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David Sekanina

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Everything posted by David Sekanina

  1. I thought you shouldn't run print stock through your camera, as it has an polyester base which is much harder to tear than the acetate base of negative stock. Should a problem occur while the film runs through the camera, it would not tear and might damage the movement.
  2. check your format mask box Tyler - I was surprised myself to find this
  3. maybe your swing away arm (support) is bent and off axis.
  4. No problem either with a Chrosziel 450-02 on an XTR Prod
  5. there's an LTR on BBList: https://www.bblist.co.uk/item.php?item=75427 and a few SRs and another LTR on cameramarket.eu
  6. The Cameflex and Arri 2C were popular budget 35mm cameras. But now you can sometimes find BL3 & 4 packages for 2.5-3.5K. Andree Martin has a 535 for 4500$, larger 535 packages usually go for 5.5-8K. 3perf ones are more expensive of course.
  7. An interesting technical paper from 1997 I came across discussing Arri, Aaton, Moviecam and even the Russian cameras and some Chinese clones. The Love of Look - IEEE Xplore
  8. Based on what criteria? He's one of the very few writer/directors who directs big budget movies that find a big audience, that is not a remake nor a superhero movie. He loves actors and has a very good command of his craft. I truly enjoyed Once upon a time - my favorite of his is still Jackie Brown.
  9. If you have an amazon prime video account (Netflix's compression is way to aggressive), have a look at some of the interior and night scenes in Mississippi Burning. I could not get such a grainy image on 16mm, even if I pushed 500T by a stop.
  10. Hi Uli Living in Switzerland, I'm in a similar situation with my film cameras. I would get a carnet for your camera because it'll prove instantly you only temporarily bring the camera to the EU, so you don't have to pay taxes. I don't think it matters if it's for a personal project or a professional one - also, how would you prove this? Look at it from the customs side: how would they know you didn't buy the camera while visiting Germany and try to get it to the UK without paying taxes. The carnet clarifies that.
  11. Heidi, you have a camera that is sought after, but to get the best price, I suggest you buy a big sheet of white paper as a backdrop and take pictures of the camera and lenses from various angles (and like Tyler said, of the gate, mirror, pressure plates of the mags).
  12. with the hair trapped and squished in-between the perfs, this looks like a flatbed scan of a few frames to me, not a typical film scan
  13. hmm. the helical gear is pinned, so unless the pin broke, i don't see how the helical gear of the mirror shaft could get out of sync
  14. if you need a part for the repair, let me know Tyler
  15. also wanted, non functioning Moviecam SL or Compact for parts
  16. with lab work being sometimes similar in some labs but scanning more expensive, i I think you'll end up with 150-200% of the cost of 16mm - Tyler for sure could give you more precise numbers for the US
  17. With 400ft you get around 9minutes in 35 2 perf, vs 11 minutes in 16. 35mm film stock is still around 1/3 more expensive.
  18. For a more compact solution than the micro cinema camera you can buy the IO Industries 2K. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1425613-REG/io_industries_2ksdiminid_camera_2k_1080p_i_720p.html It's nice because it is a 2/3" sized sensor, like most taps, so existing relay lenses will work, if the previous sensor was also 2/3". It also has standard frame rates of 24,25,29.97,30,50,59.94, and 60fps which will result in a flicker free image, if the camera is running at the same. You would have to set the tap's frame rate manually , so it is the same is the camera frame rate. For a more automated solution you could use the tri-level sync input, but this would require a special board. Maybe Aapo would be up for a development ? At any other frame rate, than the ones listed above, you would have a slightly visible rolling bar - because the camera doesn't have a frame buffer.
  19. If you want to spend a few minutes or hours marveling at cameras and other equipment, the cinematheque has taken wonderful pictures of their collection: https://www.cinematheque.fr/fr/catalogues/appareils/collection.html like this marvelous 35II mod by Panavision used for underwater filming:
  20. Please Tyler, don't tell him to cut a hole into the actors abdomen, because you've done some film-set surgery before ?
  21. Looking for a Moviecam SL Mk I or II, ideally located in Europe. I know of two currently located with brokers, wondering if there are more out there.
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