is nearly impossible to figure out sometimes. Youtube seems to change its contrast levels depending on the file format/size. Vimeo needs to take over.. and fast.
  6. Can someone explain why C-stands are uncommon in the UK? Is this an inside joke?
  7. At first glance of both features and image, seems like a great camera. Does anyone have any experience with it they could share? Thanks!
  8. It's a tricky bag. Like I've made livable income writing jokes for other people, and there are rules and formulas to joke-writing that I figured out mostly on my own which date all the way back to Groucho Marx. Now what makes this tricky is I didn't find appreciation for Marx until after I self-learned the formulas he was doing in the 30's. I watched the films years prior but really didn't find it a great study from a skill-building perspective. Every time our usual guys get into threads like this, it always boils down to: "Great performers are eclectic, but must they also be historians?"
  9. That's crazy. I thought the inventor of that would've been born in the 1800's or something.
  10. I understand your point is in the support of eclecticism, and I agree with aiming for that. There are far more film study discussions on the classic DPs than modern DPs, in stipulating "modern" I'm attempting to get some freshness. This might be a hot take, but in the age of the internet, delving into all the classic DPs could lead to stagnation when we have free access to billions of hours of visual content. Would you be surprised if a cinematographer in 2040 was heavily influenced by Vines and Michael Bay but never really cared for Citizen Kane or The Godfather? We've had 100 years of consistency and the internet is without a doubt soon to destroy it.
  11. That's a tricky analogy as they're two very different crafts. Writing being affected far more by the general culture than cinematography is. No one in the last 20 years became a great comedian by studying the Marx Brothers or Abbott & Costello.
  12. It's good to have a grip on the active guys currently working. More exciting to watch the evolution unfold.
  13. If you could name your top 5 modern cinematographers that everyone should look to for how to shoot, who would they be? Wanted to see what names get posted the most throughout everyone's lists.
  14. Take the DNA they left on them and clone filmmaker slaves.
  15. Ask for the contrast levels they set the projection at... if that's even a thing? Haven't personally been to a screening of any of my shorts yet.
  16. Actually now that it's brought up... what "masterpieces" had no actors?
  17. The hardest part of explaining copyright law is breaking down what's in the lawbook and then what infringements are actually pursued.
  18. Instead of thanking the academy they should be thanking Cinematography.com!!
  19. RED Epics are dirt cheap now, my biggest concern is the fan and heat management. Please give me your average experience + horror stories. Hold nothing back, please drag this camera if you can. Thanks to all.
  20. I can't see how anyone of any political background thinks it's necessary to bring up Trump in their speech anymore.
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