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  1. Aaton A-Minima S16 Camera Package $17,000.00 US Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/aaton-a-minima-s16-camera-package/ A-Minima PL Mount Body w/Top Handle Video Tap 3 Magazines Aaton Intervelometer Sachtler Touch & Go Quick Release Plate 2 Camera Power Cables Battery Charger 2 Battery Charging Cables 2 Short BNC Cables 1 12V Micro Force Y Cable 2 IBM Generic Power Cables Hardigg Case
  2. Covers S16, in mint condition. I recently had the lens cleaned, and the mechanics are smooth and the elements free of any scratches. Very little distortion for a 5.5mm lens. Asking for $5,500
  3. Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a Canon Super 16 zoom lens - 6,6-66m / 7-63mm / 8-64mm 8-64 / 11-165mm with PL mount. Thanks for any leads or offers Lukas
  4. For Sale : Optex 5.5mm T2 Prime Wide Angle S16 Lens Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  5. For Sale : Optex 8mm T2 S16 Wide Angle Prime Lens Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  6. Serviced By Andree At AM Camera Price : $69,000 USD Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-416-plus-s16-camera-kit/ 1 x Arri 416 Camera 1 x 416 Integrated Video System (IVS-2) 1 x Arri Heated Eyepiece 4 x OBB 2 batteries (2 newly re-celled and 2 in need of re-celling) 1 x On/ Off Pistol Grip 1 x 416 Handle 1 x Antenna 1 x Arri Clip On Shoulder Pad 1 x 416 Left Rod Bracket 1 x 416 Base Plate 1 x 416 Base Plate Sled 1 x 416 Low Mode Support Set 1 x Large Custom Peli Case Wheels Mags Case: 3 x 400′ Magazines Battery Case: 2 x Hawk-Woods Reel Power H-Series Li-Ion 26V Camera Battery (150Wh) 1 x Hawk-Woods 2-Channel B-Lok Simultaneous Fast Charger 1 x Battery Belt 1x Cable Belt To Camera. 1 x Power Cable
  7. Arri SR3 Advanced S16 Camera Package $18,500.00 : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-sr3-advanced-s16-camera-package/ SR3 Advanced Camera Package Includes: x2 400ft Mags AM Camera HD tap Tap remote and cables Eyepiece extension Ground Glass LWS bracket Bridgeplate Power cable
  8. I know there are many Krasnogorsk haters on this forum but I wanted to share this awesome project by Russian DP Max Ivanov. It's been 2 years in the works and so much effort has been put into this with a ton of custom machined parts and boards. Here are the specs as shared on the Instagram page for the project: - Camera works with 7-12V batteries (it has a 2-pin lemo connector for power input) - Swiss 100 watt BLDC Motor. (BLDC motors have longer service life and were installed on the Aaton A Minima, XTR Prod, Arri 416.) - Motor controlled and stabilized by a microcontroller - Sync is accurate to 0.001fps at 25fps. (between 0.01-0.001 at other framerates) - Framerates: 1-50 fps - Video tap is based on GoPro internals which allows to record the tap feed in-camera. (Max said he will be adding a cable clamp / adapter since it uses the unreliable micro-hdmi connection from the gopro internals) - Optical viewfinder can be used at the same time as the video tap - Wi-Fi control which allows to set framerate and run/stop wirelessly via your phone - Electronic footage counter. (Maintains footage count after being powered off and has a reset button) - Super 16 gate with ground glass adjustment mechanism. FFD can now be easily tuned and will be precisely set on every model. Max will also be selling a set of tools for calibrating the FFD on this camera so you will be able to calibrate it yourself (I can already hear some of you complaining about how nobody should attempt to do this on their own unless they're a trained technician) - Super 16 viewfinder with correct markings - PL Mount Obviously not a camera for every situation, like narrative projects or basically anything with dialogue. However, I think it's perfect for more abstract projects like music videos or fashion films, especially when you need to move fast and do dynamic handheld stuff. I have one preordered and am super excited to test it out once it's ready! (I think the current eta is March/April)
  9. FOR SALE: CANON 6.6-66 super 16 ZOOM PL mount lens Excellent condition. Bought it like new on cinematography.com three years ago. Used it for one documentary project (centerscanwith F5 - beautiful results.) No longer using it so it is time for it to find a new home. 5000 euro. Lens is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Can ship anywhere as long as you pay for freight costs. contact: petr@lomfilms.com
  10. Full set serviced less than a year ago by Charles Pickel at Serious Gear. The glass is pristine aside from a tiny pinprick on the rear element coating of the 9.5mm, has absolutely no effect on the image whatsoever. Message me if you're interested and want photos of the individual lenses, they really are absolutely pristine! Markings are in feet, NOT metric. Here are a couple projects I shot with these lenses, they produce some really beautiful images: https://www.fiokarpenko.com/thick-and-heavy https://www.fiokarpenko.com/howl Looking to get $14,000 for the full set.
  11. Hi Everyone, I've been getting lot of useful information from everyone on this forum. As you can see this is my first posting, and I would like to thank everyone here. After all this reading and learning....I've finally bought an Aaton A-minima Camera and starting to shoot next week for a project that I've been thinking & planning for awhile. I wanted to post this topic to see if i can get more information about the camera that I've bought & would like to know / learn how to look after this Camera,( general servicing tips?). Im including some information and couple of images below to start the conversation, I hope it will be helpful. I bought the camera from the first owner, camera used under 50 rolls...Camera was lightly used...the set that i've bought includes; -Aaton A-minima Body ( Serial No : A284 ) - Really curious about what this serial can tell? - -Magazines (x3) -Oppenheimer Battery Handle Accessory - anyone had an experience with this accessory ? Battery Handle (x2) Swan Neck" attachment Mini-Base 15mm rods (4+2inch) -Battery Charger, Cables, Pelican Case, some filmstocks, extra minima spools, cables....etc (for more images...) Thanks again, _Emrah
  12. Hey everyone! I have the BP-7 15mm studio baseplate for my SR3 and am looking to trade it for the 19mm version - the BP-6. Anyone out there interested in that trade? I just accidentally bought 19mm accessories for my SR3 thinking that the baseplate takes 19mm rods and just realized that I made a big mistake ?
  13. Hey everyone! I'm getting a super 16 camera in the near future and am in the market for some lenses, preferably something more budget friendly. Does anyone have any primes they're looking to get rid of? Ideally looking for a set of 3 fast lenses, something like a 7mm, 16mm, and 25mm. Thank you!
  14. Looking for a professional quality S16 camera package, please let me know if you're WTS or have a contact, thanks! Steve
  15. Hi, I'm student of cinematography and I'm looking for s16 camera package (preferrably Aaton or Arri sr) or/and s16 lens nojusdra at gmail, or p.m. here Thanks! Nojus
  16. Hello Community! I‘m searching for a Canon 8-64mm T2.4 S16 zoom lens. If someone want to sell one please write me! Greetings - Rick
  17. looking for a good clean example 8-64mm. thanks, david
  18. Hello! I am new to cinematography.com but very much enjoy getting to know the community! So I have a few lenses I would sell or trade - one is this - in my opinion really amazing S16 wide angle: I just don't use it often enough - so better off with someone who might need it regularly. Century Precision Optics 6mm T1.9 Series 2000 Super 16 Arri PL Mount Film Lens Super wide angle lens for Super 16 or cropped Sensors (like Red, F55, Blackmagic Pocket or S16 film etc). Very fast at T 1.9 with as little distortion as possible for a lens that wide. Has nearly 330 degrees focus throw and works like a charm. Arri PL mount, smooth focus and aperture gears. Glass is in excellent condition, no fungus, nothing visible inside the lens. Some sings of use on the mount and also on the outer body (as you see in the images). This is a professional and solid lens - excellent built quality and excellent visual performance. Should there be any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Asking for 1700$ Better quality pics: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1dlpmg2rid771m3/AABGsUyFTzvwto2QczEtRQtxa?dl=0 Located in Vienna, Austria - pickup or shipping worldwide
  19. Hello, I have two zeiss superspeeds MK3 ( s16 ) in fantastic condition. ( 12mm&16mm ) bought them 4719 EUR two years ago. . Willing to sell them for 4100 eur. or 2200/each if bought separately. pm for high resolution pics. Best
  20. I am having trouble focusing my K3. I've just got some footage back, almost all of it is, at least very soft, a lot of it is clearly out of focus. This is the first batch I have filmed since the camera was converted to S16. The conversion used a re-centered lens mount. The previous footage filmed was much better (not 100% sharp but acceptable). I have used 3 lenses, all with the same problem, Meteor 16-79, Belomo (Peleng) 8mm, and a Sun Actinon 80-200mm. The image in the viewfinder doesn't seem to come into focus as it should. The zoom lenses are quite poor, especially at the extremes, but do seem better in the middle focal lengths. Could this be an issue with the new lens mounting ring being too thick or thin, causing the focusing plane to have shifted? Any other thoughts / experience? Thanks Glen
  21. Hi there, I am new here, hello! ?My first question is about an Arriflex SR2 mag I just bought. I have a SR2 that was moified for S16 long time ago. Now I would like to know what modification I would need to do to use a normal SR mag with my camera. Is it only the pressure plate or are there any other modifications that I need to go through? I read somewhere that the tunnels must be widened but I dont really see why because the material is the same, isn't it? ? Yours, D.C.
  22. Hello, I am considering selling my Aaton xtr prod. it has been serviced from scratch at cinefacilites in Amsterdam, and it is in fantastic condition. Pm for photos, I am only willing to sell it in Europe ( shipping internationally would be too much of a hassle, it s a big case ). 15K eur, OBO I also have two Zeiss superspeeds s16 ( 12 and 16mm ) if you are interested. Sold separately. Location : the Netherlands Best Kimon
  23. Hi all, I own an Aaton XTR s16 camera. Currently I have a PL hard mount on the camera and have only used the camera with rented PL glass, but I also own the original Aaton Mount, which has a much shorter FFD than the PL mount (40mm compared with PL 52mm). So I’m looking for adapters that would allow me to put vintage lenses (with ffds between 40mm and 52mm) on the camera that will cover the s16 film plane (i.e. m42, Canon FD, Nikon f, etc). Does anyone know if there are any adapters out there that would allow me to put any of these lenses on my Aaton camera mount? If so, where can I find them? Thanks for your help! - Clay
  24. Hello, I'm looking for a Canon 8-64mm t2.4 OR 7-64mm t2.6 OR 6.6-66mm t2.7. I'm based in Copenhagen, Denmark. For tax and shipping concerns a lens currently inside the EU would be preferable - but I could pay for shipping from overseas if the price is right. Let me know what you've got! Best, Peter Hammer Documentary filmmaker
  25. Hi there, I believe that this is probably something that has been discussed before. But I hope there are some new things that can be brought up with this question. I have an upcoming project in the fall, and the director and I have decided that we want to have the anamorphic look for a short we will be making. Now the flares are not the most important thing, but rather the vast image that we are going for. The problem is how to achieve it. First idea would be to use my own S16 Eclair ACL, with an PL adapter, and we were considering renting pure 1.33x anamorphics. But as far as I know, the only ones to rent at the Hawk's, and they would cost us pretty much the complete production budget to get a set. Second idea we had is to use a R16 Arriflex SR and put Kowa 2x on it. The real issue here would just be the wider shots, since we basically loose all the width in the image. Third idea is to invest in a Panasonic AG-LA7200 adapter, with a 0.25 diopter, and use B4 lenses on the ACL to get the image we are going for. I also have a person that can make a M4/3 adapter for the ACL, so any M4/3 solution would work as well, but honestly I am open to any ideas you might have. And yes, both me and director are 100% set on shooting on film stock. C
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