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Plastic film cores

Tim Flower

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I was wondering whether anyone knows a good place to buy 2 inch plastic film cores for an Arri SR2? I can only see a few for sale on eBay with quite high shipping prices. Quite a lot to pay for something that will be sent off to the lab.


Also, could anyone enlighten me to the different uses of 2 inch vs 3 inch film cores? are 2 inch to hold 100' rolls and 3 inch for 400'?


Many thanks!

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Contact your nearest lab Tim !

If they expect to receive your films for processing, they'll usually supply cores and cans for free.


16mm 2" cores are used for 400ft camera rolls, whereas 3" and 4" are used for editing and processed rolls and prints.

100ft lengths are normally supplied on 'daylight loading' spools.


John S -_-

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I was wondering whether anyone knows a good place to buy 2 inch plastic film cores for an Arri SR2? I can only see a few for sale on eBay with quite high shipping prices. Quite a lot to pay for something that will be sent off to the lab.


Also, could anyone enlighten me to the different uses of 2 inch vs 3 inch film cores? are 2 inch to hold 100' rolls and 3 inch for 400'?


Many thanks!

As John says, it's hardly a thing anymore because no-one edits on film, but 3" cores handle film better on a Steenbeck. The takeup tends to be smoother.

Traditionally labs doubled up neg rolls after processing. So they win one core per 800' of neg....

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From distant memory doesn't the SR2 take up side of the mag have a mechanical take up thing.. you slip a bit of film in and then lock it.. so you dont need a core for the take up side.. and actually a mass a load of them from the empty feed side..?.


Yes, Arri made a 'collapsible' two inch core ( bottom of picture ) for take-up, and one inch core adaptors ( top of picture ) for take-off - film on cores ( and take-up using cores ).


You have to make sure you remove ( and preferably replace ) the collapsible core before the film went off to the lab otherwise you'd never see it again !


Image taken from Arri SR3 manual


John S B)


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Yes, Arri made a 'collapsible' two inch core ( bottom of picture ) for take-up, and one inch core adaptors ( top of picture ) for take-off - film on cores ( and take-up using cores ).


You have to make sure you remove ( and preferably replace ) the collapsible core before the film went off to the lab otherwise you'd never see it again !


Image taken from Arri SR3 manual


John S B)


Yes that's the one.. haven't seen that for many years !.. quite tricky with the unload .. had to tighten the roll or the inside could fall out !.. so re the OP he shouldn't need cores for his SR2 mags ..? nes par..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Premium Member


Sorry I missed your post here. I live in Auckland, though I'm not really active at the moment.


Re cores, anyone that's running a processor is worth asking. There is Ian at Reversal Cine in Auckland and the Archive guys in Wellington.




Rebecca Nuttall


You may be already well aware of both. Either may help with processing or consumables if approached the right way. When I emailed Rebecca a couple months ago they were just begining to think about how to take outside work. I didn't have time to chase that up (say sorry from me on that). Ian seems really passionate but may not have a lot of resources. Anyone in Auckland should give him whatever help they can.


There will be a few people in Auckland with cans of old film. At least the black bags and cores will be ok.


I do have a few Arri 16mm collapsible cores I could sell, but I don't have enough 2" cores to really sell any.


If you are into S16, I may have other stuff that is interesting...


You can PM me for email and ph number.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,

do you know, if it is OK to send 35mm film to lab without a film core ?

I have used Arri SRs, so all my 16mm work had no cores, but I wonder, if it is the same for 35mm stuff.

Because there are only a few magazine types with collapsible core.

The last I remember is 400ft for Arri 35-3.



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  • Premium Member

Hi guys,

do you know, if it is OK to send 35mm film to lab without a film core ?


It's not preferred but generally it can be ok; just make sure you CLEARLY note that it doesn't have a core for the lab because they will have to insert one. Obviously make sure the outer end is taped securely so it doesn't un-spool in transit. Best to call the lab before and make sure to follow what they suggest.

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It is generally not an issue to send 35mm or 16mm to the lab without a core, just put the roll in the bag and can and try to pack it securely.


Lab techs are pretty expert in the art of fitting cores into rolls without them and we have cores which have been turned down a bit in the machine shop to fit stubborn rolls.


The roll will be assembled into a bigger lab roll to be put on the processor usually.

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