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JD Hartman

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Everything posted by JD Hartman

  1. Is there more to it somewhere? Would like to have seen more footage of their toys, less of the dancers and maybe some CNC machining porn thrown in for good measure.
  2. ...start with a sightly softer/larger source...and what? Can I put a lens in front of a SkyPanel? Can I fire the beam down a Source4 and nail a area on set that the DP wants highlighted? It's got a crapload of point sources, how controllable is the output? Yes, I've used them, they are versatile. I know Arri makes barndoors for the fixture, but how effective are they? No one solution fits all situations, I wouldn't want a truckload of only Jokers anymore than I want a truckload of just SkyPanels or any other one type of fixture. When all you have is a hammer, everything in the world starts to look like a nail.
  3. Have re-habbed a number of Joker 400's and 800's. Biggest issues, lost, stripped and cross threaded screws, broken Fresnel and Medium lenses partly due to poor case design (lens pouch in lid) and partly due to medium lenses that stress crack. Much of the damage is caused by technicians that shouldn't be on any film set. Otherwise a fine, versatile fixture. I like how the Joker 1600 incorporates a telescoping handtruck into the case. Can't see how you can wrong with the Joker 800 or 1600. I don't see how the Arri Sky-panel could be compared to Joker or M18, different animal entirely.
  4. Are you saying you don't trust the baggage handlers to give your equipment the care and respect it deserves?? I'd look at archery cases. I'm sure you can find a hard bow case that will fit the Litemat and all the accessories. Might require a little custom foam work to keep the battery packs restrained and secured.
  5. Because it would cost you. How much I don't know, but you want it stored "somewhere" with the assurance of multiple backup copies, You'd also want proof of real insurance, so that when they lose your data, you can recover adequate compensation for the irretrievable loss. Saved on filmstock or to magnetic tape would outlast any type disc drive or other spinning media.
  6. Out of curiosity, how is the jacket marked? Type S or SO cordage (600VAC) will have a jacket that is nearly twice as this as SJ (S junior, 300VAC).
  7. Meh....still no dog in the film. Wouldn't a Basenji be a appropriate choice as a animal co-star or supporting actor? Warning the boy of poachers hiding in the bush?
  8. Is that a Times Square fixture? What diameter lens? You'll have to check out the lamp specs, LCL, etc., but I'd think an ESP globe should work. Maybe it's just the image, but one of the contacts in the socket look like toast from arcing.
  9. That's probably a question for the accounting department. If you're shooting a film with a multi-million dollar budget, who cares? How many partially used rolls of gaff tape were taken home by the crew? Once again, who cares? In the grand scheme of the things, the costs don't amount to "a piss hole in snow".
  10. First thing that seems odd is they aren't painted Mole Maroon. I'd go over to ControlBooth dot com and ask member Ship if he's ever seen a similar Mole fixture. He's pretty much the resident expert on old lighting gear.
  11. Greg your posts display some sort of grudge against Tyler. Your actions are those of a forum Troll. Maybe you should seek professional help. Maybe you should just be banned.
  12. Take another look Phil. In the manner it's constructed, it doubles the surface presented to the wind.
  13. How does it perform outdoors in a crosswind? All those flat members that make up that scissor frame must be subjected to quite a lot of bending forces.
  14. So the guys that transitioned into DIT work could troubleshoot electronic circuits and repair them? To call them Engineers is an insult to anyone who has earned their Engineering degree or driven a train. I really think that Macks is looking for an electronics repair technician and if he search for TV repair he might find one.
  15. Video Engineers?? You mean TV/VCR/Video camera repairmen? Better hurry quick, most TV repair shops went out of business long ago.
  16. Flag and scrim bag as made by Matthews, Advantage Gripware, etc. or scrim box made or Coroplast.
  17. An ARRI M40 will strike and operate reliable on a Honda 6500/7000eu generator. Use the 220VAC twistlock outlet with a 60A bates adapter. Don't let anyone plug anything else into the bates since it will be at 240V. Yes this does happen.
  18. Is it worse than the, "Shot an an Iphone..." stuff?
  19. Doesn't look like cotton muslin to me. If it is, it's a very light weight, open weave. Beyond that no answer for you. Usually it's only a single layer.
  20. Yes, I probably have some in my spares. Won't be able to check until sometime on the weekend. Just one? Any other sizes?
  21. Not having an unlimited budget for purchasing lights, three or four Tungsten lights beats the pants off one Astra 1x1 LED.
  22. Still and all, if I were lighting it I'd want to see it at night. No exterior lighting other than the two streetlights? I'm sure you don't want the view out the window to be a black hole. You might want to add some simulated streetlight splash on the wall of the building that's seen through the end windows.
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