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Mark Dunn

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Everything posted by Mark Dunn

  1. Not Technicolor. This was 1954, so a stop or two cooler on set.
  2. Doesn't steampunk really need to be set in a postulated alternate reality or extrapolation into the then future, rather than just a historical period? I think this rules out Great Race and Magnificent Men, much as I love the latter. 'MM' is very firmly rooted in its period technologically and I thought 'TGR' was as well. I don't recall any anachronisms. I'd exclude fantasy myself, which would prune that list a bit. '20,000' has to be at the top though, if you can see past Kirk Douglas' gurning. One did manage it in 'Spartacus' but that was for Kubrick's sake. I'd want to add 'Master of the World' (1964).
  3. You'll need to show your full name. The 7D sensor is very close to 35mm in size, so no, the 12-120 won't cover it. I don't know the answer to the adapter qiestion, I suspect not, but since you can't use the lens I think it's academic.
  4. OP, you've double-posted this. You won't get a better answer than David Mullen's.
  5. Which way round? Do you mean to put a Nikon lens on a C-mount body? If so I have one, Nikon make. Make me an offer. It's this one http://www.parkcameras.com/8106/Nikon-F-C--F-to-C--Mount-lens-adapter.html?referrer=Froogle+&utm_source=google&utm_medium=froogle&utm_campaign=pid8106&gclid=COis096uhbECFQwjfAodMxxFPQ
  6. As a reference for a composite? I'm guessing that you would have a single frame of a shot of a matte painting in the finder so you could line up the action thhrough it.
  7. Bear in mind that the barest coverage needs getting on for 3:1.
  8. That mark isn't down to the lens. It would be much more diffuse. With a mirror shutter there's nothing in the light path so it must be the transfer.
  9. Warning. Potentially unhelpful post. Starts to make about 37p/ft for rushes look good, doesn't it? http://www.cineco.nl/page/4#26
  10. I've used digipads for stills with great success. http://www.digipad.co.uk/ They're inexpensive and easy to use if you have a steady nerve. No good if you need them tomorrow, but you don't say where you are. I'm sure there's an equivalent available.
  11. I don't know about that, I'm talking about the UK and recall talking to a certain civilian user who certainly wasn't being told to use video. We didn't use polyester base. It wouldn't break in the event of a jam and that would have been a disaster at 5000pps.
  12. That's probably what I meant. It's been a while. I don't know if the DVD would be good enough to detect the quality difference which might give away an optical. We may need to explain A&B (&sometimes C) -rolling a bit better.
  13. I think you've answered your own question- B/W intermediates made for the B/W scenes cut in on the A/B roll as normal and some careful grading to avoid a tint.
  14. We used it extensively for a certain type of military high-speed cine, 7250 IIRC, pushed 2 stops to 1600. It was the only stock that would suffice.Presumably they use video now. I do know that when VNF disappeared certain civilian high-speed cine users simply lost their ability to shoot colour.
  15. Not such a shock, surely? He died in 2005.
  16. >For bureaucratic cock-ups, nepotism, Political Correctness and general clot-headed-ness, you would be hard-pressed to beat the 2000 Sydney Olympics. We'll have a jolly good try though. I'll start, shall I? The Olympic park doesn't appear on satnavs, and all the signage is new, so the volunteers can't find their way around and have to spend all their time (in their specially- designed uncomfortable BMWs) on the walkie-talkie checking in. Also, the breakdown services can't find you because none of the streets exists. The new postcode for the area is E20, which is the fictitious postcode of the fictitious BBC soap opera 'East Enders'. (I thought that must be a joke at first). So not only doesn't the place exist, it's actually a film set in Elstree 20 miles away.
  17. Why bother with a lens cap? You only have to waste time taking it off. A hood is more useful. If you need one, they're only 99p on Ebay.
  18. Shoot a test on reversal and project it, if you can. That will tell you a lot for not very much. If it has a socket marked 'pilotone' or similar, or which isn't the power lead, then it probably doesn't have crystal sync. Others will tell you about that.
  19. The problem is that you can make paints and brushes in your shed. If there's demand, you can get a bigger shed. You can't make film in a shed. It's an industrial, not an artisanal product. It needs making, monitoring, finishing. You might mix a b/w emulsion, but what would you coat with it? You can't boil down your own trees for cellulose in said shed. You can't test it by spreading a bit on a board and analysing it with the Mk.1 eyeball. If enough people won't buy it, or if the profit from somewhere else doesn't enable it to be kept on for old times' sake, it's gone.
  20. Not at my local cinema or anywhere that will tell you they're showing film, you can't. Now MGM won't even tell the Prince Charles in Leicester Square whether or not they'll be supplied with a print of 2001, for heaven's sake.
  21. Phil, we've just lost one of the best. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-18345350
  22. Talk about dumbing down. What a joke. I know the UN is irrelevant but this is ridiculous. "BBC News makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all images broadcast" my arse. They made no effort at all. Some rodney typed something into Google and 'computer says yes'. If I were the games maker I'd be billing the BBC for a licence fee.
  23. Do you mean Slovak and Slovene? I don't know if you mean Serbian or Serbo-Croat- I believe they're not identical.
  24. Light the background, not the object. https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=&q=perfume+bottle&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGLL_en-GBGB367GB367&ie=UTF-8&biw=1045&bih=662&sei=d9zFT5eVOMj08QOegr2HBg&tbm=isch
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