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Clive Tobin

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About Clive Tobin

  • Birthday 02/01/1944

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  • Occupation
    Industry Rep
  • Location
    Spokane Valley, WA, USA

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  1. Hi, Sorry I can not give much encouragement on making more Arri S motors. We are making up a batch of 25 TXM-20Ba crystal motors for Du-All Camera. These fit the Rex-4, -5, -SB -SBM and similar spring wound Bolex cameras. When these are done we might make a smaller batch of the TTL time lapse motors for the same cameras. There won't be 25 owing the problems in getting more parts. None of these models are listed on the website any more. However if you go to the Instruction Manuals tab, you can read the instructions and get an idea of the capabilities. Cheers, Clive Tobin http://www.TobinCinemaSystems.com
  2. Thanks for your interest. The last 25 took a long time to sell, so there is no chance we would make 100 of them, and only an extremely remote chance we would make any at all. Sorry but we are keeping pretty much fully occupied making our telecine equipment. We are finally (after maybe 6 months) finishing a batch of 25 TXM-20Ba crystal motors for Bolex for Du-All Camera. We are considering making up a smaller batch of our TTL time lapse motors for Bolex eventually.
  3. Oops! This didn't get worded quite right. I meant to say that the Mainstream and True Speed models offer emulsion side scanning with base side scanning as an option, but the 3CCD Ultimate model is still base side scan. Sorry.
  4. Tobin Cinema Systems Inc. announces eight new models of telecine with emulsion side scanning as standard.* These include the newly named Mainstream, True Speed and Ultimate 3CCD models as well as the previously announced My Own Telecine units for the film hobbyist or small organization. Accepted formats include Super-8, Regular-8 and Dual-8 in most. Since we have heard little in the way of any actual rather than theoretical problem with the previous base side scanning, six of the models are still available with this orientation. We might mention here that in the well proven Elmo Transvideo machines, as well as in all 35mm theatrical projection, and projection of all 16mm prints contact printed directly from original film, the base side is towards the projection lens. The True Speed and Ultimate models offer exact 18.000 and 24.000 speeds, the same as the amateur filming rates. 18 and 24 are flickerless in NTSC, and 18 is flickerless in the PAL versions. True Speed operation has taken TCS some 25 years to develop, on and off. Running film at the right speed in the first place looks smoother than other methods where a computer inserts additional frames at intervals, causing jerky movement. Output signals on all are Y/C S-Video and Composite Video. On the Ultimate models, Component Video outputs are an option. On all models, you can connect directly to a MiniDV, DVD or VHS (etc.) recorder with no dependency on a computer or needing extra-slow running. Our simplified and perfected optical system has only a 1:1 macro lens between the film and the CCD. Eliminating the excessive and bulky optical components of old style "film chain" arrangements gives quality, with the 1CCD models, that is equal to or better than the quality with other 3CCD setups. By eliminating the projection lens, condenser lens, field lens, mirror, zoom lens and low-cost close-up lens this arrangement likewise eliminates the geometric distortion, color fringing, loss of sharpness, reflection of room lights, vibration and unstable position of other systems. * Technically you could say there are 16 models if you include both NTSC and PAL versions! These models can be seen on the TCS website at http://www.tobincinemasystems.com .
  5. Thanks! The blowout sale is now over however since there are now just a few left. We are however reverting to the old $375 price instead of $425.
  6. It has been years since I lived in Seattle, but the last I heard, Boeing had closed its surplus walk-in store and they were changing to just internet sales only. That would be no fun. It is much better to quickly browse through stuff to find things you didn't know you needed, and handle and smell the merchandise. I bet their sales are way down.
  7. Not all double perf stock is alike. Some high speed cameras require stock with 2R-3000 (long pitch) perforations instead of the more common 2R-2994 short pitch film that is normal for making contact prints from it. Film prints are made with the original and print stock wrapped together around a rotating 40 tooth sprocket with the light coming from inside. Obviously the two films are riding on a different diameter so they shouldn't be the same perforation pitch. The correct pitch differential gives the best print quality. Irrelevant senior rambling: Someone at Boeing probably got a big bonus once for suggesting that they film everything with long pitch film even if it was going to be printed. Supposedly this was a cost saving in not having dual inventory. This likely led to all of their prints being somewhat unsharp and unsteady compared to how they could have been. You'd think that selling multi-million-buck gadgets would make them want to get their film prints as good as possible.
  8. Also, I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but a "100 foot" spool of film actually has about 109 feet on it for loading and unloading in subdued light. So you can't get 4 full normal camera spools from a 400 foot core load.
  9. Sorry our limited run of crystal motors is sold out. I do have a blowout sale however on the TM-23 variable motors for $249.99 as mentioned on the Arri sub-group.
  10. The 5 stops that I am talking about in the instruction manual is the difference between shooting with the TTL time lapse motor, versus normal filming at 24 FPS which is effectively about 1/80 second. The instructions are furnished with each new TTL motor, and they are also posted on the website at http://www.tobincinemasystems.com/page30.html . The 3/8 second (or about 32/80 second) is ideal for stop motion work as it makes your 100 watt bulb equivalent to 3200 watts. The relatively slow motor speed enables the motor to stop quickly enough using dynamic (electrical) braking instead of a mechanical stop, so the TTL motor should work reliably for a very long time.
  11. Hi, You may recall that owing to increased manufacturing costs we had to raise the price of the Tobin TM-23 variable speed motors for Arriflex S and M cameras from $375 to $425. Unfortunately I don't think we have sold any at the new price. To get our inventory down to an acceptable level we are now having a blowout inventory reduction recession depression bailout real estate collapse society collapse sale at only $249.99 to anyone in any quantity. This is less than the previous dealer price. When these are gone I think I can guarantee we will never make any more motors for Arri cameras, as they are not selling well and we are swamped with orders for our TVT telecine machines. We are already sold out of our TXM-22A crystal motors. You can buy directly from us, or I also have them listed on Ebay as Item 130263699526. We can take your credit card directly or Paypal. Shipping is extra. The catalog page is at http://www.tobincinemasystems.com/page61.html .
  12. Thanks for your support. Owing to popular request here and elsewhere, we have made up another batch of the TXM-24 crystal control box for Bolex EBM, ESM and EL models. Included speeds are 24 and 25 FPS. The catalog page is here: http://www.tobincinemasystems.com/page61.html and as usual the instruction manual can be previewed also.
  13. No, you are confused. As I said, this is specific to an HFC 2000' rewind crank, not to a camera. The HFC has an odd ratio, I calculated it once but forget, something like 4-1/7 to 1 or thereabouts. The Bolex 8-frame shaft moves 8 frames per turn, if you are going through the sprockets, and there are 40 frames per foot, so this would need 545 turns to crank through 109 feet. This is a lot more cranking than using a rewind.
  14. If there are no sides it is probably on a core instead. If you are careful and have rewinds in the dark, you can wind it on to a reel or spool, and then wind it back again on to the final spool, to be oriented the right way round to fit the camera. If it is really 200 feet you will have to divide it between two 100' spools. If you are not experienced with handling core loads you should likely use a split reel, to stop the film roll from spilling, and also to convert from the 1" inside diameter of the core to the 5/16" diameter rewind shaft. A camera spool normally holds 109 feet, to give an extra 6 feet for loading and 3 for unloading. So one spool might wind up being full length and the other not. If using an HFC geared rewind, 109' corresponds to about 46-1/2 turns of the crank handle. While rewinding, you will of course be subjecting the film to possible static marks, picking up dust which will photograph on the film or maybe lodge as hairs in the camera gate, and fogging if the room is not totally dark. Empty camera spools can generally be had at no charge from your friendly local film lab. Check for bent flanges so the film doesn't catch and cause a film jam. Cheers,
  15. We have made a number of crystal motors for Bolex over the years. They occasionally come up on Ebay. The TXM-22A crystal motor for Arri 16-S/M is back in stock and there is some chance we may resume making one or two of the motors for Bolex. The most likely to be re-animated (?) by Tobin Cinema Systems are the TXM-20Ba for cameras with the 1:1 shaft, and the TXM-26B for older pre-1966 cameras without the 1:1 shaft such as the original Reflex, Rex-1, Rex-2 and Rex-3. We also made a plug-in crystal for Bolexes with a built-in motor, such as the EL and EBM, and the ESM motor, but there doesn't seem to be much interest in these.
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