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  1. Im hearing conflicting information on this. On one hand officially, the 30 is only listed as going up to the 800 (despite also being listed as taking a 2k tungsten bulb which the 1600 system can take), while on the other hand, some users say you can use the 1600 with the 30 inch Jem ball, so if anyone has experience of whether you can or shouldn't please let me know.
  2. Hi, We are two technicians working in the film industry in France (a grip guy and a gaffer) and we just discovered this very interesting forum. We particularly noticed that gaffers and cinematographers were asking questions about light output and what aperture is obtained at a certain distance. It happens that with the help of two IT engineers we developed an iOS app responding to this question about 2 years ago. First and for all, we’re not going to post messages everywhere on this forum to sell our app nor are we going to pollute your threads to gain in visibility. We just think some of you might be interested in what we created and since we’re a really small team working on off-time we can’t do any real advertising, so you probably wouldn’t know our app existed. Our app is called Predilux (for pre-diction and lux for light) and predicts the exposure as measured by a light meter, by choosing a light source and a distance. Or inversely predicts the distance to the light source by specifying the exposure. Predilux takes into account: Camera settings (FPS, ISO, Shutter angle) Source settings (Focalisation, Lenses, Grids, Dimmer, CCT, etc) Gels mounted on or close to the source (All ROSCO e-colour+ range) All results have been experimentally verified by us with a light meter in rental houses. For each source setting we made several measurements at different distances and this took a lot of time. So Predilux does not rely on constructor’s data, but on real data reflecting the state of the equipment as found in rental houses. Our data sometimes differs from the constructor’s data. Here is a quasi exhaustive list of the sources measured and included in the Predilux (12/2019) : Tungsten ARRI 150, 300 Plus, 1K Plus, 5K Fresnel, T10, T12, Rubylight (MFL lamps) Briese 77, 100, 140, 180 with lampes ranging from 650 W to 2K Mole Richardson Softlite 1K, MaxiBrut 16 (MFL lamps) Openfaces such as Redhead, Blonde, Desisti Renoir 5kW and LTM Cyclight 2K ETC Source 4, Dedolight, Zaplight, CMC 20K, etc. HMI ARRI AS 575, 1200, 4K, 6K, 12K, Arri M18, M40, M90, ArriMAX 12K & 18K K5600 JokerBug 200, 400, 800, Alpha 1600, 4K, 9K, 18K AFM 575, 1200, LTM Cinepar 2.5K Fluorescent KinoFlo 2ft, 4ft & 6ft LED ARRI S30, S60, S120, S360 KinoFlo Celeb 200, 250, 400, 450, 850 DMG SL1, SL1 mini, SL1 Switch, MaxiSwitch Mole Richardson Tweenie, Senior, Tener Aladdin Biflex 1x1, 1x2, Flexlite 1x4, 350 Dedolight bi90, Cineroid LMD400, Velvet V1 Balloon Airstar Gaffair 1200, Elipse 4000, PAD 9ft x 9ft, Tube 16K If any of the administrators of this forum wish to try out our app, we would be happy to give them one or several free life-time activation codes. For all the other users, our app is available on the Apple Store (). An Android release is planned. If you have questions or requests, don’t hesitate to contact us at this address predilux@wid.la Thanks for reading this post and we hope you thought it was interesting, Georges Harnack for the Predilux Team
  3. Complete used portable 60amp AC Power Generator/Distribution Package. System originally purchased from Screenlight & Grip, Watertown, MA. 60 amps of 120v AC power is available where ever you want it up to 300 feet away from the generator. Can be expanded with more splitters and receptacle boxes. Entire system can fit in a pickup, van or on small trailer. More photos available on request. Package contents: 1 - Honda EU6500is Inverter Generator (used) in Excellent Condition. 1 - 60A Full Power Stepdown Transformer/Distro w/dolly. Takes 250v/30amp generator output & converts to 125v/60amp AC. Transformer upgrade allows voltage boost up to 10% for long cable runs. 3 direct 120v/20amp outlets installed on transformer. 2 - 250 volt adapter cables for connection of Generator or any 250v home power receptacle to stepdown transformer. 1 - 100' 250V 30A Twist-lock Extension cable. 2 - 50' 250V 30A Twist-lock Extension cable. 2 - 50' 6/3 60amp GPC Extension cable. 2 - 60amp GPC Male to 2x Female power splitter. 1 - 60amp Snack Box (Box w/6x 120v AC receptacles, w/Circuit Breakers). 1 - 20amp Snack Box (Box w/4x 120v AC receptacles, w/Circuit Breaker). Bins for all cables, whips and boxes included. Will NOT split package: if you don't want it all don't reply. $4,800 or best offer + shipping and PayPal fees. Low ballers ignored. You can pickup or will need to ship palletized as LTL freight from Beaumont, Tx. Can palletize and strap load.
  4. I recently shot a superhero film and was looking for feedback on the lighting/camerawork When filming, I was going for the style of something like "The Boys" more of a gritty look. Let me know if you think it works or if there's anything that could've made it better. https://imgur.com/a/xKSn29I Specs for those interested: Lit with: Arri Skypanels s60-c Arrisun 1.2K 8x8 Silk Frame Shot on: RED Weapon 8K
  5. Meet the Gaffer's Luke Seerveld compares the diffused light quality and output from the ARRI M18, K5600 Joker 800 and a couple of Aputure 600d Pro's using 1/2-grid diffusion through a frame and an Octabank. Don't forget to show some love in the YouTube comments.
  6. ARRI Studio Ceramic 250 Hi Guys I am interested to hear peoples opinions on this light it sounds like something that would be very handy to have in my kit. It seems to have a built in ballast and the bulbs can be swopped between a tungsten 3300k bulb to a hmi type bulb with a 5500k temperature. They power usage is 250 watts and has a light output the equivalent of a 1k tungsten. They sound to have a lot versatility and they run cooler temp wise. But am i missing something here. Why are these not that popular, fair enough they are an older light fitting buti have never seen one of these on set or in any hire houses? The CRI is 90 is this the reason. I d love to hear opinions on this light the pros and the cons off anyone who has used them. I am considering buying one but dont have any where to hire it from to test one first.
  7. Hello folks, I am currently trying to source hmi plugs for my strand 2500 watt and 1200 watt magnetic ballast lights. (2500w)I have bought a ballast and head both strand but the plugs don't screw together they are slightly different. I wanted to swop the plug on the ballast and the header cable to get them working together. And my 1200 watt the plug just broke on the header cable. I am finding it hard to source new ones, and struggling with how to take apart the plugs on the header cables them selfves? And ideas, I am a competent electrician but never had to swop these out before and it's baffling me. I intend fully megar testing each core once I replace them.
  8. Hello, I'm comparing 3 HMI fixtures that will get me the most light output on a 16a 230v (French) circuit. Here, in France we are able to get between 2500w to 3000w on a single breaker, depending on the houselhold config and its age. So, all three fixtures: the Arri M18, D25 and AS25 (Arrisun 4k bulbed at 2.5kW) have their own qualities and functions (facetted reflector, fresnel and par lenses) and I'm not here to compare their uses as it depends on the project. I haven't had any time getting all three on the same set to compare - but I've had multiple lamp ops tell me - and some info the web - about the similar light output all three fixtures will get you. I know the M18 is quite efficient and will stand quite close the the D25 - which loses quite a bit with its fresnel - but how about the AS25 with a narrow lens? I have looked at Arri's photometric calculator - but it doesn't seem to always be that accurate to my configs and output on set, beyond the lamp efficiency and age. Let me know if you have any thoughts, ideas or knowledge to share - don't hesitate. Cheers, - Jules.
  9. Hello there everyone, for an upcoming project we are required to move a 4kw HMI on some sort of dolly approximately 10-12m to simulate the sun moving across the room. The caveat is, that our location is on the first floor. Which means I need some sort of a smart solution to secure a wind-up stand (extended all the way to approx. 4m) against tipping over, whilst at the same time begin able to move it along the tracks. Ive been thinking about constructing a larger platform for a GFM Quad-Dolly made out of wood or similar material with extendable aluminum struts so we could tie the lamp down to the platform in order to prevent it from moving. Not too sure if this will work though. Maybe one of has had a similar issue in the past and would like to share her/his approche. Thanks in advance and stay healthy, Montell
  10. I'm in the process of putting together a lighting style for an upcoming horror feature that I am shooting. Will we be on the Alexa Classic. Question: When shooting interiors, are there perks to using a blue-gelled Maxi Brute rather than an HMI when it comes to simulating daylight? There will be tungsten practicals in the shot as well.
  11. Hey gents, So I tested the Forza 500 up against my Profoto 1200w HMI today, and figured some of you might be interested in the results. Long-story short? I was sadly underwhelmed by the output of the Forza. Colour-wise the Forza was very impressive. Effectively equivalent to the HMI bulb according to my spectrometer. And the beam from the LED is remarkably even too (evidently a COB has significant advantages over an open-faced point-source light in this regard) Output-wise however, there's clearly still no replacement for displacement. At 800 ISO and somewhere around 4-5 meters away from the lights (I didn't measure the distance, as I was only interested in comparative output), using a 50 degree Profoto Magnum reflector on the HMI (focussed to an evenly-spread beam), and the Forza's slightly tighter-beamed standard reflector, the numbers came in at: - Profoto 1200w HMI: f/11 + 2/10 - Forza 500w LED: f/5.6 + 8/10 So approximately a 1.5 stop advantage to the HMI (that's three times more output - you'd need three Forza 500s to match the output of the 1200w Profoto) Pairing the Forza up with it's Fresnel attachment (which works well, and has a pretty remarkable 45-10 degree range) I got: - Forza 500w LED @ 45 degrees: f/5.6 + 1/2 - Forza 500w LED @ 20 degrees: f/8 + 6/10 - Forza 500w LED @ 10 degrees: f/11 + 1/2 Zooming the Magnum reflector on the Profoto in to create it's most intense hotspot (the hotspot being about twice the width of the Forza at 10 degrees - but the outer edges of the beam still spreading close to 50 degrees overall) I got: - Profoto 1200w HMI: f/22 + 8/10 That's just a hair shy of f/32 (and with broad-beam reflector). With a tighter reflector that didn't lose as many lumens to the broader surrounding beam/spill those numbers would go up even higher. Which suggests to me that these higher-output COB LEDs are basically still on par with HMI on a lumens-per-watt basis. Now if we were comparing to an HMI fresnel, we'd lose around a stop to the lens, and there'd be less in it (maybe only half a stop). But compared to any open-face HMI (bug-lights like the K5600 Jokers or this Profoto of mine, or any Arrimax HMI like the M18) there's still a massive difference in output. I was kinda hoping there wouldn't be, so I could pick up the Forza 500 or the Aputure 600 and have all the output delights of the smaller HMIs, without the all bulb-blowing/5-minute warm-up times/and the joys of proper colour-shiftless dimming. But I fear we'll be waiting some time yet before we get there.
  12. Hello there folks. My 2.5 strand hmi barn doors have unfortunately have gone missing. This light is a linch pin in my kit and is pretty useless without the barn doors. I just wondered if anyone had any spare ones they are willing to sell. I have searched the internet looking for them and had no luck. Any leads or suggestions of where to look would be deeply appreciated.
  13. I have a shoot coming up and we're planning on using a chimera L on a daylight fresnel. I don't use chimeras much and I need to pick which size light to use. A D12 is going to be much easier to rig, but we have the option of using a D25 if we need the extra stop of light. Budget is tight and we can only afford one light. I find the arri photometrics app handy for direct sources and was wondering if I could find any info on how much the chimera is going to cut the light by ? Say x ft away, for a 1.2k source how much light will I get centre and off to the sides by about 30º ? Would be nice if chimera provided a photometric map of the light falloff for 1 or 2 typical sources, but they don't unfortunately.
  14. The owner of Commons Productions, Spencer Commons, is retiring. He’s been in the lighting business for 30+ years. I’ve learned a bunch from him about being a gaffer. He’s now selling his grip and lighting equipment - c-stands, kino flo, tungsten, LED, hmi, flags, electric ... you name it, he’s probably got it. Prices are good. http://www.commonsproductions.com
  15. Hey all! I'm doing a showreel shoot this August, and it will probably be really sunny and have a out door location coming up. Due to the limited budget and power available, the biggest light i can get is a off brand 2.5k HMI and a home made 6by diffusion from shower curtain. I was wonder if these are enough to make a impact? My indie rental house didn't tell me which model of HMI we are getting, but it's safe to assume it won't be as effective as the Arris (maybe matching output of M18 idf we're lucky) . I'm not diffusion the light, maybe a 1/4 or 1/8 cto max for some scenes. Any input will be appreciated as always. Jing
  16. In one of the book I am reading, it says "Most of them (HMI Lighting) run on 240 volts and can be used only with crystal cameras." I didn't get any clear information on crystal cameras in google search. What does crystal camera mean? Thanks.
  17. Hey everyone, I'm wondering if I were to use a 1.2k HMI with a magnetic ballast in the UK on wall power (50hz) - if keeping my shutter angle at 180, will I get flicker at 50fps or 100fps or is it only likely to happen when I move off these frame rates? I know magnetic ballasts can be a little more finicky for flicker.
  18. I read online that you can ONLY use HMI lights with inverter generators. Question 1: What would happen if I tried to power an M18 with a generator that was not inverter? It's just a regular gas genny. Would that damage the light or ballast? Would it just not work? Questions 2: I have a Ryobi 1800w running watt, 2300 starting watt generator seen here: I'm told that hmi's require a higher wattage when striking. Would I be able to strike an m18 with this Ryobi generator? Is 2300 enough to strike it? What's the wattage required to strike? Question 3: If I tried to strike the m18 on that ryobi genny and it was not enough power, what would happen? Would the light just not turn on? Is there any risk of damaging the light when you try to strike it and there is not sufficient power?
  19. Hi again everyone. Not really a question this time but would wanted to show my lighting plan for an upcoming project to get some feedback. I have attached my lighting plan... The talent will be talking to camera and cooking. The background will be dressed with Christmas decorations and what not to celebrate the coming season. I want the lighting to be very soft and cold, to have that winter feel. I'm shooting it all in daytime. I'm using an M18 through the left window (only window our too the left) through a bed sheet which will highlight the background and rim our talent. The other M18 is inside in front of the talent which will be my key for her. I plan to bounce it and have the light come through another bedsheet to get it softer. For the fill, I will bounce it in from my M18 sources. I guess actually I do have a proper question. Would you recommend an Arri Skypanel S30C through multiple diffusion instead of the M18 inside? The kitchen is very small so I did think at one point maybe I should go for that instead. The shoot will start early and end before sunset. Anyways any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks so much!
  20. Ebay Listing - https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/302662389272?rt=nc
  21. Both working, both are in reasonable condition. One has barn doors, other hasn't They're big and heavy, so I'll ship to Europe only. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/202085601853?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 https://www.ebay.ie/itm/202085600277?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 I also have one 4k Sirio HMI with magnetic ballast, I'll also will let it go if someone interested
  22. Hi everybody I am preparing a shooting as a gaffer, on a non-stage interior and I am looking for the best way to light a 6x6m. (20x20') green screen and white screen. Here is the camera configuration: Red epic dragon (maybe an Hellium sensor, depending on the production department) 25 fps 1/250 ISO 800 Zeiss CP2 The topic of the video is a free-fall simulator demonstration. We are shooting at night for day, in an area from a shopping center measuring 14m. large x 7m. long x 14m. tall (46' large x 23' long x 46' tall). There are not structures to hang on the fixtures. On the back there is a window as big as the wall (46x46'), against a steel structure where we are going to hang a 20x20' green screen. We have, of course, a tight budget so we cannot afford a trilite structure (stage columns...), which is far more expensive as we thought (5K€). On the other side, we can afford 2 articulated boom lifts, high and long enough to top light the green screen. I am thinking to hang the fixtures at 8m. (26') We are using HMI fixtures to key and backlighting (3 Arrisun 2,5K), as well as 2 Skypanels S60C. So... I am thinking about using 2 "K5600's Alpha 4k" with the "space beam/space light" configuration, the first at 2 meters (6,5') from the edge of the screen, and the second at 4 meters (13'). So I am wondering if: 1. Is it enough to evenly light the 20x20' green screen, 2. Will it have enough output to properly light it. We are only doing a few shots on green screen. After that, we are going against white screen (same area). Do you think the same configuration will be enough to have a nice white background? I hope my explanation is good enough. I can upload a plan if you need. Thanks for your feedback! PS: I apologize for my english mistakes.
  23. I have a MUST SELL great deal! A 12k Sunray HMI Fresnel with Magnetic Ballast, all cables in perfect condition, scrim set in box, front cover, and a roller dolly. The kicker is it has a BRAND NEW never lit globe (a $1,000 Value!) I'm in North Hollywood and selling it all for only $3,000! I love this light, and the paint is good, no dents, the internals are good (reflector and wires are in great condition) and the glass is clean with no damage! It was barely used, just stored forever. Everything is included (But NO STAND). Below are more detailed photos. Please call me at 818-339-6933 or email me at timacs@me.com Thanks, Tim Alexander
  24. Hi, i'm currently in my second year of Uni and for my dissertation my question is "Will LEDs Lights be able to replace every type of light used in film production? " If anybody who has knowledge of different types of lights could help? By doing this questionnaire I'd really appreciate it thank you. :) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd75cWHDKLyzAQ4gygI19yFEOWUUhkpW1tTUJZZWWP9uVXvmA
  25. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dedolight-5Ft-Panaura-Daylight-Tungsten-Kit-Eggcrate-/302468506880?hash=item466c872500:g:PVsAAOSwkWNZobb3
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